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<br /> w;�
<br /> ; . ': � ��, DEED OF TRUST
<br /> .,� .0:,....• `��
<br /> THIB DEED OF�FiUJT,med�thi� Z��h day of AU$Uet , 19 97 . �Q�
<br /> �.;;��r��'Y' �� byandamqnp John J. Rice, Jr. and Sheri . Rice� us an an wi e ��
<br /> T' .:+'; (h�n�n•Tru�tor');and Jerr J. Milner
<br /> ,whoaa maiGnp nddresa h n treet., ran s and
<br /> -��:��:..�..':�• �
<br /> • r,•,..
<br /> -� s s,: NE 68801
<br /> --':,"°"" Associates Financia ervices ompany o e ras a nc.
<br /> -� ••�"'' (h�nfn Trwt��'); and
<br /> _ . ;,..;� awrencP ane, ran a an
<br /> �..•?%,_�, whos�ma�lnp addr�sf a
<br /> - ;,c�
<br />:=,'i.i� (h�nln'B�n�ficiary').
<br /> �a.=
<br /> �m .x�:� —
<br />_- �f.� ,
<br /> u,�.�.:
<br /> -- FOR VALUABLE COTt31DERATION,Truttor knvocaby pranta,trenaf�ra,canwya�nd�sscgne 10 TrustN, IN TRUST, WITH
<br />��°"'`''��• POWER OF SALE,tot th�t»n�fR�nd pcurAy o}Bert�ficJ�r�L yndsr and su�j�ct to ih�i�ems�nd�onditbna ot thb DNd aiTrust,th�
<br />--�:-�5'H� lolbwiny dNe�iMd r�al proprrty.bcsbd in Hall Couvety,N�brssk�:
<br /> �..t,.;� .
<br /> �::;.s.
<br /> v°' All ±hAr. certain Lot or Parcel of Land situate in the County of Ha'll an
<br /> _�-�-�� State of Nebraska, known and designated as Lot �1`hree t 31 in Biock a��e (1}
<br /> -__— of Westroada Estates Subdivision� Hall CounCy� I�ebraska.
<br /> ����
<br />---�.�,��
<br /> ._:r��:..;�
<br /> -:.���:i1�
<br /> TOCiEfHER WITH,RII nnb,profiu,royaltlN,incom�end oth�r b�n�fM d�riwd from th�r�d prop�rty;all Nwr or subNatN
<br /> cowrin4 th�nd prop�►ty or any PoRan t�r�of,now or h�nRR�r�xbtinp or�nt�nd into,and d rfyht titN and Mtenst of Trutta
<br /> th�nund�r,sN eU►Nts.��t�or othe ctaim�.bcth in law�nd 1^Wuity,whkh Trustor now h�s or m�y h�rNR�r�oquk�in th�nal
<br /> ------- prop�rty:+1�aNm�nb. rphts-0t-way,t�rnm�nu.h�nditam�nt�and appurt�nanat th�rw}and th�nlo:aM oii�nd pu riphb�nd
<br /> .;.���� profits,waur riphts�nd wet�►Kock;ell ripht,titl�and int�ntt of trustor,now owrnd or h�nah�t�oquind,h and to eny{uid yinp
<br /> -=---- — wilhin th�rinhtot-way of�ny �trNt or hqhw�y ad�olnl�q th� ns! prhp�rty; any and eN buNdinp�.foctun�, knprowm�nb. �nd
<br /> �-�� �ppurtmanns now or h�naRsr�raet�d th�rwn or Wbnpiny th�r�to,(h�nin nbrnd to as'ImprovomenY or'Improwm�nhq:�nd
<br /> — any and all Rwuds m�d�tor th�takinp by�min�nt domain,or by eny proa�dinq or purchsa in Iwu th�nof,of th�whol�or�ny pnrt
<br /> _____.___= of th�r�d prop�ua►.All ot th�knpofny �at�t�,prop�rty end inbn�t conwy�d to TtustN h�nin col{�cNwy nhrt�d to u th�
<br /> — 'Prop�rty'.
