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<br /> : �. . , ,
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<br /> JBFF L STA4ti8 CZNAY A STA(30S q� �069�� 101162 OA/Z1/1997 ,, ' • ���-��-`. �
<br /> � i . �f+�i'.IR�3'�f}�
<br /> �1. . .:.:'J�=��
<br /> 9.Cond[mn�tlon.T4e pracc=ds of tny awar oi cl�ira for dima�es, dlrect or coacequrnd�l. in cannection with�ny . ,
<br /> condemnadoa or cxher takln� of the Praperty, or put thereof, or far convey�nce in lieu of condemmd�n, ue heceby �
<br /> assignea aad shall be p�tid to Lender,subJat to the ter�ns of any manQage.deed of uust or otlur secnrtty�reement with a
<br /> Ilen which hac priority over thfa Dted of Trust.
<br /> 10. Borrowa Na Rdaued; Forbarance B7 Le"da' No� • Wu�a'• gx�enston of the tlme for p�yment or __
<br /> i modiflc�doa af�nwrtlradon of thc sumv secund by tdls Dced of Teust Qrnntcd by l,onder to u►y successor in intecest of -
<br /> Hcirrower ahall aot opente to c�elesue, in eny nunnrr, the liabiliry of du od�inal Boirower and Borrower's cuccessors in �
<br /> � iaterest. Lender slull not be required ro coronxnce proceedia�s aQ�inst such successor or retiisc ro eatend dme for paymenc ��
<br /> ' � or ot&ervvise modify atuortiudon of tGe sums secured by this Deed�f Trust by reuon of tny daa�and[uade by the od�it�l • „ --
<br /> Boet+ower ted Barrower's surceuors In ipterest. Aay forbeu�nce by Lender in eaercisin�any ri�ut or remedy l�ercundec.
<br /> or otberwlce afforded by applicable l�w, �tull nat tx a watver of or preclude the exerclse of any such d�ht or remody. •
<br /> • 11. Succa�or�e�nd A�Ipr�dt 7oIM and Se•enl Llabllitr;Co-sipsen. The covenmts wd yrameats herein �
<br /> � wnained stull bind.�nd the d�hhts hereunder st�ll inure to,the respecdve successacs and trsi��of Lender aad Bocrower. -
<br /> ' subject to thc provleiot�af p�n�raph 16 dcreof. All coveaants u�d a�reeroenta of Borrower shall be joint�nd sGVer�1. , . , . _
<br /> ; pqy Borrower who co•si�us this Deed of Tcust,but does uot execute tl�e Note. (�)ls co•sl�ain�this Dad of Tnut only to . , j,,�.�L , ._
<br /> gtant�ad wnvey thwt Boaower's iuterast ta tt►e Propercy w Trustee undre tl�e terms uf this Dud of Trust. (b) is not . �x= -
<br /> •�,��,.w.s�:..
<br /> personally liabla ou We Note ar under thle Decd of Tcust, and(e)a�rets thit Lender ond�ny�ther Borrower hecewider _�;'`+s;�,�
<br /> �� a�y tgrce to extend,modlfy, forbeu,or mwke any otber wccommodadons with reQud w the tecros af tbis Dad of Trust or .���
<br /> I .,�.�
<br /> the Note. witl�out that Borrower's consent nnd wtthou[ rcleas{ng t6at Borrower or roodjfying thls Deed of Trust as to tha[
<br /> • Borrower's intecest in the Property. •''°,
<br /> ; 12. Notia. Hxcept for u►y nodce required uoder ipplicible law to be given in another manuer. (t) any notice to .'�;�.L
<br /> �csrower provided far in this Doed of fnut shxll be givea by delivering it ot by ms{iin�such notice by ardfied mW :}•,�
<br /> �, oddressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Bormwer may desi�aau by naice w L.ender as .,_;�"
<br /> ; provided herein.and(b)anY nodce to L.e�er sl�all be given by certified m�il to Lender's address suted henia or to such .�:��.;
<br /> 110 rc..r•
<br /> . other addrESS ns 1-end�r maY daignate by nodce to Bonower As provided hereia. Any nodce provided for in this Dad of � �;w�-:
<br /> ;� t i Tc�t s6�tll be deemed co have beea given to Borrower or Lender when given ln the manner designstod herein.
