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<br /> 1 TO SECURE to Lender the repayment oi the indebtedneas evtdenced by Borrowor'a note deted Aupust 22,7997 —
<br /> end extensiona and renewata thereof (Aerein"Note"1,in the principat sum of U.S. 330,000.00 , with Interest thenon,providin9 for �.
<br /> � monthly(netallments of princlpal end interest,with the betance of the indebtednea�,it not aooner paid,due end psyabte on `
<br /> '� ''��•��'�'�' Aupust 27,2022 ; the payment oi eli other suma,wlth intereat tnereon,a�lvanced In accordance herewith to protect the�ecurity _
<br /> oi thii Deed of Truat; and the pertormance of the covenants and apreementa of 8orrower herein contelnad. �:::
<br /> � Borrower covenente that Borrower is lawfuliy aelaed of tfie��tate hereby conveyed�nd has the ripht to prant and convey the Properry,
<br /> � � end that the PropertY is unencumbered except for encumbrancee of record exe�pt tor a Iien gronted by 8orrower to CoMractor end hereby
<br /> essiyned by Contraator to Lender. Barrowsr covenente that Borrcwer warronte md will defend penaraily the tltie to the Propertyr apafnst all �f.=
<br /> claims and demands,aubJect to encumbrances of recard.
<br /> :.�
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant md aflree as fallowi: -
<br />-.h• 1, Paymt�nt ot PrtnclpM�nd IM�ntt• Borrower chtll pramptiy p�y when due the principal and intenst indebtsdnee�evidenced by the -
<br />-, Note end I�te charpes aa provided In ths Nots.
<br />'�' 2. Fund�ta Tax�s md In�unna�. SubJeot to eppliosbl�I�w ar�wrip�n w�ivsr by Lender,Borrow�r�hsll pey to Under on th�d�y
<br /> ' monthty p�ym�nt�of principal�nd Int�rest are pey�bl�under ths Not�, until the Nota b pald In full,��um(hsnin"Fundi")eqwl ta on�•twdRh
<br /> '" ��tta ya:rty i:xss snd aes�s•mwnrn ltncludina eondominfum�nd pi�nnad unit d�wlopment�sseument�,If�ny)which may�ttNn prlority ov�r
<br /> l"� �� . thb D��d of Trust, �nd Oround rmt� on ths Prap�rty, It any, piw om•tweirin ot yearly p►emium inai■iim•ni: tu� r���.�d in:ur:naa, p�ss
<br />:�, � one�twNfth ot ysuiy pnmlum Instdiment�for mortp�p�Intunnc�,If eny,NI a�natonsbly�stfmotsd Initlntly�nd irom tlm�to tim�by L�nd�r
<br />�' on ths buis of aa��sm�nt��nd blll� �nd na�onsble e�tlm�t�s th�nof. Borrow�r thell not ba obily�ted to mak�such p�ym�nt�of Fundt to
<br /> Lsnd�r to the ext�nt th�t Borrow�r mek���uch payment�to tha holdsr of• prbr mortyaps or desd of truat if such holder Is an institutbnel
<br /> ry,._:,;_...,,�- I�nder.
<br /> -�F'�"�"�•"�� If Borrow�r p�y�Fundt to L�nd�r,th�Fund�ahall be hsld In sn Institutbn tM depoaits or�ceount�oi wh(ch�re insund or pwrantad
<br />_�`"-.i ^ by�fsderal or st�ts�penay(Inoludinp Lendsr if Lender li tuch an Instltutton). Lander shell spply th�Fundt to pay s�ld taxet, us�ssm�ntt,
<br /> �..==,�� compilinp uid�s ss m t• and bil�t�unl srs lender pays Bor owe►In ehi�tion ti»Fu Hlai appihc bt nd�v pCtcnEte 9 entie�te mske such`�ch Oe.
<br />--"-i..�_=i�7.
<br />���;:�,`:,�d, Borrow�r�nd Lend�r m�y apne in writiny at the time of sxacution ot thit Dsed of Trust thet Interoa on the Funde shall be p�Id to Bortow�r,
<br />'"'��' --:o� �nd uM�ts such�pnem�nt is made or sppllcebie Iew requirea such Intsrea to be paid,Lander shell not be roqufred to pay Borrowsr my int�rest
<br />'`-"-y�''_.-_�� or�ankps on ths Funda. Lender�hatl pive ta Borrower,without charye,en annuai eccoundnp of the Fundt showiny crodiu�nd d�bita to the
<br /> x:�,�.�. ' . .
<br /> �;,.,.;;: •�-,,,� Fund�and tM purpoae tor which each dsblt to the Funda was mede. The Fundsare pled4ed as eddkionei security for the suma s�cund by t s
<br /> �---�,�:�:. . De�d of Trust.
<br />��rr°�� If ths�mount ot the Fund�hetd by tha Lender,topether wfth the futun monthly Inataliments of Funds psyeble prtor to the dus date�of
<br />;e-�"_'.'?�_!;��Q� taxe�, asses:mente, ineurance premium� and pround rent�, ahdl sxceed tM smount roqufrod to pay ssld taxee, asses�ment�, Insunnce
<br /> '"T premtums snd 9round rente u they fsll due,tuch exce��shell bs, at Borrowu's option, either pramptly repald to Bonowar or Credtted to
<br />��s��,� 8ortowsr on monthiy Inetallments of Funda. It the amount of the Funde held by Lender�hall nat be sufficlent to pay taxes, esssssmmts.
