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<br /> �� �l�Mh��011 I�1C P(O Cl � . —
<br /> �.1lwi�rd or I'n+prrly InrurNncr. Nutruwrr.rhnll kccp lbc imp�uvcmcnLy now cx s ng a � Y ,s�
<br /> inxuu�d uµau�+l In�r 1►y I��•�. huiiudy uichi�le�l wilhfn tl►c icrm "cxlcntlui c:nvcn►gc" und uny rnt►cr hvxtrds, includins ticx�ds or
<br /> tt�xKtinµ,I��r whkh I.a�udcr n��µure���i�ui��nce. 'Ihl� �n+nriuicc yhull Ix�maintuinat in thc u�r�oun�ti und for thc periods that L.cnder , s_
<br /> rc��uor�. I�b.�mr�u�+��+ ��►s�tc►��t�n�dut�;lh��iu�,unuttc sitnll Ix�chuxcn by {iorrowcr tiuhicct tc�Lcndcr's uppravnl which tihall not
<br /> IK� onrcnw►nwhly wUhlMld if IlcNrowcr Iwllr �n �n►►Inwin covcrnga dcu:rihed atx�vc, I.cndcr muy, nt Lcndcr's opuon, obtain :
<br /> a c�wcrugc�u�nu�rci 1 rn�Mr'r�IKhlv In Ihc Ikn�K•rly Ui uu��rdancc with purngruph 7. ` � .--
<br /> � '� All mtiu�uiH����Nd�ckr an�l irucwad�tit�Nll I��KCC�►u�hlo lo landcr nnd yhull includa u suutdurd mortgaga cluusc.Lcndcr sht►Il � '
<br /> i huvc �hc rixM�n IH�I�I UH� �►:�Ik�ra���d m�u�widv. If lAndcr rcqutres,Barcnwcr shull prompAy givc to Lcndcr uU reccipts of paid , �
<br /> � pranium�iuid r��iicw��l nut��cr.li��hr ���•cnt uf lo�r,11u►rowcr�hnll E;iva prampt noticc to thc insurnncc carricr und Lendcr.I.cnder . y
<br /> � muy�nnk��I►��M�f ut I���r•il �ti+��ai:Wk�umn��tly hy Ilurrawcr. • .f�`;�;:�-`"__
<br /> � U�devv IAn�lei u��d H�MiuNrr�dheiwlx+uKrec ia wrlting, insunmce prcxeafy shull be upplied ta restarndan or repsur of the : •::��,� ..
<br /> � 1'ru�x.rty diunwg��d,d Ilw rrrt�HwU�xi �►r«��►xlr iv�Y�mnnNcnlly fcu�ihlc und I..cndcr'ti �ccurity is not lcsscned. It lh0[CStOrB[i0(10� ''.'�.M1���±�?T,
<br /> rcpair ir nn�crunumtcwlly Icwrll�k nr la�ndcr'y!�ccurity w«uld t►c Icxsencd, Wc intiuruncc pracccds shull bc applicd to thc sums �.�T.,.�-
<br /> � uxurat hy tl►Iv Scr:urlty Instrunki��. wh��ihcr ur nul Ibcn d«c, with uny exccss pnid u� Bartowcr. If Borrowcr abandons thc : '.��'
<br /> , pn�eny, ur�kKy nut wiswrr w�lhu� NI�IWy.r u nutice i'rnm l.ender that the in.r•urunca currler hns affered to settle a claim,then :L��.._�-_
<br /> ;1�y_t�.
<br /> 1 l.cndcr may c�►Ilnt�tw�nxurwK•a�K�Ka'dr.I.cn�k�inay uw thc prcx:ccAly ta rcpufr ar restnrc thc Property or to pay sums secured ,;�,.,,)•. -
<br /> •p-:
<br /> by this tiocutity Insuunknl.wlK Ilkr�►r u��t�hrn duc.'ihc 30•duy�wrlod will hcgin whcn thc noUcc is given, ��
<br /> � Unk.4w l.cndcr iu�d I�urraw�r�ahrrwfu�uµr�w In wrilfng,wiy upplicuUon of prcx;cccis ta princip�l shull not cxtend or postponc �•��`
<br /> Ihc duc datc of thc mumhly��ynKn�.r rclrrrcd to In paruKmphy I und 2 or chungc thc umc�unt of Ihe paymcnts.IC undcr paragraph �;a��,i�^.
