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<br /> � ' g�ri�[tSNEV1�EQPR(k..°."`''"{�N�p���K�S�RVICEAGREF.1VrENT .-"�"`
<br /> �"�'.`•;;;:.
<br /> TIIIS ACREEMENT is mndo and enccred inco ci�is 20a�day of Augus�. 1997.by nnd between AMERICAN TF?L.F.CAST7N0 OP '
<br /> N@BRASKA.INC,("ATI")anct HOWARD lQHNSON EXPRBSS INN I"Operntot"). .•'�.':
<br /> Ccrtaui Tcnns of Agrecmcnt: �
<br /> . pgroement for aperiod of60 manths ,;�^�,;
<br /> ' Agrccnient good through September 1.2002
<br /> Initiil monthly nte of 5588.50 j���.sr._-':
<br /> �' Number ofTVartte is b�sed an: 107 "�'��
<br /> Installation cflst S 1,200.00(equipment f�ir market valuadoa) •'y'�x-
<br /> ^�� R�CITALS `e�''�
<br /> I `..''����
<br /> � WIiEREAS, AT[ is ia the b��siness of rnastYUeting,maintainiug and operating signal dlstribution syatems for tlro de�g of ` ''
<br /> :' multichennel video nnd audio pcogramiuin8 and olhar servias ro the public, iacludin6 property owuera +ind developerF. :�._=r.
<br /> ' bradc.�st progtanmwi6 and aonlx°uiu�st satoluto or miGro�vave or fiber dclivercd programmL►B whother offe[ed to Opaators�s�pack�ed ,.T--
<br /> �'' combinetion of such prog�aunming or on n per cluuu�ol,per event,per vtcw or per demand basis,end potendelly oonsisdn$of lnfacrosdon aod •
<br /> •' intenctive serviccs("Signal Distriburioa Service"or"SDS"); `' �v
<br /> . . . . '�'� ~ ,_
<br /> 'Y� W A E R E A S.O p e r a t o r i s e i t h e r tho recocd dtlo holder or the lessee of artain rcal proPertY located�t 3021 Souih Locust�S� .
<br /> Grand Islend Nebr�ska,ns more particularly doscribed in Exhibit A heceto,end coQUaoaly known as Ho w i r d J o b n s a►E a p r e s
<br /> �� . ����)'
<br /> �
<br /> �,�;
<br /> VyE[HItEAS,Operutor wishes ta secum the SDS for the delivery of mulNcUannel vidao�nd audio pro�ammtn8 and other setvices _
<br /> , '� to the Properry nnd ATl wishes to provide suvh services; �,•-
<br /> ��a NOW TNEItEF()RE.based upoa We mutual covenants end catdidons es hereinafter set fw1h,and foc other good md veluable �:
<br /> . constderadop,the suffciency of which is hercby acknowledged,the parties�gne a�foUows:
<br /> 1. In�atliNon. ATI shall Inslall the recepdon, processing end dism'bulion equipmeat, mast-mwmted televlaion brosdcast aoteonu. --
<br /> d t uausmi.cwion end distribution lines. wires.cables,optical fiber,receivers,taPs,emplitiers.other electronie��(��d eU other
<br /> equipment on the Property.iacluding withla any buildings necessary fa the reception of ATTs SDS at We " �t")� �•
<br /> T=__,__�� .y��ng o*cable distribudon system already exists intcrior or attached to We buildings on the Property,Operata eYprtsents end Hn�raats th�t�t
<br /> • ' is the Owner of such wiring or cable distribudon system togethar with the uievision bro+�tia�i wzi-an:Z"M::Y Si':tan"):.�d�sth%
<br /> authorizes ATI to use such MA'fV System for thc deGvery of the 5DS for the tertn of this ag�auent and eay reaewtia thereaRa.
<br /> 2. l�t�teten�aca ATT sha11,ut iu own expense,aperate and meiatain the Fquipmmt and the MA,'N 5yatem uid kap s�me L��ood apair 1n
<br /> . sccordwc;e with all applicable governmentel reguladoas conceming techaical staadards. In no event shaU Opaator intafero with a�ttempt
<br /> ^ to rtpeir.meintaln or servlce We Equipmcat or tho M�N system or allow any other 4blyd petty to do ao. At a mWmum.Opaator agrces
<br /> "-'-•- -
<br /> „�-::;,: ;:_ 7 that Ai i wiil buve ILo�ic;::au3 tt�t,.;.spte�r?�t af Pec�oa tn t�e Prnperty g twan the hourn of 8:00 sm.�6•�P.m.,M�y� � �
<br />- Saturday.Owner shell aot pe�nsit nor catue the attaclunent of en tien,mort e or other encumbrance W t6e ui t a the ta te@
<br />��,.. . ,��; '` t�ercin. Title to and in the equipment shall,at all times,rcmaiu with ATl a its assignees,ead no porrion of ihe Equfpmeht wlll be damod w
<br /> •..�, fixhue of the Property notwithsnnding e:►y method of affcxadon to the Property,including th� buildings:provldod thtt owners�fp of�ny
<br /> � •,. exiscing MATV Syste�n,together with eny necessary upgrades,wlll rcmaia with thc Owna.
