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<br /> AI;ON80 1� JAC080 9�r �� AA3 C�? . 201202 OB/05/1997 '�' ,`.ti���..r.r•-�,�F,
<br /> i 67'3 ' ,,.. ,,:___:_
<br /> � F �.,
<br /> � . UN[PORM CQVBNAN7'9. Borrower ujd 1.eader covenant and waree�s followswhGn due the principal and intenst `�''��
<br /> � 1. P�yment nf Princlp�l �nd �ata�at. Borrower rdwll pmruptlY PAY
<br /> tndebtedness evidenced by the Note�nd late ctwrQes as providal in tde Note. .
<br /> 2.Ftinds tor Tuca and Irounnce. Subject to applic�ble l�w or n written waiver by Lerxkr. Borrower stull p�y to
<br /> i,endor ou the diy monthly payuxnte of pdncipal and incerest are payable under the Note,undl the Note is paid iu futl. A
<br /> suiu(herein'Funds")equal co otx-cwelfth of the yearly truces w�d asscssments(includfag coadominium smd planned unit M .s
<br /> develapment assessuxnts,if Rny)w�lch rt�Y �tt�in Pdadty aver thls Dced af Trust. And�round rents on the Property, if . •r
<br /> any,plus one-twelfth of yenrly prendum installwents for ha�td insurance,plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments =-
<br /> � for man�s�e �a�vr�u�ce• if anY� al� as re�s°n�b�y °stimated inidaUy and from dme co dme by IxuJee on che basls of
<br /> � assessments�nd bille wd re�sanable estimttes thereof. Borcower st�►11 not be obligated to make such payments of Funds .
<br /> m
<br /> -M� ''" to Lender to We extetu tlut Borcower makes suc6 piyments to the holder of a pdor mortgnge or deed of trust If such holder ,
<br /> "� is an insdtudo:ul leader. . : ; ';
<br /> If Borrower pays F�mds to L.ender.the Punds shall be held in an insdtudon the depostts or accowuts of which are . .. _
<br /> iusured or guarantad by a Federal or stAte agencv(lncluding I.ender if Leader ie such an insdtudon). L.ender sl�ll apply '• : :�.,,;:���;.,.��,�
<br /> ' �:�
<br /> the Fw�ds to pay said taxes.assessments.lnsur9nce premiums and ground rents. Lender u�y not cb.arBc for so holding and .::.�;.;i��,,��
<br /> aPP�Y�AB � Fuuds. u�lyi3n8 said account or verifying and compiltng said assessuxnts aud bills,unless Lender pays ,r':.�_,---_�-----
<br /> Borrower interest on the Fwds and Applicxble iaw permtts Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and Leader may agcee �,;;;•-= .
<br /> �u wrldn�u ttie dme of exceudon of this Dad of Trust that interest on the Funds sha11 be paid to Borrower.+u�d t+°less . ., ;
<br /> yuch�reement is m�de or�pplicable lAw requites such inurest to be p�id. Lender shall not ba n9uired to Pof therFwads ;`:-�--?
<br /> nnny interest or eunings an the Punds. Lencler ahnll givesw oo��h�� debic�tog he Funds was m�ade.�T'he Funds are .
<br /> showing cndits and debits to the Funds smd the Purpo ~'�''
<br /> , pledged as addfdonal security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. .,,.;'��:
<br /> If the tmount of d�e F�wds held by I.ender, together with the future monthly inswllments of Funds p�yable prior to -r;;�,,`�
<br /> the due dates of taxes. pssGSStnents, insurauce premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said ��,:..�=
<br /> �4 ��� ��. �� pzemiums xnd ground rents as they fall due, such excess sbaU be. u Harrower's opdon, � � :.
<br /> n
<br /> F
<br /> eithec prompdy reP�id to Botrower or credited to Iloaawer on montWy installments of Funds. If tt�e amnunt of We Fwnds . :
<br /> � held b y Leader st�ll mt be sufficlent to psy ta�ces. assessments. iusurance Premiums and ground reats�s they fall due, ��:_� �
<br /> � Borrower shsll paY to I.ender u►y Amoune necessuY to m�l ce up t he de fic ie n c y i n o n e o r m o r e p a y m ents as Lenda ma y �L��� _ _
<br /> . ��, _==—
<br /> Upon payment 9n full of aU sums sxund by this Deed of Ttust.I.a�ler shall prompdy refund ro Borrower�ny Funds
<br /> � held by Leader.If uader p�ragraPh 17 hemof the Pcaperty is sold or the Property is otherwise acQui�d by Leuder�Lender �•i
<br /> -_: :�
<br /> shall �pply, no later thtn immeuintely prior io 'su�r,sde af th� ','m�rt3'oz its sc$tt�s$dQn hy Lendet, any Funds he Y
<br /> L,ender�t t6e dme of applicadon�a cndlt against the sums secured by this Dad of Tivst.
<br /> 3. Applic�tioa o[Paymdtis. Unless aPPlicable law provides othecwise.aU paYments recetved by Lender under the
<br /> N��nd p�ragraphs 1 anct 2 hereof shall be nppliod by I.ender first in pxyment of amounts p�y�ble ro Leader by Bonower - —
<br /> under p�un�c�ph 2 hereof.then to interest paytble on the Note.and then to the prlacipal of the Note.
