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<br /> 17.'PransPer ot the 1'rupe�ty �►r u Beneflciul Inter�wt in Borro�tic�. If all ur any part ��f A�c Hru{xr�y��r :in)• intrrr.t in it � : _
<br /> i,s�,ld ur truns(ernd(or if u hcnclicial intcrr,t in Burruwer i++��ld ur tran�ferrcd and liurr��wcr i.niu a nutural Eknon)�►•ithuut ... . .;,���
<br /> L,cnJrr', priur wrilt�n run,cnt. l.cndcr may. at it, uption. r�t�uirc imnudi:Uc payntcnt in I'uU uf .dl �um, ucurc�l hy tl�i� �_��Y:�: ��
<br /> Scrurity In,trumrnt.N����c�•cr.thi,�,ptiun.huU nut lh r��rcixd h� I_eudcr ff rtcrcix i,{�rnhihitrd hy IcJcril I:n� a�nf thr d;dr _. . . ' •�: -::r'.
<br /> ' ��f thi.Scruriiy In�,trwncnt. * `���'. �' '� ,
<br /> If IAnd�r.xerci.cs thiti uption. Lender tihall give Bc�rraaer nutice�,f ar��leration. Th� nuticc tihall pru�id�a p�riixl ul nul •��'_Jy.
<br /> ,�,•-�+�+"'.` ` Ictiti than i0 da}s from thc Jatc th� notice i�Jcli��crcd ur n�;iilrJ within �ti•hirh Rurrnu•�r mu,t pay �dl .um, •rrurrd hy thi� ��:�ti'��' :_�.,.., ,•y=
<br /> _.. Sccuri[y Instrum�nt.If Borrawcr fails to pa�� thc+r tiums priurtu th�rxpirati�m uf thi+ Fxriixl. (AnJ�r may inv��kc any remr�lir. •;��,.._
<br /> �rmiucd hy thi. Saurity Instrumcnt�cithout further nutire or damand�m Borruwrr. ':.���_.a_�_.�._
<br /> IS. Borro�•er's RIRht to Reinstate. If Borro�ver me�ta rertain conditiun,. Rurro�vcr ,hall havc thc right tu huvr ;.�___--
<br /> enfarcem�nt of[hic Sc�urity Instrunknt di,rontinued ut uny time prior a� thc curlier ul': la) 5 duy. iar wrh othcr {kriud a. „�=-y------��_r^
<br /> applicablr law may spccif�� for reinstatement) before aale of the PrnFxrty punuunt to any Ex�wcr of �alc r�mt.iincd in t�iiti ■�`?�
<br /> Securit� Intitrum�:at:or Ibl entry oF u judgment cnforcing this S`rurity In�trumcnt. Tho,c runditiuns ure that B��rcuwcr. (a)pay� �_=
<br /> l.cn.ier all sun�. which then aould lx due undrr this Serurity Instrument and the Nute as if ni� acccleration had �xrun•rd: (b) �� _
<br /> cures an}.d�fauh of any� other covenant+or agreemcnt�: (cl pay�ull expenses incurreJ in enforcing this Se�urity Instrument. me,-_--
<br /> including, but not lintited to, reasunuble attomcys' fees; und(J) cukc.+uch 3c�ion az [.ender ntay rca�onably reqwrr to assure �'i_= --
<br /> �..,..�.
<br /> that the lien of this Secw•iry [n�trument, L.ender's rights in thc Prupeny and Borrowcr's obligatinn to pay die �um�.rrurcd by _
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrwnent and the —
<br /> ':' obligations secured hereby shull remain fully effective:tti if no uccelcratiun had uc�un�ed. flnuever, thiti nght to reinstate shall _ -__ -
<br /> �� nor apply in the c:ue of ucccleration under paragraph l7. ;, '`
<br /> � 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e of L��an Servicer. Thc Nnte or a panial intcrc,t in thc Note (togcthcr with thi� Sccurity ,�_.