<br /> _�—"'� ��U���1 Lrao°ll3�i����'s0�"H1111�e�YC�leZ�t�°�RII�ry�h�nwithM��p�p����IPf ne-Hundred
<br /> ��==W�� top�th�r wrth iMered at th� rat�or rat�s provid�d th�nin,or Ih� principal end inbnst on my tuiur� advenas�vfd�nc�d by
<br /> _'v�.;���''� promksory notot atatinp M�Y an s�cur�d h�nby.(h�rN�'Not�'or'Not�t')and any�nd aY r���wal�,modificntbn�and�xt�nsbns
<br />=-��,; ot sueh NN�,both prineipd end Inttrat on th�Not�b�ing pnyabN fn accordance with th�brms at forth th�nin,nt�nncy to which
<br /> :����;,, , is hanby mad�.
<br /> _:r; '~•'�'�
<br />'y+=t�!�:'., (b)Tho p�dormen:a of each ayrnment and cov�nant of Truator h�r�in containsd:and
<br /> -.. -�1...�,,:
<br /> .�:;t�•�,'�r�; (c)Th�peym�nt o9 any sum or sums of mon�y wdh mtereet thereon whfch may�e�ereaRar pnid or advanud anrbar th�t�rms of this
<br /> - �•���''��� Doad of 7ms1.
<br /> `',-5`Jl,"..i?.� -
<br /> ..;,,;.;:.. . ,
<br /> -:�,1' 1. PAYMEni'C OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERE5T. Trustor ahe8 prompUy pay wh�n du� th�principal of nnd inbnst on tho
<br /> , �; md�bledn�si evidencod by th�Not�,nnd nll oth�r charpss and h�s aa provid�d in th�Nots,nnd th�principel of and Inttnst on a�y
<br /> "' . ��..��.i.�d.d Tn uf
<br /> ' -__ . i.. ►'UIUl�MOY6tll���i�i�u v
<br /> ..',__' t_, 1....�..��'_...___
<br /> � �'� � 2, WARRAN�Y OF TITLE.Truslor is lawtully��ized end pocsessed of pood and ind�lseuibl�tAN and estate to th�Prap�rty
<br /> �� hereby conv�y�d and hat th�rpht to yrant end conwy th�Property;th�Property io TrN and clear of ali li�ns end oncumbmncas
<br /> � . ' except li�ns now ot ncord;nnd Trustar wdl warrnnt end det�nd th�titN to th�Prop�rty egalntt all clnims end d�mands.
<br /> 3. MAINTENANCE AND COMPLJANCE WITH IAWS.Trustor shall kNp th�Prop��ty in good r�palr and conddion and shaA not -
<br /> " commit wnst�or p�rm�t unpelrm��t or d�Urbretbn ot lhs Prop�rly end shell comply with thv provisbns ot nny lens�H thls DNd of
<br /> Trust is on n Nas�hold.No fmprowm�nt now or hennttsr encted upon th�Prop�rty nhall M nft�nd,nmowd or d�molKh�d wilhout
<br /> th� prlor wr�tm cons�nt ot Bm�ficbry.Trustor shall comply wdh all Iaws, ordlnnnc��, r�Quktion�, cownmts, cond'Rbns and
<br /> rostnctionf ethetinp the Prop�rly a�d not eommi�euttsr or permR eny aet to bs don�in or upon Ih�Prop�rty fn vwtatbn ot eny law.
<br /> � ordlnana,repuletion,cownnnt,eonddion or reatnctwn.Trustor shell complete or reMon promply and�n good workmanlik�menn�r
<br /> eny improv�m�nt on th�Prop�rty wh�ah mey b�demeg�d or d�stroy�d end pay,wh�n du�,ell claims for lebor pe�tormed nnd
<br /> met�nnh furnkhod thanlon end tor any eh�rntions th�roof.
<br /> ORIGIHAL(1)
<br /> G07071 REV-1-05 N W ratt� SORROWER COPY(1) oms�A.oa
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<br /> � -- - - _
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