<br /> 4. llrbr Mortsa�cs and Doc+b ot Tnrt; Chartesi L�• Borrower shAll perform R11 of Bormwer's obligatioas
<br /> ° under aay mon�s8e, dxd of tcust or other security �gcecm�nt with a lien which hps priority over tlils Dad of Trust. __
<br /> I�ludin8 Bo:rower's covenants to m�lce payments whoa due.Borrower shall pay or cause W be paid�Il t�es,assessments ,,. ,
<br /> which ma attnin a priorlry over thts Dad of Tnut, '
<br /> and other chsu8es.Rnes�nd imP°sidong attdbutable w the PcopercY Y
<br /> � and lease6old payments or ground rents,if uny.
<br />_ S. �� �. Borrower si�U keep the impmvemants now exisdng or henafter enctai on the Property
<br /> m
<br /> � insured against loss by fin,hs�ds included withln the teim "extended coverage'. wd such other bazatds as Lender may
<br /> � ., require aud in such�mounts and for such pedods u I.ender may requln.
<br /> .. ' The insunnce caaier providing the insucance stu�ll be chosen by Borrower subjxt to Approv�l by Lender;Provided.
<br /> ::��t. that such oPProval shall n�t be unreasonably withheld. Ali insurauce pollcies and renewals thereof slvll be in a form
<br /> " , acceptalale to Lender and shall include t swndtrd mortgage claus�in favor of and in a form accept�ble to Leuder. Lender
<br /> i � stwll have ttie dght to hold the policies nad cenewals thereof. subject to the urms of any mortgage,deed of m�st or other _
<br /> ��r(�y�ment with�lien which l�v priority over this Deed of Tcust. - -
<br /> v In the event of loss. Borrower shell Sive pmmpt t►otice w the insura�c carrter wd I.ender. Lender may make proof �:
<br /> • � of loss if not m�dc promptly by Borrower. •;�'
<br /> ■�
<br /> � . If tbe Prop�rtY is tb�ndoned bY Borrower�or if Borrower fails to respond to I.oacler within 30 d�ys from the date _ _
<br /> ; nodce is mailed by Lend�r to Borrowor that the insluwce car�ier offers to settle a claim for iasunnce benegts, Lender is __dv_,_�
<br /> � autLocized to collcet xnd apply the insuru�ce proceeds At Lender's opdon either to restoradon or npair of the Property or __�__ - _
<br /> � to tLe sums sxwKd by tl�is Dced of Ttust. �`
<br /> r i. Y r e r a�a t b n w d M a i n t e n a n c e ot P r o P a t 7; L�l�Ol d s3 Caa d a n i dumsi ��U n fi t D e�d o p m e n t a. . ...`„
<br /> :`��j ���_�._.
<br /> ' � Borrowet stuil kap tLe Property in Sood repair nnd shall D°t�°mmit waste or pe r m it i m p a im�ent or dace do�a t i o n o f t h e •.Y,:
<br /> ? prop�rty ind shall comply with the pmvisioas of any lease if this Dad of Tn�st is on a leasehold.If this Dad of Tcust is .:, ,4 ` .J;
<br /> � on t unit in a condominium or a pl�anai unit developmant,Borrow�r shall per6ocm�ll of Borrower's obligadonS under the `` .-,,, -°;:v_,:
<br /> .; L•:.- }�
<br /> declaradon or covenants creating or governing t�e candominium or pl�nc�ed unit development,the by-laws aad reguladons � `, .•,��. hr 'Y•
<br /> of the condominium or planned unic development,and consdcuent documents. - = j +',:''
<br /> �..'+���, -
<br /> 7. Protax1on ot Lender's Security• If Borrower f�ils to perform the covenants and �greements containal in �Ais . . .�--c�a�.
<br /> . ;:�.�,.. .
<br />' Deed of Tnut.or if any acdon or�roceeding is commenced which matedally affects Lender's intercst in the PropertY.then • ..i.
<br /> • � I.ender, at Lender's opdon, upon nodce to Horrower, may make such appearanees. disb�use such s-ums. including . .
<br /> � ' _._ na�nahle attnrnevs' fees, and take such acdon�s is necessuy to protxt I.end�r's interest.If Lender required mortgage •
<br /> .._ .:.,..�.,.
<br /> - - - - ------ - - -�:_.__ .,_,..
<br /> insurance as 4 condition of mAking the loan secured by this Deed of'i�rust. esor�ower siuii py ��� �j��,,,....� ...�........� - - _- -
<br />� �{n���h ;nsura�e in �ffect undl such time u the requicement for such insurance cermin�tes in accordance with
<br />-- Bomower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. h�'���tetest therton. tt t�e Note rau,shall becomo
<br /> " Any imounts disbiused by Lender pwrsuant to thls paragcap
<br /> additiond indebtedness of Bocrower sxured by this Deed of Tnut. Unless Hormwer and Lender agree to other terms of
<br /> - gaymenc, such am,ounts shsll be payxble upon nodce from Lender to Borrowor irquesdng payment thereof. Nothing
<br /> ' wntnined in tt�is paragrapt►7 s�ll re9uire I.eader to incur anY eaPense or take any acdon herouader.
<br /> g,inspectlon. I.ender mu�y make vr cause to be roade reasonable entries upon and tnspxtioa� of the Pcoperty. ,
<br /> : provided ttnt Lender s6a11 give Borrower nodce prior to any such inspecdon specifying reasonable cause thenfor nlated to
<br /> - Lender's interest in the Propercy.
<br /> NeDn�lu 26816•3 vq7 Origiaal(R�eordadl Copy(sranch) Copy(Custom�r) Pa�e 2 of S
<br /> I
<br />