<br /> � Instrument) may be sold onc ar more times without prior notice ta Burrower. A�ale may result in a chanbe in the entity(known _-
<br /> a as thc "Loan Servicer")that cullects monthly payments due undcr the Note anJ this Sewrity [nstrument. There also may be one _
<br /> ;�,� or more changes of the L.oan Scrvirer unrclateJ to a salc of thc Nute. If there iti a change of the Loun Scrvicer, Borrower will he �'-.-
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 ubave and applicable law.The notice will ,tate the nume anJ =
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the addre+s to whieh payments tihc�uld be madc. The notice will alsu cuntain any nther
<br /> information required hy applicable law. _
<br /> � 20. Haxurdous Substune�. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal. storage, or rele:ise of any �;_.,
<br /> " Nazardous Substanceti on or in che Property. B��ROwer shall not do, m�r allow anyone else ti� do, anything affecting the —
<br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precedin� two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or �•
<br /> _: —::.__�s c��raer on the Property of small quantities of Ha�rdous Substances that are generally recugnizcd to be appropriate to nortnal �
<br /> � r�sidential uses and to maintenance of'the Propeny.
<br /> Barrower shall prompdy give I.ender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or othe� action by any
<br /> governmental or reguluwry agency or privute party involving the Property and any H:ua�dous 5ubstance or Environmental I.aw
<br />- of which Borrower huti actual knowled�e. If Borrower Iearns, or is noufied by any governmental or regulatory authority, that _ _
<br />- ,;; any removal or other remediation of any Hazardouti Substance uffecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> • all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As useci in this paragraph 20. "Ha•rardous Substances"are thosc substances defined as toxic or hazard��us substances by
<br /> -�• ••� � Environmental Caw and the following substunces: gasoline, kerusene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> ' pesticides und herbicides.vvlatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in �,.,__
<br /> -M . this paragraph 20, "Environmcntal l.aw" mcans fcdcral laws and laws of thc jurisdiction wherc thc Propeny is located that �:.'-
<br /> rclate to health, safety or environmcntal protectiun.
<br /> •,• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow•er and Lender further rovenant and agree as follow,:
<br /> +�' „ ; " 21. AccelereNon;Remedtes.Lender shall�ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleration follow•ing Borrower's breach
<br />-'`� -=�'f��, of any covenant or egreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> . - �'• applicable law provid�otherwise). The nottce shull specliy: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default;
<br /> ;��•� �"'�' (c) a date, not less t�an 30 days from the date the notice Is �Iven to Bnrrower, by which the default must be cured;And
<br /> ' �..� (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date speclfied in the notice mu� result in acceleration of the sums
<br />;-� ' secured bv this Serurity Instrument and sale of the 1'raperty. The nottce shall further Inform BorroH�er of the right to
<br /> r reinstate after acceleration and the right to brin� a court action to nssert tl�e non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defauit is not cured on or before the date specitied in the notice. _
<br /> s�,,, . • Lender, at Its option. muy require immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument without =
<br /> iurther demand and muy invoke the po�ver of sale and any other remedtes permttted by applicable law.I.ender shall be
<br />�'�;;:'�.;,, � entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedi�s provtded In thts para�;mph 21. including, but not limited
<br /> ='''� '" to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. _
<br /> _�-' �- If the power of sale is im•oked, 1'rustee shall record a notice of def�ult in exch county in a•hich�ny paM of the
<br /> � Property is located and shall maU copi�of such notice In the munncr prescribed by applicnble law to Borroa•er and to _
<br /> �� � the other persons prescribed by�pplicnble lu�v.After the time required by applicable law, Trustee sh�ll give public notice -- _
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustec. without demand on BorrmYer, shaq sell =,�_
<br /> . the Property at public uuction to the highest bidder at the time und place und under the terms desi�nated in the not[ce of �.—_ ___
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determin�. Trustee may postpone sale of all�►r any parcel of the ���_
<br /> Property by publte announcement at the time and place of uny previously scheduled sule. I.ender or fts desi�nee may �;.����.
<br /> purchase the Property at any sale. :-.r;-
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