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<br /> DEED OF TRUST °�'
<br /> �,��
<br /> � PARTIES:Thia Deed of Trost ls m�de on AT7�TiBT 12 19Q7 _, among the Grantor,�7�r,B w sn�nxRn �uro v�
<br /> ,
<br /> � Reavraar,r. Ertreawrr�n, xoaaa,,,, a+n, w•nn l'Borrower"). �
<br /> � whosa raaidsncs addres�is ao anY �nn nr...a r.�a�e, u.i� _Counry, Nebraska l"Trustee"1,end the Baneficlary,
<br /> E�OMR FFiI R}�• eevTr.n� e ♦rru neennr�mrpN ,s corporationorpanized
<br /> � ' and exlatino under th0 I+W6 01 NRB$j�F A whose addross is 27� 30L7TH LQ(„'[j$T CTAF.RT�
<br /> , �ANi1 TSi.AT7n� NRRRARKa 68902-1009 (�Lender"�.
<br /> �� CONVEYANCE:For vatue reaeived,Borrower Irrevocabiy ennts and convsyc to Trustee,in truat,with power of�ale,the reai property,of which
<br /> Borrowsr Is lawfuty sei:ed, dsscribed below and ali huildinps, fixturea, and existinp aM future Improvementc thereon and all rights-af•way,
<br /> snemente, rents,I�sue�, proftts, Income, tenement�, hereditamente, privilepet snd any appurtenances thereunto belonping (all cailed the
<br /> 'P�oPartY"1•
<br /> . PROPERTY AbDAESS: 3�i S $ttFt�mwoon �T , r_unun rcr.nrtn ,Nebreska 6A0o�
<br /> LEOAL DESCRIPTION: �s�r«ci icisv� R+a coda
<br />';:. ..�
<br /> .. L'�..Y.�
<br /> l�.tin. ,:,aJ•� located In c�An*m rar.aur^_ NALT, County,Nebraska.
<br />_—e-''"F-•• " TtTLE:Borrow�r cov�rnnt� and warnnt�thle to ths praperly,except for
<br /> r�:,;, .
<br /> �..r`.�-+�-�, .
<br />-;;,.r.;�•.k°•k EECtN1EID DF.�T: This dwd of trwt sscurea to Lender rep�yment of the securod dsbt�nd ths p�rformmcs of the coveninta end apreement�
<br /> �''�"�w contalrwd(n this dNd of trwt�nd In aoy other document incorporatsd heroln.Secured debt, es uted in this deed of uust,includes any amounts
<br />===�l;s.;,;u; 8orrow�r ow�s to Ls�d�r u:�d�r thl�deed ot trust or under any Inatrument securod by thls deed of Vust,end all modificationa,eMenslon� �nd
<br />�;,:.,y� (�MW�I�tMfq}.
<br /> M..-• �'
<br />��*,•, �:<. TM acund d�bt b svid�nc�d by ILlst ail insuumenn md�preement�aecured by this deed of truit and the dates thereotJ:
<br /> 'r-`�'�":-'!'=+� � A DR[]b17R4012Y N�TH Nf] S CLiRSTV LGRfiRMFNT 1]ATRD AVGV3T 12, �QQ7
<br /> -"'�.;z s���
<br /> _ r�n'�'�� �Futun Adv�c�s: TM �bov� �mount is c�cured sven thouyh aii or part of It m�y not yet be �dvanced.Future advanas are
<br /> w;�;L;y'��,� contsmpl�ted and will be secured to the same extent as if nuds on tM date this d�ed o}trutt ia execuced.
<br />---- �Sns�.
<br />=���^„_ ❑ RwoMnp lins of cradit�yreemsnt dsted ,with idtid annual interest nts of %.
<br /> '' -_•' All amountt ow�d uMe�this �preem�nt are�ecund sven thou9h�II amounts msy not yet bs advanced. Futurs�dvancss und�r
<br />- '"°�'�'� ths �yreertNnt ee contsmpiated and wlll bs a�cured to the same sxtent as If mads on the date thit deed of trust lo execut�d.
<br /> '°`_��.::'� qr
<br />_,k;yy•
<br />-�w����� The�bovs obli�aUon ii dw and pryabi�on �nY G, i oae If not p�id�arlier.
<br />' . `"��-=zzsa. TM totW unpUd b�imcs sscured by thl�dead of trutt st eny one time�heil not exceed a maximum principal amount of
<br /> '-=��^`�-`''-`� vTC-reau runnnanm sc�m�r tnnmQan ATYT'V �tsan at,m xo/i oo Dollere(B?�y,���_nn ),plua interen,
<br />_'�rR.T,?;.:".
<br /> -- .`..,m � plus�ny�mount�disbursed undet the termt of thit deed of trust to proteat the �ecurity of thia deed of tru�t o�to peHorm any of the
<br />-�; r covenants contain�d in this d�ed ot trust,with Intsre►t on�uch disburaementn.
<br />���;�.
<br /> - - �- ❑Vri�W�R�t�:The Interest rats on the obllyetlon ucured by thie deed of truat m�y very accordinq to the terms of that obUyetion.
<br /> - �,��i. ❑ A copy of the loan apreement containinp the terma under which the Intereat rate mey vary Is attached to thia deed ot truat and
<br /> =- '�r��� � made�part hsroof.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑ Commerchl r�] CCiC�WMFt7T c]F 7�RNTS ❑
<br /> � ' t� DESI(iNAT10N OF HOMESTEAD
<br /> }, Pursuint to the Firm Homoitead Prot�ctlon Act,detipnatlon of homsstsad ❑ is sttacMd to thfa deed of uwt and made a part hereof
<br /> ❑ h�t besn dlsclUm�d;tM dfsclalmer is�tt�cMd to thia Med of tru�t and made�part Mreot.
<br />-- SIQNATURES:By�ipnkq bNow. Bonow�r aprM to tfi� t�rms�nd cov�n�nts eont�in�d In W�dNd of trust,Inctudnp thot�on pap�2.Md in
<br /> •ny ��Mtc�IMd�bow by BorrowK. �
<br />_ ,
<br /> -��r}• ' I � � - ---- -��� �tt�L'r .
<br /> �. �`- - _ - .
<br />- ACKKOWLHD�MENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, a nt�m rG .at�m, HAT.i. COUf1Ty 66: _.
<br /> TM forepoinp inatrument wae ecknowledped be}ore me on thla_��'�'W day of AL7Q[LS't., 1997 _
<br />- by .��ac {�i[ wrnR _
<br /> mu.uu
<br /> Cao«���« of CNRIS L KASKIE -"-- --- INrn�ot CorponUOn a P�rtnp�NDl
<br /> i �MtMfWP - --.--____ ' ' .
<br /> - ACkrqwNOprnM� a �t E�p Dtc.29. _ on bohelf of the corporotion or pertnerehfp. -
<br /> I �
<br /> My commlasian explrea: n ,�!- �,
<br /> is.N� _ `�,�(/�) a [�"--.� _n�ecw►w�c� �
<br /> This inttrumont w�s preperodby cuuis i. acxia ____ _ ._.. ____. —. -_.- _- -._ -
<br /> :� , m19S6��1KEA5 SYSTEMS.WC-.ST CIOUD.MN 66301 It�s00•�97�23411 fORM OCP MT6 NE 6/19/91 APPL# 0 003 016 4 �p���.�o1I/ NEBRASKA :'
<br /> �: ,
<br /> - . CCD# 0000000000
<br />