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<br />-;�;;�.. ,�,�,� 16. RECONVFVANCE 13Y TRU9TEE.Upon wrMtn nqwst o1 Bm�fici�ry�tatinp th�t�II�um�ucund h�r�by h�w bwn p�d, .
<br /> • and upon�urnnd�r of thw�d of Trust�nd th�Not�lo Tru�to�ior e�nall�twn�nd nhntan �nd upon p�ym�n�by Trustor of
<br /> ' ' y ' TrwtN'�fNr.Tru�tM�h�ll ncenwy to Tru�tor,or th�(»rson or p�nons I�p�Ny�ntdNd th�nto,wAhoul wwrr�nty.��y Ponb^ot '"—
<br /> ' �x�� th� Prqp�rly th�n h�fd Mr�und�r. Th� nt:Ral� in euch nconwyl�nca of�ny m�ttu� or fect� �htil b�conclu��v� prool of Ih� ��,.
<br /> ' � truthfuln�u lh�r�of.Th�pr�ntN in�ny r�eonwy�ne�m�y b�d�ter�d��'tho pnson or p�non�I�paft�mtitl�d th�nlo." _
<br /> ., y�� 1 e. NOTICEB.Exo�pl tor�ny ndic��,d�m�nd�,r�qwab or othn commun�tbn�nquk�d und�r appNe�bl�Iliw to b�Orvtn in � _—
<br /> anolh�r m�nn�r,wh�n�wr B�n�fict�ry,Tru�tor ar Tru�tN ynK�or wrw��ny not�c�(includinp,wdhout 6mK�tbn,nat�c�ol d�feuR 1 ��
<br /> :� • ;�� � �nd noUa of s�w),d�rru�nd�,nqu��b or oth�r eommun►e�tbn wRh n�p�e1 ro thN W�d ol Tru�t. ��eh wch not�c�,d�m�nd, _
<br /> � �, � nqus�t or oth�r communic�tbn�hwll b�In wrRinp and�h�ll If��thctiw only d th���m�b d�irwrsd by p�i�ond�rrwa or n m��d `tR
<br /> by c�rttfNd m�d,post�p�pr�P�M,�ddi�ss�d lo tho Addrocc�a cut torth at tho bepmnmfl of thro Deed of Tmst.Any party mAy et any � �
<br /> ' ., � tim�ch�np�R��ddns�br sueh not�u�by d�llwnny or m��linp to th�oth�r p�rty h�nto,ae alor�s��d.w nM�cw ot�uch chanp�.Any
<br /> �a'��. not�c�h�nund�r theM b�d��m�d to h�w b��n prven to Trustor or B�n�f�cMry,wh�n pnr�n in th�m�nn�r d�spnahd h�r�M. _
<br /> � 17, R��UBBT FOR NOTICE.Tru�tor aad B�n�ficu�ry htnby nqu��t�copy of any not�u of d�1auA,and s copy o1�ny not�c�
<br /> �' ot��I� th�nundor, b� m�iNd lo�ach p�non who�s n party h�nto at ih� addr�ts s�l}orth for tuch p�non in�dh�r Ih�first _
<br />� pa�praph of thN De�d o1 Trutt or b�kw. .I[1tlL4[� -- --- •
<br /> .. � =y _.'_ __ `-._'
<br />_�;At�;S 1 d. OOVERNING LAW.Thu DNd of Trust shail b�powrn�d by th�lawe of lh�3tate of N�bra�ka.
<br /> ��'�..•F-{•-r•; � 18. SUCCES.�ORS ANO A881ON8.Thh DNd of Trus1,�nd all tvm�,conddbn�end oblpstan� h�rtln,appy to and mun to
<br />±'�:'r"� �= th�Mn�fit of anQ O�+ds dl p�rtNs h�r�to,th�lr h�lrr,Ip�tNt,d�vl�us,p�rson�l npn��nt�t�w�,sucastiard and a��qn�.Th�
<br />-�. s;:y.'=.
<br />;._ . ,,� ��y, t�rm'B�n�ficiary'sMik m�an lh�own�r and hold�r of th�Nob,whNhe or not n�m�d n B�nofielary h�nin.
<br />�' � `k �' 20. JOINT AND SEVERAL LUBILITY.All eown�rte�and�prNm�nb ot Truttor shstl b��olnt and s�wral.
