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<br /> • COVENANTB . . .�,;,"o;�__� -
<br /> , _'.'�i:-m:-�-:.
<br /> 1, ��ynMnt�. Borrow�r epno to m�k� �II p�ymmt� on th� a�cund d�bt whm du�. Unies� Borrow�r and L�nd�r �pne oth�rwls�, �ny _
<br /> payrnants Lendar rocelva� from [iorrower or for Borrowor'6 benetit wlll be eppiled(lt�t to nny emount� Bo►ruwsr ows�on the sscur�d d�bt .
<br /> •xclutiv�of Inten�t ur rinc�p�l, s�cond to�nt�r�st �nd h�n to prinalpal.If putul prepayment ol tha eacured debt occure lor any roeeon, it wtll
<br /> nat reduc�or�xcut?�y rcMdul�1lp�ym�nt unU11M f und dsbt U p�id In}ull. '
<br /> ' 1.Cldrm AONn�t TIW.brrower vUll p�y��lkbx�M��+�� ��m�nt�, �nd oth�r ch�►p�� �ttrlbut�bte to Ihe property wh�n du��nd will detend title
<br /> to tF»Wopart�f apalAit�hy dilm�vqbl4h w04W� _ Ilm o}thl�d��d of iru�t.Lenda m�y nquln Bonowu to utfpn�ny rlpht�,clalm��r ,�:
<br /> d�tenfsa whlc�i Borriov�(�r mly fi}���n�ln�t p�n�its wno�upply I�bor or m�t�rld�to Improve or m�IntNn tF��property.
<br /> 3. Imur�fc�. Borrower wiil k�sp the propsrty Insured und�r tum��ce�pt�bl�to Lender at Borrow�r'� �xpente and for Lsnd�r's b�n�tit. All . . . . -.,;�:
<br /> Insurnnce pollclea ehell Include e etendard mort�ge cl�ut�In favor o}Lender.Lender wiil b�nomsd u los�payee or u th�Insursd on any tuch
<br /> orsto ths�icutid dibt�I}Lindir nq tu rei�mortyq�Iniurinci�t Borrowi���priei to�mifntdn�iuchhnsurince ot��lonp u l�nderenquini�operty . ~ ,
<br /> . r�'�: •
<br /> 4.Property.Borrowsr will keep the property In pood condltlon end m�ks dl repdn naROnabty neces�uy. ':�-,• -
<br /> � 6.Exp�n�a.Borrow�r�pnn to pay�II Lsnder'■ �xpentss,Includlny ro��onabl��ttorneys' fees,If 8orrowsr bruks+ny rovenant�In thl�dud , ;.��,�•,.. - ..s'
<br /> of trust or In any obllQ�tlon�ecured by thls dud of tru�t.Borrower will pay thsae�mounts to Lander�i provid�d fn Covenent 9 of thl�de�d of i;.�� };?�:�?'�`_
<br /> trust. ��=-
<br /> B.Pda S�curity Int�ats.Unloss BorrowRr fUet obteins Lender's wrltten coneent,Borrower wHl nat meke or permit�ny chenpes to�ny prior ��_•�y 1';,��,'�:;.`.
<br /> �ecurlty interosta. Borrower wlll p�rform ail of Borrower's oblipatlont under eny prior mortpaqo, deed of trutt or other cecurfty �preament. ,,,;.,,- -
<br /> includiny Borrower's covenant�to m�k�paymmts when due. '�rl.�=�—
<br /> ' '^'--
<br /> 7.AssionrtMnt ot R�ntt�nd Prolits.Borrowsr usipns to L�nder the rente and proflts of the property.Unlens Bortowu and Lender hav�apre9d ; _t__
<br /> otherwrs�in wrftiny,Borrower rn�y colNct and ►et�i�tha rants as long as Borrower is not in defsult. If Borrowsr defauits, Londer, L�ndsr'o .�-�,_
<br /> spent, ar e court appolntad rocefver may take poteepinn end manepe the property and collact the rentt. Any rontt Lender collects sh�ll be . �,Nsc-„--
<br /> applied first to the cotts of msmying the properry, Including court costs and attorneys' fees, commisslons to rentel •q�snte, and eny other .+T;,,�,
<br /> � necsss�ry roleted expen�ea.The remainlnp�mount ot ronts wfll then apply to paymento on the aecurod debt as provid�d in covanant 1. `=_,-_
<br /> �` e.L��ahalds•Condominiumt:Pl�nn�d Unk Wv�loprrwnt�•Borrower aprees to comply with the provl�lons oi�ny leau if thle deed of trust I�on �,�.,__
<br /> a Iucshold. If thls dond of trust is on a unit In o condominlum or a planrted uNt dovelopment,Borrowor will porform a11 of Borrow�r'a dutlu =_;r yve�.
