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<br /> , , STATB OF NB9RASKA ) -�--��
<br /> . ) ss. �
<br /> - COUNTX OF HALL ) �
<br />_ ^ U
<br /> ,:; COMES NOW� the undeYeigned, being first duly sworn upon oath, —
<br /> '� and depoees and states that the undersigned knows the Decedent and
<br />-�" �•._ „ � the surviving spouse of the Decedent and that the follawing
<br />*-'�'�- information ia true and correct.
<br />=�'s'� �' `� 1. Name of Decedent : Darlene D. Moffett
<br />��-� � Date of Death: July 11, 1997
<br />�- �� � Domicile at Death: Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> ��.-': � ' Name of Surviving Spouse: Richard W. Moffett
<br />-;:.c....,. '� Date of Marriage : March 30, 1956
<br /> ;,>Y��.:"��
<br />�:�•:�-t,��� ,
<br />��r.��r:.:�-:;; 2. The Af f iant ie the daughter of the Decedent and, in that
<br /> �;;;;';'•�""; capacity, is familiar with the marital status and the death of the
<br /> _--�w�,�, Decedent.
<br /> � ",�
<br /> --�. °, 3, That there is no federal estate tax, Nebraska inheritance
<br /> -- :�4�� tax or Nebraska estate tax due.
<br /> v==—v�� 4. Title to the following described real estaCe is held by
<br /> �' �"�� the Decedent and the surviving epouse in j oint tenancy, to-wit:
<br />�._,�,:;e:,�.�■
<br /> �.��'��
<br /> -- Lot One (1) , Moffett 5ubdivision, in the Southeast
<br /> __..,,:,.�„�,._ Quarter (SB i/4) of Section Bighteen (18) . Tawnehip
<br /> ----N�-�,�, Twelve (12) North, Itange Bleven (11) We3t of the 6th
<br />�� P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom a tract
<br /> � - of land more particularly described as followe:
<br /> _ ���j�1J�� Beginning at a point on the east line of said Southeast
<br /> -'�..� Quarter (SB 1/4) , said point being Seven Hundred Forty
<br /> "`����� Nine and Ninety Six Hundredths (749.96) feet north of the
<br /> � � southeast corner of eaid Southeaet Quarter (SB 1/4) ;
<br /> _-'`��%� thence defiecting left 90° and ruruling westerly a
<br /> _�-_�.,� distance of Fifty (50 .0) feet; thence deflecting right 90 °
<br />_._:A;i���+�e_��
<br /> --,-=.�,�;,(BC�IYif ,1� and running nort�erly a dist-�ce of One Hundred Fifty
<br /> w.,'����,,�:; �- (150.0) feet; thence defle� left 90 ° and running
<br />�.,:�.:���.•,.;l; westerly, a distance of (10. 0) feet; thence
<br /> '.';x�?�:��,�, deflecting right 90° and runrii� �rtherly, a distance of
<br />_,.�::: ,�:},-,,;, One Hundred Bighty Nine and �eventy One Hundredths
<br /> , (189.71) feet, thence deflectir�g right 153° 55'40" and
<br /> -- running soutrieasterly, a distance of Forty Five and Fifty
<br /> _',.�r_-� , � One Hundredthe (95 .51) feet; thence deflecting left 63 ° _
<br /> ' � � 55' 40" and running eaeterly, a distance of Forty (40 .0) _
<br /> � '�l: feet to a point on the eaet line of said Southeasti _
<br /> �I":��`.x Quarter (S� i/4) ; tkience deflecting rig�it and runn3ng _
<br /> Rn��r.t,pr�v. alonc and unon the east line of said Southeast
<br /> ._.�•-���,. Quarter (SE 1/4 j, a dis:ance of Two Hundr:.a Ninety Bight
<br /> � ,. � and Eighty Thr�e Hundredths (298.83) feet to the actual
<br /> �' Point of Beginning and containing 0. 38 acres, more of
<br /> �� lesa, of which 0.27 acres, more or less, is presently
<br /> occupied by put�lic road right o� way. _:
<br /> �,
<br />-, ,
<br /> - ;
<br />