<br /> . 21 thc Property is ueyuircd hy I.ci�dcr, linirawcr's riKht ta wiy intiuruncc {xd�cicy und procccds raeulung from damagc to thc .,. * _:
<br /> � :v�; .._,
<br /> Property priur to ihc acquisitln�� �I�ull pi�,v in lA�ncicr to ihc extent of thc Rumx sa:urcct by this Sccurity Inswmcnt immcdiatcly .t,,v�
<br /> . prior to thc u�:yulsltkin. F_,�+
<br /> b.()ccupwncy,f're+ierrwtN�h,Mwlntenrnce wnd 1'��declkm nt the{'ropertyi Dorrower's La�n Appticwtton;Leaseholda. __
<br /> Bnrrowcr shoU �xa►py,cstuhlitih,w�d u�:Uic IRn�xny uv la��rrowcr'x principu l res i dcncc wi t hin six ry d a ys aftcr thc cxecution of � <-�_
<br /> t h i s 5 o c u ri ty I n s u u m c m u n d�Uull matinuo lo�KCU p y ttw I'�u�xrty uv[lorrnwcr'y principul residcocc for at Icast ane ycar afccr thc �,,, . �,.�.
<br /> datc ot ac:cupsu�cy, unlcxv I�cn�kr �Nhcrwlnc nµr��:.r in w�iting, which conscnt shull not bc unrcasonably wtth hc l d, or un less e; �?e�.-
<br /> cxtcnwun cfrcumst�cx exlst whfch u�c hcyond Horruwc�'N contr��L liorrowcr nhull nc�t dcsuoy,damngc or impuir thc Propeny, :?��;���.
<br /> 8
<br />- - �Ilow the PropettY u�cictcnc►raa, or cnmmii wuaw���► �'ie i-i�'�ny. �cftm::cr ::tss!! 1•= 'Q dr�'n��ll if any forfeiture action or __ '�'•:�`�,-w-1
<br /> prococding,whcthcr civil �x criminul,i� hcµun Ihwt In l�cndcr'y�axl fuith judgmcnt could result in for[citurc of thc Propercy or .��V,_�
<br /> nthcnvisc mucriaUy Impuir thc Ikn crcutul hy drix 5ca:uriry Instrumcnt or L.cndcr's security intcrest.Borrowcr may cure such a
<br /> dcfault and reinslatc,ac providal in puruqruph I N,hy ruuyi7K thc uc:tfon or proccxding to bc dismisscd with a ruling that, in ' "'�'���;�_
<br /> Lcndcr's good fafth dctcrmfnoti�m,praludcr forfciturc ��f lhc Nnrtowcr'x intc,�cst in thc Property or othcr matcrial impafrment of �,G,�_
<br /> Ihc licn crcatcd by this Sccurity Inxuumcnt ur I�cnd�r'r►ha:urity intcrc.st.Iinrtc�wcr sha�l alw bc in dcfault if BoROwcr,during thc ���.:.