<br /> undsr ths covenent�,bydaw�,or reQul�Nons o}ths coodominlum or planned unit devslopmeot. __�__
<br /> �, g,Aud�wity ot L�ndn to Pefwm Tor tor►owK• If Borrower fafla tope rform any of Borrower's dutles undsr this deed of trwt, Lender may ��,ti�_=_
<br /> perform the dutfes or cause them to be performed.Lendsr m�y slpn 8orrow�r's name or p�y any amount It neces:ery for performencs. If any ,ti�_____
<br /> constructlon on the property is discontinued or not carrlsd on In a reasonable menne►,Lender msy do whstever Is neceas�ry to protect Lendsr't .;:�,;�'�
<br /> �ecurlty Intersst In the prop�rty.Thls m�y includs completlnp the conttruction. =_
<br /> .� Lsndsr'a failure to portorm wlll not preclude lender from exerclslnp any of Its othnr rlyht�under the law or thls deed of t�uat. --�_.----
<br /> and wf 1 bear Inte�restyhomde�tda�e�ot the payment until pifdtln full et��t e�lntereit�r te In�eNect on the�ecu ed debt°nts wlll be due on dsmand '-
<br /> ��'�
<br /> ' 10. D�f�ult�nd Accd�ratlon. If Borrower teNs to m�ke any payment when due or break� any covenants under thia deed uf trust or eny b,_;—
<br /> � obllpation�ecured by this desd of trun or any prbr mortpaps or deed of trust, Lender m�y accelents the m�turlry of ths tscured debt and _
<br /> dsmsnd Immediats p�yment end may Invoke the power of sde and any other romedles permftted by�pplicabto I�w.
<br /> _____ __ � 17.R�qu�tt fot Notk�of Gfwlt.ft Is hereby requestsd that coples of the notices of default end eete be sent to e�ch person who Ia a party
<br />- • hereto,�t the eddrett ot a�ch such penon,�t aet iorth irornin.
<br /> 1�.Pow�r of S�. If the Under invokeo the power of�ale,the Trust�e shall first racord In the oHlce of tha repistK of deedt of��ch county
<br /> whsreln the vust(xoperty or som�pert or p�rcel thereof Is eitueted e notice of deteult contel�Inp the Inform�tlon nquired by I�w.The Trustss
<br /> � shill dso mafl copie�of the notice of d�fault to the Borrower, to esch porson who la e puty F�ereto, and to other pertons as prescrib�d by _
<br /> appllcabls Isw. Not less th�n ona month sfter tM Tru:tee recorda the notice of dsf�ult or two months If the ttust property Is not In �ny
<br /> Incorponted city or vlllspe md f�used In farming opentlont c�rrled on by the tru�tor,the'�rustss chNl yive publlc rattce of sate to the psrsem
<br /> '. �nd In the mannor prescribed bY apppllceble Nw.Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrower, ahn�two�i paratePsa es aa rsqulred bynapp8cabls�law
<br /> bldder.If requlred by the Farm Home�tead Protsctlan Act,Trusbtee sb a announcem�ent at ths ttme snd place of any p►svlou�ly schsduled�ab.
<br /> Trustse may poatpone iale of all or any p�ral of the p►operty V Pu
<br /> - . -.--- Leoder or�[r dusiy�wa m�y purchaso the grog!rtY et wny ule. ____
<br /> ' U n recslpt of ayment of the prlae bld,Truttee�hall detiver to the purch�ser Trustee's daed convsyin�the propeh proeeds�o�t�tha�eale�Inthe
<br />° � � T ust�e's deed she11 hs prlma t�cls evldlence of the uuth of the statements conUtned theroin. frustee shall apply
<br />. � relnsWtite snd faese�lb)to�ul sumsaRecu ed by thia�deed of�truet�end(c)thet belence e t eny t�o the penom/epilly end Ied�to recslve It.f�� ��
<br />�:�'�;c��-+� 13.Fa�closur�.At Lsnder't optlon,thls deed of trust may be foreclosed In the m�nner provlds by appllceble law for forecloture of mortyap��
<br /> z.;,�,�Y�;, on rpl property.
<br /> ''�'�"r � 14,kuo�cNon Lender may enter the properry to Ii�apect It If Lender gives Borrower notice beforoh�nd.The notia muat state the roaaonable
<br /> • '••�� c�ute fa Lsndir's Intpectbn.
<br />_'� . .:�
<br /> •�...:,.