<br /> r:-
<br /> . 13, Co�ernlns I.�w;SeverabUity.The stau and local laws applicable to tbIs Deed of Tnut shtll be the l4ws of t&e '��:�°
<br /> . •, t jurisdicdon in which the Propercy is located. The foregoing sencence sl�ll not limit the applicabiliry of Fedenl law to�his .�� '
<br /> � Doed of Tcust. In the eveat t6nt any provision or clause of this Decd of Tcust or the Note coaflicts with appUc�bla law. � ': _
<br /> such conflict sh�ll not affect other provisIoas of this Deed of Trost or tl�e Note wluch can be given e�"xt without the �,.:�;�'
<br /> conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Dad of Tcusc aud tl�e Note pre d o c l u o d to b a sev c r a ble. As . '�����
<br /> �� usod 4enin, "costs". 'expenses' and "attoraeys' fees" include aU sums to the extent rot prohibiud by�pplicaisle law or ��.�_
<br /> �. limiud Lerein.
<br /> _ :� 14. Bo�mwer'e Copy. Bar�� :er shQU be furnished a wnterm�ed copy of cbc ivoce aou uf iLls B�d�f Truct:t tttc
<br /> dme of execudon or after recordaaon hereof. —
<br /> 15. Re�Mlitation Lo�n A�ait. Borrower s1W1 fulfill all of Bocrower's obligatioas under any lwme �
<br /> ' iebablliqdon.improvemeat.npair or other low agrcemenc which Borrower enters iuto with Lender. I.ocder,at Lender's --
<br /> • optioa, mry iequire Borrower to eaecuu and deliver to Le�er. in a forn� acceprable to Lender.an�sslgnmeat of any --
<br /> �;:� — —
<br /> � . rights.eLims or defenses ahich Borrower m�y have agw�st pudes who suPP1Y Lbc�r.mateci�ls or servlr,es in connecdon _
<br /> � -� with�mpmvements m�de co the Propecri• -
<br /> . ; 16.Trania ot the Property or a BeaeticW Inta+eet W Borrower. If ill or any put of tbe Propecty a aay�
<br /> in it is sold or uancKrced (or if a be�ficial intensc ia Baaower is sold or te�nsferced aad aoaowa is ao�s n�l
<br /> person) wlthout Le�er's prior wrIaea coasent.J.ender may,u its opdon,ro4uire immediste WYmrnt ia full of all svms R�
<br /> " secured by this Doed of Tnut.However,this opaon slnll not be eaec�ised by Lender if exercise�a pmhibited by federal -
<br /> . Lw�s of the due of this Deed of Tn�st. =
<br /> . r%< If Le�er exercises this opdon, Lender s6all give Borrower nodce of acc:ler�don Th�nndce stu�ll provide a period
<br /> • ' of not less tlun 30 days from the date the nodce is delivered or maibed witlun whtch Borrower must pay all sums securod
<br />� . • by d�is Dood of Tcust. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ta tbe expiradon of this period. Lemer miy iavake any �
<br /> remedios permtued by ttris Dud of Tcust without further nodce or dem�n�d oa Borrower. _
<br /> NoN-UNA7oRM CovEN�NTS. Borrower and Lender further coveuuu and agree�s fallows: ��-_
<br /> : 17. Aooderation. Remedies. Facapt as provtded in par�xph 16 bareof, upon Borrower's breach a� �ny K__�
<br /> , s� oo�ena� or a�rammt of Borrower !n ehis Dad of Tn�st. inciudlns�orrower's fiflure to Wy,by the end of 10 - --
<br /> - . calend�r daye atta�t6e�' are due,aqti'su�ns secured by this need ot Tnnt� I.enda'Wia'ta�ooderatlon aball=he =;
<br /> • ' aotla to Borrower as prodded In para�raph 12 liereof specifyinf: (1)the breac63 (2) the action reqtdred to cure ___ -__-
<br />', auch bra�ch3 (3)a datq not less than ZO days from tUe date tde notice l�malled to Borrowar�by whlch surh brac6 �---�� =
<br />- � mu�t be eue+ed;and(4)that fWur�to cun such bnach on or befon t6e date specitled In t6e uotioe ma7 reault in �,,��°
<br /> ' �!". a�ration ot tl�e sum+s e c u r e d by t h i� D a d o t T r u ti t�n d�a l e o[t h e P r o p a�t y. T h e n o t t a s h�U f u rt 6 a i n f o r m �;�_---�
<br /> W��.P.��.__
<br /> ' �f Bocrov�a�of tbe dj6t w rel�sstate afta Aocdaation and t6e rl�hit to 6rina a wurt acdon tu a�t the nonezistenoe o[ �, �=:
<br /> 6t �ss �.�:
<br /> � a detault or any otder defense of Borrowar to accdaaUon and sale. It t6e brach is nat cured on or be[ore the date •:,. ' -
<br /> specitied In the uodce, La�der. at Lenddr's option�may declu+e all of the aun�secured by thls Deed ot Tnnt to be "._ .. . :,:','.r
<br />_ `�. immedlatdy due and payable v�itbout fu�tt�er danand and may invoke t6e power of sale and aq� otha remedies '�e:+r• ,.�,,,•.:
<br /> .c':•,:.