<br />=��,.._ ,
<br /> °•,s:v.: . .
<br /> ^••Y"�'••.�`z 3. �unnce. AT[,at tts sole cost end expeuse�shall carry oornprcheasive gefleral Hability insurance is►cluding M�o�d fam cantracwal
<br /> �'� . �'`.' liability Insureace aud products and complete operattons inaurancc with e aombined single ILnIt of not less tlxm oae miLi�aa dollus
<br /> 3::'�'�":;-. (SI.000.000.00)forbodilY WiuYendProP�Y damage llability.
<br />-.-,.., � . .
<br />�` • � :� 4. �_.a...�..u.,..a nM��tnr W�rnoda. Operator hereby grants and egrees that tho SDS provided by ATI will bo We sok tnd exclwive
<br /> � •• multic6annel vtdoo snd audio pro�t'am►nin8 servia.including eay addidonal information end inte�ctive services,ptovided to the residmts of
<br /> '*``'� - the PropeKy for the term of this Agi�eement md eny renewal periods theceo£ Operator therefora agrees that no muidchannel video�nd audio
<br /> "s•�`�' � prog�mming delivery service ot6er then th�t of ATI shalt be iastalled or opented et We Prope�ty dw�ing the trnn of this Agrcemwt md my
<br />-�"�_:;:�:'Y'�^ reaewals theroof. Operator repraa�ts ead weiraau to ATI thst it is fulty euthorizecl to grant to ATi tl�e exclusive dghta�s p�ovided haeia —
<br /> _=""':r""'': and to ttmilnate any egreement,oral or written,twder which my other multichanuel vidoo servlces provfder has been a is pcovtding savic:e
<br /> '." •', , to the Property Orerator tiutha repcese°ts that its execution of this Agceement shall not cause a breach of my Wher currtat or pceviausly
<br /> _ � exisdng coatrect or ngreement,aa1 or wrinen,appllcable to the Property. including any lien, mortgage, deed of tiust,or mcum6�ma a
<br />�- .`,''.. agr�emeat with aay other multichennel vldeo services provider.
<br />� Y 5. Onentor P�vmeuts. Operator+�grecs to pay to ATI ea initial installation fee of S1.200.00 (equipment fair market value). In uldidon. —
<br /> ,� dw�ing thc tam of this Agreement and any renewals thaeo�Operator agrees to pay A'TI by the lst of every month,commeacinq with thc Srst _
<br /> montl�of service,s monthly sav[ce fee of 5588.50,�lus appl[cable salesluse taxes.'This monthlY setvice fee may be inereated a�ce evtrY __
<br /> 'F�; twelve months in an emount nat to exceed six perceat per anaum. Should Operator fail to meke its monthly savice fee payment by the 20th �
<br /> �� rator a es to a ATi a trn rcent late fee. Operator furthe� agrces to pay A'fi a tvraity-5ve dollat �;�;,��_._
<br /> doy of the Applicable month, Ope ge p Y Pe ••:a�--
<br /> scrvice chnrge for each check of Operator which is returned due to non-suPficient tLnds. Should Operator fail to make its mont�hiy savia fa �,.,,�6'_
<br /> � � payment for a pedod of tl�irty deys,ATI may,in its sole discrcdon,tertilnate thfs Agreement and seek legal redress for the damages caused .,,,.;�,.-
<br /> , �'•_
<br /> iby We breach without provtding any notice of the breach. •�•-
<br /> " . _� 6. T e r o n. 'I l i e t e r m o f t h i s A g r e e m e nt shaU commence u p on tt►e execudon of this ARieement and cun for Sve(S)yans.'I'hereaRa,th�term
<br /> - - -�.'.- �'.. . .__
<br /> ._�_n_Y.�a...........s:...l1v t...rwn curcr.�dve cine(1)•YPA!fGICWd�tlflll5.
<br />- . �_..---� ' —— OI[IIIS H�ILClttottt auwt a.n�wv.�..v...«......y '�....'-------� . . _ ---_.. ..
<br /> 7. TerminaHon of A¢reement. Except as noted bclow,cither party may tcrminate this Ageement at eny time during wy initial a neuowal
<br /> - term if the othe�party brcaches a�ny matcdol provision hereof where such brcach is not cured within thirty(30)days of reaipt of written
<br />- demend from the non-brcaching pnrty to cure che breach.unless the period of time necessury to cure sald breach shall require t lunger perlod
<br /> � of time,by rcason of causes beyond the control of either party,in wl�ich case tlie period allowed for curo shail be for such longer paiod.Thi�
<br /> = provision shall not effect ATI's right to terminate this Agrcement without providing any notice of the breach if Operntor fiils to make iu
<br /> monthly scrvice fce payment�vithin 30 da��s of the dnte it is duc.
<br /> _ .�.
<br />-_ I �
<br /> - E
<br /> ; I
<br /> ,, �
<br />