<br /> .7-i•... �,`
<br /> �� �� 21, SEVERIIBIUTY.In th��v�nt any on�or mon of th�provi�bns cnnt�in�d n thrs ONd of Tru�t or th�Not�nr my othor -
<br />_i�_�,_ �� ..:•
<br />-,_:�a.��°.; s�curity instrum�nt plwn in cann�ctbn with this tr�nuctan th�A 1a�ny n�son b�Mkt to h+x�v�lid.dMW�or un�nlorc�ahM in eny
<br /> -� ' nop�ct�such InvaNdity,ill�peNy�or un�nlorcyabdity shad,at th�option of B�n�tic�ry.not�fhct anY otMr p�ovision of thN D��d of
<br />- , %+�':'�� Trust,but Mh DMd of Tmst�hell b�constru�d as it wch invelkl,ill�p�l.a un�nkrcMbN provnion h�d Mver M�n contain�d h�nln
<br /> ��ex tV�,,%,:
<br /> - or th�r�in.I}th�li�n of thb DNd of Trutt b InvRIM or un�n}orc�abl���to sny p+�rc of tM d�bt,or H th�1►�n N invaNd or un�nbru�bt�
<br />'�! �`�•M a�to any p�rt oi th�Prop�rty,th�unwcur�d or partiaMy t�cur�d portbn of th�d�bt shaM ba compNtdy peld prbr to th�peym�nt of
<br /> � ��nk�t
<br /> "��•� = . th�nm�inhp�nd s�cu:�d or partlaNy s�:und portk,n of th�d�bt end�A paym�nt�mRd�on th�d�bt,wh�th�r voluntary or und�:
<br />� '�`� g%"'�� loncbsun or othar�nloresm�nt aetbn or proc�dun,shsll be consid�r�d to hnw bNn first pald on and appli�d to th�tul paym�nt
<br /> �r, . ..,,
<br /> ";' r� of th�t�srdon of th�d�bl whlch Is not acund or not tuly t�cund by th�INn of thls DNd ot Tru�t.
<br />,��r,�::;,.
<br /> t���;.•, 22. NUMBBR AND(iENDER. Wh�n�wr w�d h�nin,th�sinyular numb�r shall Includ�th�plurel,end th�w�of eny gend�r
<br /> sheN b�applicabl�to aMp�nd�n.
<br /> ;��', �a AACFPtANCE BY TRUSTEE. Tmst��acoePte thit Trust wh�n th�s D��d of Trust,duy�x�cW�d and ecknowNdg�d, is
<br />��;
<br />�: mad�e publfc r�cord 0�provid�d by kw.
<br /> 24. TRU8TEE I.IABILITY.8o bn0 nt th�TrustN ehall act fn pood faRh�nd In nllana upon nol�s end oth�r Intormation
<br />�;��.J1Qi's,x;� which R,In fts sol�dlacntbn may dNm to b�n11abN,and so bny as Trusb�shall�x�rcia r�a:onnbN prudsnu end car�in Hs
<br /> adminl�tretbn h�nunda,Trutb�shall not bs liabl�1or any bss or damayee suatain�d or Incurnd by th�Trustons or any B�n�ficinry
<br />�:�,. or by any oth�r p�r�ons whom�o�wr.ft b��np expnssly atipulnt�d thet th�Tru�t�s ehall be Ilebt�ony for fte own groas n�pllg�nc�
<br />=y- and willlul d�fauR in th�promk�s.
<br /> -'—"°=e�:�i5�� IN WITNE83 WHEREOF,'Tru�tor hiu�x�cut�d thb Maftor D�sd oi Truat Form nnd by tha slpninp hereol acknowNdpe�thet h�has
<br /> _��rA� 4 ned�nd nc�fwd a tuE copy h�r�of end und�ntends that ds terms,condRbm end eont�nte nre tuity ncorporet�d Into tho actual
<br />..,��-�a:.�.�.
<br /> ;�� OMd ot Tru�t h�sqn�d of�wn dat�h�nwNh.
<br />���
<br />=:�;�er�a�r�i� ~_
<br />--_�raa�
<br /> hn J. ice Jr.
<br /> ,,��D, -� �� ��C.12..
<br /> hez�i L. Rice -
<br /> Th�for.yolnQlnsttum�ntwasaclmowl�dpadl»tonm�thls?��hyof Augu9t , te_97 ,by John J. RiCe .1Z'.
<br /> and 5heri L. Rice, husband and wife
<br />����
<br /> _—_A��,� �EHERAlNO1ARKSy�eolNe ��tk� NoL�ryRb�b
<br /> OARLA M.PO1AK
<br /> __e --s::�� Mr Cnmm.fip.��h�
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