<br />�-r��:'`<r-:� Insurancs prsmiums end flround renta�s they fall due,Borrowsr shail pay to lende�my emount neceesary to make up the deticiency tn orn or
<br /> �va��.�L.L:�
<br /> �°+.•��. more p�yment�as Lend�r may require.
<br /> —` t"':�`�r, Upon P�Yment 1� full of elt sums secured by thti Deed of Tru�t,Lender shell promptly rsfund to Borrower eny Funds heid by Lender.
<br />�`-=-,�,::• If undsr panpraph 17 hereof the Property�a aold or the Propsrty b otherwiae eequtred by Lender,Lsnder shalt epply,no later than immsdl�tety
<br /> -:,r== prlor to ths saie of tho Property or tts acquisitlon by Lender, any tunds held by Lender at the tims of appliaation as a credit epdnat ths�ums
<br /> °a-��� sacurod by th(s Deed of 7rust.
<br /> -:`�`�,"�;
<br /> ___a;;{. g, pppaa�yon oi p�yrt�+U. Untes� appllcabie law providet othmviae, all peyments rocefved by Lender under the Note �nd
<br /> -�y!?;�a'' parepnphs 1 end 2 hereof shell be epplied by Lender firet in peyment of emounte pay+bte to Lender by Borrower under parepraph 2 hereof,thsn
<br />— .:.�,�`� '; to Interett p�yable on the Note,and then to the principal oi the Note.
<br /> �s,="u+`._=
<br /> -1,;,,r�,,,,,y � 4. Pda MoKyr9�t�nd DNd�of Trust; ChKya; Ll�n�. Borrowe�Iheti perform ell of Borrower'a obligetions under any mortpeps,
<br /> -•! •r:�:.;.� deed of truat or other security apraement with a Ilen which he�prioriry overthle Deed of Trust, inctuding 8orrower'a covenants to mske
<br /> - � ''� paymente when due. Barrower ehetl pey or cauae to be paid ell texes,eatesamente and other chargea,fines and impoaltions ettributsbie to the
<br /> - �' Property which mey atteln e prioriry over this Deed of Truet,end Ieaaehoid peyments or ground rents,if eny.
<br /> � � 6. Hax�rd Insuranc�. Borrower shall keep the Improvemonte now axlstinfl or horeefter erected on the Property insured egainet toat by
<br /> . ' •• F. fire,hezarde inctudod within tho term'extondod coverego,'and suoh othor hat�rds ae Lender may requtre and In such emounts for such perioda
<br /> et Lender may requl►e.
<br /> � The insuronce carrlor providinfl the incurenoe ehell bo chosen by Borrower aubJect to approvei by Lender;provided,that cuch epproval
<br /> sh�il not bs unreasonably withheld. All insurence poticlee and renewelt thurlof chatl be In a form accoptable to lender end shell includs a
<br /> ' subect to ths�te�ms ot iny mortpi0s,desd of nuet or other s�ecuriry preemenwith alltenVwh chrh etprlority over thiac0eed of TrueWats thenof,
<br /> �;; In the svent ot lost,Borrower ehall pive prompt notice to the Insurence eercler end Iender. Lender mey maks proot ot loae if not msde
<br /> � prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> — s It tho Property ie abendoned by Borrower,or it Borrower feila to reYpond to Lender within 30 deys from the dete notics Is malled by
<br /> Lander to Potrowsr th�t the insurenae carrior offere to snttle e ciaim tor Insurance benefits, Lendar la euthorized to collect end epply the
<br /> - .ti�.......a�..��md hv thic naad ef Ttust.
<br /> ._,.—'�r - -----
<br /> Insurance procooda at Lenders option oitnor to rea2orecion or repa�+o���a:':�MC,;; �,.....•---•••-�---•-- -. � -
<br /> 6. Pns�rvatlon and MNntonanos ot Prap�rty: Less�hold; Condominiums; Pl�nned Unit Dsvdopm�nte. Borrower ahell keep the
<br /> Praporty in good repair nnd shell not commit wante or permtt tmpelrment or detariorotion oi the Property end shalt comply with the provislons of
<br /> eny lease If this Deed of Trust la on e Ieasehoid. If thls Deed of TruBt ia o�a unit In a condominium or a planned unit developmant, Borrower
<br /> shall pertorm ail of Borrower's oblipatlons undor the decleretlon or CoveMnte creeting or governfng the condominlum or ptanned unit
<br /> developmont,the bylaws and reyulatlons of the condomtnium or plenned unit development,end constituent documents.
<br /> � . App N SAMBOY•97-04889
<br /> �
<br /> �C Initials: Initiels: Initiela:
<br /> •� Initials;�,
<br /> NEBRASKA•Second Mortgage- 1/80-FNMA/FHLMC UNIFOAM iNSTRUMENT•Form 3828 IPage 2 of 61
<br /> � Management Syetems Development.Inc. (800) 984•8060 TlNe-OnoEnergizer!�M I1NE_OEED Copyright lcl 1994
<br /> I
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