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<br /> of Borrowcr's covenants and agtcemenis undcr this Security Instrumcnt end thc Notc. Far this purposc, Borrowcr �• 4: •••
<br /> :�."1.�,'�4r,�. .`. ��yi ;
<br /> .�� irr��ocahly grants and convcys to the Trustcc,in wst,with powcr of salc,thc following describcd property locaccd in .�v'�'�''_'r 1,�,K� .
<br /> HpI,L County,Nebraska: :� "
<br /> �� �`;
<br /> ;�.r. rt��.t�::
<br /> I .°'v'a.,...�.�.�.�•Tt�.
<br /> � b,�_.�..�
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<br /> ' LOT ONE HLR�DRfiD ELE�/EN (111) IN BUBNAVISTA 3UBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO ,u..-.-----_--_�-_-
<br /> � � —
<br /> 1 . �--�-�-�-
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<br /> , which has thc address of 4z8 8 HALL sT, aRAND is1.AND Iscrcc�,ci�yl. -
<br /> � Nebras1ca 68801 ['Lipcodcl ("�oA�Ity Address"); '�-`--'-'-'--``
<br /> y 'PO(3ETE�R WITH all the improvements now on c�rcaiter erected on the property, and all easements, _�x.�-
<br /> � .. � • appurtenances and futures now or hereafter a part of the properry. All replecemenis end additions shall also be covered ;�� ,�,:�
<br /> by this Sccurity Inswment.All of the foregoing is referrecl to in ihis Securiry Instrument as the"Property." __
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfuQy seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br />-- - grant end wnvey ihc P,upa�tg anti shai ilic Properi;i° �."•"-�zcumb�';�d, exc.Ppt for encumbranees of record. Borrower __ _
<br /> warrants and will defend generally the dtle to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances =
<br />• of record.
<br />'� . THIS SECURITY MSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenanis with �-- --
<br /> � limitcd vaziarions by jwrisdictian to consdwte a uniform security instrument covering real property.
<br /> ? . Bonower and I.ender covcnant and egrec as follows: -
<br /> . s
<br /> ` 1.Payment of Principal,Interest and Late Charge.Borrower shall pay when due the principal of,and interest _ —
<br /> ..4,;,..,... on,the dcbt cvidenced by the Notc and late charges due under the Note. _
<br />"�:*��' -••� • 2.Monthly Payment of Taxes�Insurs�nce and Other Churfies.Boaower shall include in each monthly payment, ,-
<br />: � i•.-,�.•.. • �-
<br />�a....,,;. to e�:er with ihe rinci al a�►d interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges,a sum for(a) texes and special
<br /> g P P [:.<
<br /> ,.:,f�.. , assessments levied or to be lcvied against the Property, (b)leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property,and(c)
<br /> premiums for insurancc rcquimd under paragraph 4. In eny year in which the Lender must pay a mortgage insurnnce
<br /> premium co the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development("Secretary"),or in any year in which such premium �^
<br /> would have bccn required if Lender still hetd�hc Sccurity Instrument,each monihly payment shall also include either:(i) . __
<br /> - ' �1 a sum for the annaal mortgage insurance premium to be paid by L.ender to the Secretary,or(ri)a monthly charge instead ��?__-
<br />'s"'• �' of a mortgage insurance premium if this Securiry Instrument is held by the Secretary,in a reasonable amount to be _
<br />"^=�;'�k,:�;,;:. detertnined by the 5ecretary. Except for the monthly charge by the Secretary,these items aze called"Escrow Items"and :_
<br /> r:+i:.u,,...... _
<br /> �•W� � the sums paid to Lender are called"Escrow Funds." -�Y��,.;,_
<br />`��" . Lender n�ay, at any ume, coUect and hold amounts for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not to ex c e e d t he -____
<br />— � .. maximum amount that may be required for Borrower's escrow eccount under the Real Lstate Seulement Procedures Act __
<br /> `' of 1974,12 U.S.C.Scc6on 2601 et seq. and implcmenpng regulauons,24 CFR Pan 3500,as they may be amended -
<br /> ' from timc to time("RESPA"),except that thc cushion or rescrve permitted by RESPA for unandcipated disburscments _
<br />- � or disbucscmenis before the Bormwer's paymcnts are available in the acwunt may not be bascci on amounts due for thc ,__-- - _„
<br /> i mortgage insurance premium, 'I:'�-����
<br />_ •'�,:��yl•`��':
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