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<br /> Full Re�onvey�nce: U�on written request al Bene6ci ary staanc7 that all sums secured hereby h�ve been paicf,td �•;���,;;,.
<br /> • 'I'rustee shall re�onvey,without warranty,the pro�erty then helQ hereuntler ihe re�itals in such rE�conveyance Ot any"v � { . a��
<br /> � matters �f fact shall t�e conclus�ve proof �f the truthfuln�sti tr�ereoi The c�rantee in such recanveyance may be � 5 �`.. ••
<br /> designated as "thN pe►san of persons legally entitled ther�to". Such request and reconveyance shall operate as � ; '.''�U:.•.:1'`
<br /> r�assignment o1 the rents,income, issuesand pro�itsh�+reinb�lore assigned toBrnefivary ,. �. .
<br /> Right ta Collett end Receive Rent� end Proflts: NotwitFisiandiny any other provisions Nereof, seneficiar ,:�s,.,e;��.��;
<br /> herehy grants permission to Trustor to tollett and ►etain the rents,mcome, �ssues and profits of su ch property as the
<br /> become due and �ayable, but reserves the right to revoke sucn perm�ss�on at any t�me, w�th or witi�out cause, by ,�• • - '�-•--
<br /> «:�. notice in writing to Trustor, mailed to Trustor at his last known address. in any event, such permission to Trustor :�.i^ �:�-
<br /> automotically shall be revoked upan default by Maker or Trustor in payment oi any indebtedness secured hereby or �•_���� ,�}'!'�r`;
<br /> •1,�_s.,a,;t.I
<br /> ,;,,,,,.r,�r' � in the performan:e of any agreement here�ander. On any such defaul t,eeneficiary may at any ti rne without notite, s��
<br /> ..�-•-�' either in person, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by the Cou rt,and without rec�ard to tl�e adequacy of any •. _
<br /> ;�=_ -
<br /> sewrity for the indebtedness secured hereby,enter upon and takeNossession of such piopeny,o�any part thereof , :,..f„__
<br /> # make, cancel, enforce or modify Ieases; obtain and eject tenants, set or modify rents; in �ts own name sue or 4:,.�_____.
<br /> . otherwise collect the rents, income,issues and profits thereof,i nclud ing those past due and unpaid; and apply the ��Y__-
<br /> � same, less c�sts and expenses of operation and collection, including reasanable attorney's fees, upon any ;�
<br /> indebtedness se�ct��Qd hereby dnd in such order as Benefieiary rnay determine; and except for such applitation, �*'•
<br /> . Benefitiary shall rot b2 liable to any person for the collectian ar noncollection of any rents,income,issues or profits, ��
<br /> :; for the failure to assert or enforce any of the foregoing rights,no►shal I Beneficiary be charged with any of the duties �";""
<br /> . . � and obligations o� a r+nortgagee in possession. The entering upon and taking possession of such property, the �;-
<br /> . collection of su�h *e�ts, income, issues nr profits,the doing of other acts herein authorized, and the application
<br /> ;; � thereof as aforesaed,shall not cure or waive any default ar noti ce of default hereunder or inval idate any act done =_.-.
<br /> ' t pursuantlOSUChnotite. �„
<br /> �: -=-
<br /> Trustee's Sale an Default: Upon default by Maker or Trustor in payment of any indebtedness sewred hereby =___
<br /> , ...,� or in performance of any agreement hereunder, orany agreementseeured h�reby,Beneficiary may dedare all sums r=
<br /> • . secured hereby immediately due and payable and shall cause to be filed of record a written notice of default and .�
<br /> ,�,,�,'„� �:�:.�
<br /> :,.,�....!�' �`. election to sell such property. Afterthe lapse af such time asthenmaybe required by law followiny reco►dation of _
<br /> �'s��;;`",.:' ` such not6ce of default, and notice of sale having been given as then required by law,Trustee,without demand on �';-�._�'=_:
<br /> ��"�' ' Trustor,shall sell such property,either as a whole or in separate pareels, and in such order as it or Beneficiary may `
<br /> determine at public auction to the highest bidder. Trustee may postpone the sale of all or any portion of such F •
<br /> _ property by public announcement at the time and place fixed by the preceding postponement. Trustee shall deliver -
<br /> : to suth purchaser its deed tanveying the property so sold,bu t without any covenant or warranty, expressed or
<br /> ,-.,...:�.a•-.-�-- ..,,ti.,u r..W� 1� 'um m�f nf the tr�ithf�ilnesc
<br />_:+r-:: ;• , impiied. ine recii�i in eutii ueeu i,f 8i�y�aiicrS G� :�tt�:Gtt��r,vis�,�..:.,..... ��r:t..�Sl._ �.__ ��'
<br /> :.:.. .