<br /> :• }r5 76.Ca�d�rtwWtlon.Borrower asslgns to Lenrler tM�rocseds of any award or clalm for damagea connected wlth s candemnatlon or othsr taklnp
<br /> • of dl or any pxt ot the property.Such proceeds wl 1 be applled ae provlded in Covenant 1.Thls ea�ipnment U�ubJect to the term�of any prlor
<br /> ���,r c�cutity�preement. :
<br />'-`«�� � 1g,YYdwr.By exerclainQ any remedy avaflable to Lender,Lendor doea not plve up eny riphts to later uce any other remody.By not exerclslnp _
<br />�w.;,:, any remedy upon Borrower'a default,Lsndar doea not walve any Hyht to later conslder the evont a default it It heppens apein.
<br /> • ' 19. Jok►t�nd S�v�rd LI�bNttv; Co•alpn�n:Suee�saas �nd As�ly�n Bote+d• All dutlss under thfe deed ot trust�re Jolnt �nd �svswl. Any
<br /> �w���-;�� Borrower who co-alpns tNs deed of trust but doea noi eaelpn the underiYtn0 debt instrumentlo) does ao only ta ynnt and convey th�t �
<br /> z:'""""`"�"'. i Barower's Interest In the property to the Trustee under the terms of thle desd oftrust.In additlon,such s Borrower egraes that the Lender and =;
<br /> v�M��t•':\Y . .
<br />__j F ,..�,;;c��.,• �ny other Bonower under this d�ed of trust msy sxtend,modlfv ar make any other chan9n fn the terms of ihls deed of truct or the securod `
<br />_� �.,,;,'•L+,;.•":;�i�: debt wtthout that Borrower'e conaent md wllhout roleesln9 that Eorrower trom the terms of thfs deed of bust. �.,���
<br /> r�r� . _ �"�
<br /> •� � TM dutlss and beneflt�of tMs deed of truet thsll bind and benefit the succe�eora�nd asslpnt ot Lender and Borrower. .:__
<br /> '���� 18.NMIc�.Unless optherwlte r�qulred by law,any nottce to Borrower shall be piven by delfverinp It or by mafllny it bY cenlfled mefl�ddre�sed to ---
<br /> � �
<br /> mail to Lendetr i address on pape 1 of t�ifs died of tiustt o�tto any otherasddresatwhlchdLender�hae deslpnat d Anyother notice to LaYnder�ahsll �
<br /> Et3t+��s
<br />- be sent to Lender'a eddreas aa ststed on pape 1 of thls deed ot trust. (,�
<br /> Any notic�sh�ll be dsemed to have been ylven to Borrower or Lender when plven In the manner statad ebove. �}�T-�
<br /> ;• 19.TtimfK of tM Ptop�rty o��B�11cia1 Mhn�t In tM Borrow�r.If ell or any part of the property or any interect in it is sotd or transtarred _ ^ -
<br /> ' .r'�:�-.�.-
<br />' 1� witlwut Und�r's prlor wrltten consent, Lender may demand Immedfete payment of the aecured debt. Lender may also demend immodiate `�,,;.��__
<br /> payment If tM Borrower Is not a natural person and a beneflclal interest In the Borrower le sotd or tranaferrod.Nowever, Lender may not ,.,i�._-____
<br /> d�mand p�Ym�nt in the above situatlons if it Ia prohibited by federel law es of the dete of thls deed of trust. ��,;i��-_.�.
<br />� 20.R�conwyM�c�.�Nhen ths oblfpatbn cecured by thla deed of Vuat hea been paid and Lender hes no funher obliyatlon to m�ke advancss :•`� ��
<br /> ' under tM fnstrumente or eproemsntt securod by thls deed of truat, the Truatee shalf, upon wrltten request by tM Lender,reconwy ths Vust ;"%;F��>�
<br /> property.The Lender ehall detiver to the Borrower, or to Borrower's euecessor In Interest,the trust deed and the note or other evldenee of the ��:;J�
<br /> +� __� obllyatlon ro satlstied.Borrowar shall pay any recordetlon Costs.
<br /> 21. Sueassa Tru�tN. Lender, �t Lender'� option, mey remove Trustee and appolnt a succeasor truatee by first, memng e copy or me -- --
<br /> subatitution ot truatee es requlred by�ppticeble law,and then,by filinp the subatitution of trustee for record In tho oHice of the reyleter of de�da
<br /> aucceed to alline powar,tdutfeabeutholtry and title of the Trustee namedan the deed ot uust end of eny�succeasor uustee,of the property,sha�l
<br /> t
<br /> i
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