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<br /> Q SECOND OEm OF TRU5T F--+ `�v �
<br /> �� �� � N t� o
<br /> This Second Deed�of Trust ltt+is 'Seco�d Oeed of TnuY1,is mads as af aUGUST 20, 19*�,by and amanq �
<br /> lTrwto�').whoa�maiitn9 addros�is 320 E 18TH ST, GRAND ISLAND� NE ;
<br /> C(]MIMERCIAL FEDERAL 6ANK� A SRU INGS 8A(��e•1 . wnoae msiUrq�ddrsu �a
<br /> , 2120 SOUTH 72N0, OfhAHA. NE 68124 , . Nebraska: 3nd Nebrdski Irl�wsdnartt F+nanca Authority `
<br /> ("Uaneflaary'1,whose mailinq address is 200 Commsres Cuu� 7230 0 Strest, Li�coln.Nebr�ka 68ba8-'t402.
<br /> FaR VA�UABI.�CONSiDERATiON,Tru.�tor�nevcathly transfer�.canveys and assiqns to Trustae. IN TRUST,wITH POWFA
<br /> OF SALE.for ths henefit and 2ecurity ot 8enaflciary, under and subject ta ttw tertns and conditions of this Secand Deed of Trust.
<br /> the roal prapercy, legalty described on Exhibtt A at�chnd hereto dnd incorparated herein bY reference(the "PreaertY";: and
<br /> TaGETHER'N�TM.all renu,profics,rayafties,income and other henefits derived from the Propeny(catlectively,the'�ents').
<br /> alt leases ar subleases covering ;he Praperty cr any pornon;hereaf naw or hereafiter existinq or erttered inta, and aU right.�tte and
<br /> interest of Trustar thereundar, a11 nqht,uUe anti interest or Trustor�n and to anv greater estate:n me Proper,i owned or nereaiter
<br /> acquired, ail intere�ts. estate or atne� c:a�ms, botn in law and in �u�ty, �Nnic:s Trustar now �as or may`erearter acau�re m :he
<br /> w��zf.�,,a!�w�cwmenrs.riqhts�f•wav. tenemencs. nereaitaments ano aDCUrtenances :nereof ana tnetero, ail:vater rignts. stl ngnt,
<br /> �tle anG incerest af Truscor, now aw�ed or heresfter acauirea, in and to any �and, :ying w�tnin tne ngnt��°Nav or anv �:iaai u�
<br /> h�gnway ad�oining :he Property. anC any and a�l alleys antl stnps and gores af iand aCjacenc :o or usea�� ���nec:�on •,v�tn :he
<br /> Prooerty,ana amr antl all hwldings.fixtures antl :marovements now ar hereaftet srec:ed tt�ere�n (the'Irt►crcvemenrs"1. ano a�t;he
<br /> estate, interesi, nqnt, ntle or a�y claim or demand wnicn Trustor nqw has or may hereafter acauire in the�•voer[y, ana any and
<br /> all awards made far the taking by eminent domain, or bY any proceedinq ar pu�chasa in lieu;nereof,afi ;ne •nrnote or any oart of
<br /> me Trust Estate. inc.udinq w�tt:QUC limitation arn� awaras resultlng from a chartge of gratle of stree�s anG awarGS'�r severanca
<br /> d�niages. -
<br /> , The PropertY and the entire estate and interest conveyed ;o the Trus[ee are referted ;o collecavely as.he'Trust Esrate'.
<br /> Fa th�P�xposs of S�c�u�+g:
<br /> q, Paymenc of indeotedness evidenced by any prom�ssory note af Trustor in favor of 8enaftciary; and
<br /> B. Payment ot alt sums advanced by 8eneficiary to pmter.t the Trust Estate, with irmrest tttereon at the rate af
<br /> . sixteen percerrc(169i) per annum.
<br /> The indebtedness described in Ruapraphs A and B above is referted to as the'tndebtedness•'
<br /> This Secand Deed of Trust, any RmmissarY note of Trustor in favor ot BenaHciary and anY ott+er instrument 9iven to
<br /> evidance or turther secure the psyment and perfarmanca of arty obllqation secwed hereby are retened tv callec:ivelY as the'Laan
<br /> tnsuttR►ents'.
<br /> Tnumr covenants that li1 Tnutar holds title to the Trust Fsqte and has lawiul authority to encumber the Trust Estate.
<br /> (ii)the Tnut Estate is free and clear of all liens a�d encumhqnces exce0t tor easemerTts.resirierians u�d covenants at record and
<br /> the Oaed of Trust from Trustar encumberinq the Praqerty dated on or�bou[ the date hereaf (tne'First�ecd ot TrusY1. �d
<br /> liii)7rusior will defend the 7rusc Fstate aQainst the lawfu!daims of any petson.
<br /> 7o Pn�act tfi�S�curitf►af thii S�co�d ONd of Trwt:
<br />_ �, paym�rrt ot/nd�btedihss. Tniscar shall pay when due the principal af,and the irtterest en.the��debtedness and
<br /> all oNer sums as pro��ded in Me Loan Instrumems.
<br />_- . �� NIFA 2/96
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