<br /> ����•'� thereof. Anyperson,includingTrustor,TrusteeorBeneficia�y,maypurchaseatsuchsale. Trustee mayalsa�e�la�tany
<br /> :!, ..; �
<br />�;�,:•.;�;,;. ` such sale and as part thareof any shares of corporate stock secunng th,e a�ligation secured hereby,a•r�d Trustor
<br /> •.;;��<:;;; � � wAives demand and notice of such sale. (Beneficiary at its option may also foreclnse on such shares by independent
<br />`"i;�i�?���,%'. pledge sale, and Trustor waiv?s demand and notice of sueh sal e). After deducting all cpsts, fees and expenses of
<br />»„�!� ; :,....�
<br />=2 ; , Trustee,and of this Trust,including cost of evidence of title in connection with such sale, Trustee shal I irst app y t e
<br /> - proceeds of sale to payment of al l sums expended under the terrns hereof,not then repaid,with accrued i nterest at
<br />--__- ;�•-� the rete then payable under the note or notes setured hereby,and then to payment of all other sums sewred hereby,
<br />�-��'�•,;;, and if thereafter there be any proceeds remaining,distribute thern to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />- ��"`"'',._,-. Substitutlon of Trustee: eeneficiary may, from time totime,by instrument in writing,substitute a successor or
<br /> i`:: •` suttessors to any Trustee named herein or acting hereunder, whicl-� instrument, executed and atknowledged by
<br />�_ ••� -'�'' Beneficiary and recorded in the office of the reg�ster of deeds of the county or counties where such property is
<br /> �"���'-a— situated, shall be conclusive proof of proper substitution of sueh suecessor Trustee or T►ustees, who shall,without
<br /> -4.��u���
<br />_a ;�u,,,.,�.,� conveyances from the Trustee predecessor,succeed to all its title, estate,rights,power and duties.
<br /> s;.—•�s�� No Waiver by Beneficiary: No waiver by eeneficiary of any ri ght under this Deed of Trust shall be effective
<br /> _,LL�«'"
<br /> unless in writing. Waiver by Beneficiary of any right granted to Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust or o any
<br /> -�R��°"'� provision of this Deed of Trust as to any transaction or occurrenres shall not be deemed a waiver as to any future
<br />=�?.:v'�''� transaction or occurrences. By accepting payment of any sum secured hereby after its due date or by making any
<br /> �, �.w-... ;
<br />�• ,. ,.. payment or performing any att on behalf of Maker or Trustor that Maker or Trustor was obligated hereunder, ut
<br />--=-�;'i:�..•., failed to make or perform, or by adding any payment so rnade by Beneficiary to the indebtedness secu�ed hereby,
<br />--:.si,��y,"• Beneficiary does not waive its right to require prompt payrnent when due of all other sums so secured or to require
<br />__ -'�''`"� prompt performance of all other acts required hereunder or todeclare a defautt for failure so to pay.
<br />=�"y��'.�,�y'"'� Waiver of Statute of Limitatlons: Time is of the essence in al l Maker's and Trustor's obl igations hereunder;
<br /> :•_�^"i:'.
<br />�:l�,��P�: and to the extent permitted by law, Trustor waives alt present orfuture statutes of limitations with respect to any __
<br /> debt,demand or obligation secured hereby in any action or proeeeding forthe purpose of enforeing this Trust or any _
<br />-' .�', ', rightsor remedies hereunder. -
<br /> -�.,,���,�, .: =_ -
<br /> � �.� ' Inspection and Business Records: Benefici ary at any time duri ng the continuation of the trust may enter and �
<br /> %.;:; inspectsuch prope�ty atany reasonable time. Trustor agreesthatin theevent such property is nowor hereafterused `___
<br /> � for commercial or residential income purposes, when requested by Beneticiary, Trustor will promptly deliver to =__
<br /> :�^ Beneficiary such certified financial statements and profit and lossstaternents of such types and at such i�tervals as � ;�-°--_
<br /> -. ,:_ may be required by Beneficiary which will be in form and content prepared according to the usual and acceptable � .S'.--
<br /> r� accounting printiples and practices,which statements shal l coverth�financial operations relati ng to such property -
<br /> '• �� and Trustor further agrees when requested by eeneficiary to promptly deliver in writing sucF�funher additional __
<br /> >.. -
<br /> �,� information asrequired by Beneficiary relatingto any such finaneialstatennents. ,;;•��
<br /> ' �:�:'.
<br /> �%=' ° ,� Acceleration Clause: Should Trustor,or any sutcessor in inte�est of Trustor, voluntarily or involuntarily sell, .
<br /> � exchange,convey,transfer,contract to sell, lease with opti on to purc hase,sublease,dispose ot,c hange the character - - -
<br /> or use of,or further encumbersuch property,or any panthereof,or a nyinterest therein, or if any of said parties shall � ,�:"�
<br /> be divested of title to such real property or any partthereof or anyinteresttherein either voluntarily or involuntarily, � :;'; :;',
<br /> „� or if title to such property be subject to any lien or charge voluntarily or involuntarily, cont�actual or statutary, �, �' `�=
<br /> _ without the written consent of Beneficiary being first had and obtai ned, then Beneficiary shall have the right,at its �:
<br /> option, to declare all sums secured hereby forthwith due and payable;and this same right of acceleration shall be � '
<br /> - available to eeneficiary if the undersigned is a partnersF�ip and the interest of a general partner terrninates, is � �
<br /> assigned or transferred, or is diminished or if the undersigned �s a corporation and any of the corporate stock is
<br /> transferred,sold orassigned; orif the undersignedis a trusteeof atrustandthere isa change of any ofthe beneficial
<br /> � „ interest of the trust.
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