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<br />.'�,,,�,,,�e Indep�ndent contracwrs working for the Licensor during the course of their employment or dudes �._
<br /> �--� with the Liceasor,the Licensees agrce to asswne and pay all costs relating to the replacement or �_
<br /> .. � repair of the unprovement. =
<br /> ��"" 4. RESTORATION OF PROPERTY. If the constructioa or malnLenance of the �
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<br /> � ' ' improvement identifiod in paragraph 1 above requires the excavation of earth,removal of
<br />°'="�.;�� � surfacing,grass, vegetatioa, or landscaping, or any other disruption of the surface of the public _
<br />.,;., .'~
<br /> �;,;r��;, right-of-way or neighbor�ng property,the Licensas shall restore the surface of the area to the
<br /> -���;��; sa�pe condition as it existed imnxdiately prior w the Licensees' work ln thc area.
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<br /> j�;;.,�:. 5. EFFECTNE DATE. Tlus license agrcement sbaU take effect on the date it is
<br />,:�+:�;� executed by the Mayor of the City of Grand Island as dated t�elow. It shall continue for an
<br /> :lYY --
<br /> - inde�inite term until such time as it is terminatal as provided he r. _
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<br /> "`ER`�,o 6. TERMINATION. This license ag�reement shaU terminate upon one or more of the _
<br />_��`� • following occurrences:
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<br />°-��� a. The service of sixty days written notice vf inteation to terminate by any
<br /> ---_—= P�Y uP�n'���i�arty.
<br /> ---- b. The Licensees' applicatioa for a permit to alter said improvement or aay
<br /> -- part thereof.unless said permit is for work due to an occumnce as descn'bed in ParagraPh
<br /> '� 3 above and said work has the prior written approval of the Licensor.
<br /> c. The Licensees'consuucdon or instaUadon of any swcture or improvement
<br /> � af any nattue upon the real estat� ownad by the Liceasor except tvat described in
<br /> �, Paragraph 1 above.
<br /> Y-
<br /> � Upon the ternainadon of this License Agr�em�nt, the Liccnsees shall be required, and
<br /> trenby agire,to remove said improvement from the Licensor's real estate at its own txpense and
<br /> without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur no later than sixry days after receipt of the
<br /> --- norice of intendon to terminate or any of the other accurrences set forth in Paragraph 5 abova.
<br /> ---- Si�ould the Licensees fail to do so� the Licensor may remove or cause the removal of said
<br /> - -_--� improvement ftom the Licensor's real estate and the Licensees agree to reimburse the Licensor
<br /> fox all its costs.
<br /> � — 7. SUCCFSSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agrcement shall be binding upon the pazties
<br /> �� — h�nto,their successor and assigns.
<br /> ---= 8. ENTIRE AGREEMLNT. Ttus license agreement consritutes the entire agreement
<br /> 6-�s,�c.� between the parties notwithstanciing any other oral or written agreements to the contrary. This
<br /> .�����
<br /> -_��� , licease agreement shall be amended only in writing executed by all parttes ereto.
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