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<br /> we,Peter D Krolikowski and Tamfe Krollkowaki Husband a�d Wi1e ��3� �rN�--.=__-:_
<br /> ` -• �
<br /> 1'Y"�
<br /> .1�i-___��r—.
<br /> .('Trusror') ��',�'''-,
<br /> ,�. �_ under the tollowing Uoed oi 7rust to ba entered Into among Trustors,Arend R. B�itCk. AttomeV at Law,P.O. BOx _
<br /> 790 �rand Island NE 6B802 --
<br /> ,'r_: ` .CTrustee'). �i�r.-;,,�:
<br /> '�;�`�� and Maxi�e Ann Krolikowski '_
<br /> '�,=--
<br /> ("Beneflciary')covedng the property descrfbed below hereby acknowledge that it Is understood that (a)the Deed of Trust to be _ °
<br /> executed by Trustor is a tiust deed and not a mort��ge and (b)the power of sale provided for In the Deed o(Trust provldes --
<br /> ;� substantlaly different rights and obVgations to the Truator than a mortgage in the event of defnuft or breach of obllgation. --_
<br /> Trustor ecknowledges thet this pcknowledgment was made prlor to the execution of the Deed of Trust. •-�
<br /> Executed and delivered tNs 21et day oi Au uet 1997 ��'
<br /> �:--
<br /> r��s�o� r��s���peter.D. rolikowskt .
<br /> � � '1. 1�Y'. ' I' I �' M � "�.{ i
<br /> ; Trus�or Trustu�Tamf� K�OI kOWSk�
<br /> � � DEED OF TRUST
<br />°;:,.
<br />• • � ' THIS DEED OF TRUSt ('Securiry InstrumenY)Is made on Auqust 21st , 1997
<br />'"� , ' ' The truator ts Pet�r D.K�olikowakl�nd Tamie Krolikowski . Husband and WH�
<br />- ('Borrower•).
<br />-�:i;�.•..� �u'� The tn,atee is A►�nd R. Back,Attornov at Law. P.O. ox 790. C3rand Isl��d. NH 68802
<br />-=`+.•.�':�...r= ('Truatee'). The beneliciery la
<br />�-� ;.;. ": Miucf��Ann Krolikowskl ,which is orgenlzed snd exlating
<br />�� ,;._ "" under the Iaws of Th� UI'tR�d 5tl�tes of AmsrlCa , end whose address Is 1416 E�at Str��t �107.
<br /> �: � .-�.: Wood Riv�r. t�E 68683 ('Lender•).
<br />�"' '" � c Borrower owes Lende►the principal surti of Fittv Sov�n Thousand �nd 00 100
<br />'�"•' Uollars(U.S.S 5T.000.00 1. This debt Is evidenced by BoROwer's note --
<br /> ;�,;-" deited the same dete as this Secuifty Instrummt ('Note"),which provides for monthy payments,wfth the fuil debt. H not paid __
<br /> „� ear9er, due end pqable on March 21,2011 .
<br /> Thle Security Inst�ument aecures to Lender: (e) repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,wkh Interest, and all renewnls,
<br />�_���� ti extenslans end modHications of the Nota; (b) the payment ol ali other sums, with interost, advanced under pnraflreph 7 to
<br /> ..��, p�otect the security of this Security Instrument; end (c) the perfortnance of Borrower's covenents end agreemtnts. For this
<br /> j_yN;y �� - puryose, Bartower trrevocaby grants and conveys to Truatee,in trust, wlth power of sale, the following desafbed property
<br /> .°"� Iopted In H�II County, Nebrask4: —
<br />�Q R �-� , Tlw Eest 28 rods of the Southe�st Quarter of the Southe�st Qua�ter (SE1/4SE1/4) o�f Sectlon
<br /> ° Thirtoon (13),Townshtp T�n (10) North Range Twelve (12), Wost of tho 51xth Princlp�l M�r(dian, _-
<br /> ` � Hall County, Nebratk� axc�pfing there�rom fracts of land more particularly describ�d tn De�ds =
<br />- recorded In Book 78, P�g�255 and Book 118, Page 577. `+--°--
<br /> �;y�; , = ---
<br />_ .''i;� =- _ ---
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<br /> ,��` . �Y�4b2•T
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<br /> whlch hes the eddress ol 6890 S.NE Hlahwav 11, . Wood River,
<br /> Nebreska 68883 ('Property Address'); st`��� //-77�rty
<br /> ��p o e �
<br /> - . Form 3028919Q NEBRA5IW S��glc Fpin•ly FNMAiFHLMC UNIFORM INS7RUMENT �
<br /> .. � F1716.1M0(1/98 PaQ�'1 of 5 _ .
<br /> � � �
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