<br /> loan opplicuUan prc�ccsa, gavc m�tcriAlly falyc ur inuccurotc informuUon or xWtemcn�v tn Lcndcr(ar failcd to provide Lender with � •;��,—•=�
<br /> '�iz�;o�
<br /> any mabcri�l in[ormation) in c;onnoctian wilh Ihc loan cvf�kncaf by tho N��tc, including, but not limitcd to, representadons •"r' �,�
<br /> � conceming gorrower's occupuncy uf the 1'ni{►crty a.r u{xincip�l revldence.it this Security Insuumcnt is on a Icasehold,Bortower
<br /> g►�all comp�y with all Ihc provislons ot tho Icax.If ltonuwcr a�;yulres!ua tiUc lo thc Propcny,thc Ie�ehold and thc fce title shall _ ,
<br /> not mcrgc un{c.QS l.cndcr agrocs w thc mcrgcr in writing, -
<br /> 7.Protectba of Lender'R RIRhtA fn lhe 1'rnpeny. If Rorn�wcr frily tu perGirm thc ccwcnants ond agreements containcd in � = _
<br /> • this Socurity Insuumcnt. or thcrc iy a Icgul �xuccc�ting th�t m�y nfgniOcunUy uffa:t l.cndcr's right� in thc Property(such as a �,•
<br /> � prococding in benkruptcy,prot�o. fnr con�k:mnudnn c�r forfeiwrc or ta adurcc luws nr rcquladons),thcn Lcndcr may do and pay 6..
<br /> for whatcvc�i�noccssary to prowct Ux: vxluc uf U�c Propcny und I.cndcr'r+tigh�w M �hc{'roperty.l.cndcr's acaons may includc
<br /> �xiying uny sums saurcd by o licn which huv pri�rity ovcr thi� 5aurity Inrtrumcnt, uppcaring in court, paying rcasonablc
<br /> � , atwmays' tocs and cntcring cm�hc Nro{xny ui mukc rcpuirs. AlthougN Ixndcr muy tukc uction undcr�his paragraph 7,Lcnder �
<br /> - dcx;s not havc to do:�. � '_"r�-----
<br />_ Any emounts disburscd by Lendcr undcr�hiw putugruph 7 shull 1►uomc u�iditionul dcbt ol Bnrrowcr sccurcd by this 5�xurity _-
<br /> Inswmcnt.Unlcss Borcowcr and l.cndcr ugrcti U�uthcr tcirn� of paymcnl, thcsc iunaun4r xhall t�r intcrest from if►c date of
<br /> disburscmcnt at lhc Not�c rotc und�:hall hc puyuhic,wIU►hncrc��,u{M►n mHkc from l.cndcr tu Horrowcr rcyucsUng paymcnt. ���=•
<br /> `� A.Mortgage Inaurance. If l.endcr rcquired trn►nguge Insurw�ce ur:�cundllian uf mukinK the Intm+c�ured by ihis Security •�°��"
<br /> Inswmcnt, Botrowcr shwll ps�y thc prcmiums rcyiutuf to muUUUin thc mnnguKc In►uruncc in cffcct. If, for any rcason, ihc
<br /> mortgagc insurancc covcrngc royuircd hy l,�ndcr lupscv�►r cruKr a�1►c ui cif�v;t, 1lorruwcr shull pay Ihc prcmiums rcquircd to . ,,: .
<br /> � �uivulcnt ta 1hc ' :.� � "�- '
<br /> obtain covcragc substanually u�uivaknt to �hc morlgagc insur�u�cc i�cvluurly In etfcci,ut u c«.►t+ubsuu�tiully a„ �
<br /> cost to Bocrawcr c�f�hc mortqagc incuranca prcvwuxly in cffrci, Iruin un ultc+n�►tu mongugc insurer i�pprovcd by L.cndcr. If " '{��r�r�?;�� _ r
<br /> s u b s t a n d ull y c quivalcnt mon ga gc insurw►cc covc�n};c iy i►ut��v►ulnhlc, Ituirowcr yhull pay to I..cn�lcr cach month u sum cqunl ta ; �:�r Vr:,.:w r '. .
<br /> onc•twclflh of Ihc ycarly mongngc in�urnncc prcmlwn Ix:mµpaiQ hy 1lurruwcr wUru�ic insunuicc covcrugc lupscd ar c c A S C d to : ;':.��'''h�,
<br /> bc in ctfcct. Lcndcr will acccpi, uw und reww �hctic p;�ymciuv nr n lusr rrurvr in hcu nf mongugc in�urmticc. l.oss rescrvc � _ .
<br /> Form soze o�oo �
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