<br />- �:�. p�� 57 �PP�a� law. Lmder sl�all be endded to collect all rieasonable co�ta and expe�ea Encurred In �'�:E,;,-:;`:
<br /> h 17,includin�,but not limltetl to�rea9onable attocne�s' [ees. " '+":`,J�;"Y`'
<br /> . • Pu�uin�the e�emedle�provided in tdiv para�xp ,
<br /> e em
<br /> ,.���.,.`.;•..
<br /> It tl�e�ovrer ot eak Ls invoked.Tc�tee st�ll record a notioe o[defauit tn ach county Un whlch �� w4 to `� ��� , �
<br /> soux put tbectiof b located nnd stull mW coptes o[suc6 noUa in t6e manaer preeex�lbed b]�PP
<br /> -- Borrowa and to tbe otbar pa�sons Preaa�ibed by applicable IRw.ARer the laps�of such time as my�be requlred by
<br /> � . .----. --. ._ wdlcabk litw� Truetea sliall�fi�e pubUc not[ce of sale to the pexaom snd tn the ma�uxr prescribed by appUabk
<br /> .__._. ...... .- -- "-.- '-'i
<br /> _���.Y.u�.��.���.�
<br /> �. Isw.Truftee�without danaod an Borrower.shalt seu tne rropa i'ai puouc sua.on w�.,o...y.�...�...�.�. «...r.-... -----_- -
<br /> - ' and pl�a and under the ta�a dest�ted in tlx notia of sale in one or more P+�'ce�tk a�mouncemeot at Wne .
<br /> my detamine.Trustee mal P�Pone aale of all or any parosl ot the ProPatr l P
<br /> ana aaoe or anr preao�s�y ecbeaW�a aaie.Leader or Lender's cksipee ma7 Purcl�e��7 u�AT aak.
<br /> Upon reoeipt of payment of t1x pdce bid.Tn�sta ehatl ddivor to the piu+ch�ser Tnasta's dxd cor��e�in=t6e
<br /> Propecty suld.Tt�e recitals tn ihe Tn�ctee's doed slWl be prima[ade e�idenoe ot the tnRh of ttie statnne�made �
<br /> u
<br /> tt�erdn.Trt�sta shaU�pply the proceeds of the sale in the followi�g order:(a)to all reasonable costs and exPK�ot
<br /> �� the sale,Includins,but�t limited to,Tnr�te�'s fees actually incurred af not more tlun S 96 of tde p�oss sale price, '
<br /> - I �ple attorneys' tees and costs of Wtle evidence; (b) ta all sunu secured by t6Ls Deed of Tn�st; and (c) tt�e ,
<br />-- acoeas.it nnJ'.to the person or pason le�ally entitled thaYto. �
<br /> ` NeDmka 26876-3 7l97 Origiaa►1(R�eord�d) Copy(8raaeh) Copy(Cuotaa�r) P�e 3 ot S r• �
<br />