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<br /> " This AGREEMENf made and executed this 21st day of August, 1997 by and between
<br /> . . _ ; Kraig C.Voss and Ainy M. Hines,hereinafter referred to as 308 E.9th and Gary L. &Eva G. "�-
<br /> Bixenmann husband and wife,hereinafter referred to as 312 E. 9th. -
<br /> _______.�';_,_ W�.g�a$;�t��a C'.Vncc and Amy M.Hines are the owners in fee simple of that c�eal estate
<br /> described as:West 33 feet of Lot 6,Block 142,Union Pacific Second Addition, to the City of C3rand
<br /> -� � Island,Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />_�5- �
<br /> � WHEREAS: Gary L.&Eva G. Bixenmann are the owner in fee simple of that real estate
<br />-,,..�___... .,,
<br /> . ." .��e � described as:West 22 feet of Lot 7 and East 33 feet of Lot 6,Block 142,Union Pacif'ic Second Addidon,
<br />-�. . �. to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />�, .
<br />�.i';:r : . :• .
<br /> ����°�••-�:��a� WHEREAS,there is a shared garage situated on the common lot 1'iiie of the real estate pazcels
<br /> �,;,�.. ,.
<br />_;:�+r�,�:;-�', � described above in respect is located upon and udlizedby the real estate owned by Kraig C.Voss and Amy
<br /> ��' '•'�f� M.Hines,308 E.9th located upon and utilized by the i�eal estate owned by Gary L. and Eva G.
<br />'L. .�,. .'S✓, .
<br /> ,,,,,,;}.;;_ Bixenmann,to which gazage access is afforded to each of the parties hec�eto by means of a joint driveway.
<br /> y�,�:��{:.
<br />_�_
<br /> �"��"�''"' WHEREAS,the parties hereto wish to enter into this AGREEMENT for the pnrpose of setting
<br /> ���`:� forth the ri hts and obli adons of the arties in res t ta the re air and maintenance of that portion of the
<br />-�,:�. ���.�... g g P P� P
<br /> a .w:•+e� :•
<br />����;'.�; ,.,.. garag�located upon each separate parcel and the allocation of iYghts,expenses and maintenance obligations
<br /> : ;.,f,.� ., .
<br /> , in respect to any com�non walls which may exist in respect to such garage,and the utilization of the
<br /> `.'' common driveway.
<br /> _ �
<br /> �• NOW,THEREFORE,in consideradon of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed: _
<br />- � � 1) Dedicadon o�arry W�.Any wall presendy existing or hereafter to be built for the puiposes _
<br /> ! of separating that pordon of the shand garage allocated to 308 E.9th real estate from that portion allocated �
<br /> �� a � to the 312 E.9th real estate shall be deemed to be a party wall,and Gary L.and Eva Bixenmann,their -
<br /> � ` I- a _ _t_tt t.......1.,. ..As�� o c��nM nor+v av�ll cn -
<br /> ," � ' CIEIIS�SUCCe550I5 BIIQ,nis neirs, SIIGGCSJUrS iUIU tt�JigTtS,auau uar�, ua�.iabsu... "° y».�
<br /> • long as it shall remain in existence.
<br /> � 2) R�pair and M�ntPn�ncp of Shared C��ee Each respective owner of the parcel of real esta.te
<br /> . shall be solely respansible for the maintenance and repair of the portion of die garage located upon that
<br /> � landowner's real estate. •
<br /> _ � 3) Common Drivewav. There is a driveway which has been consuvcted between the parcels of
<br /> real estate described above for the common use and enjoyment of the propeny owners and to permit access
<br /> for ingress and egress to the shared garage.Each part�r hereto confirms that a portion of this common �
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