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.�: . <br /> �h�NF�• � .. , . •l\,. ,_Yt` (� 'V I. . <br /> ♦ ' .•tYeif�d.,..�-•.. <br /> �^.._ <br /> ' _..�{^,�,�ytM�.'t1�.�� ' _....._ <br /> "�''����= <br /> . . . ':�.;.. <br /> , '.,..-��: <br /> • � � . . '.n»-:,: <br /> I . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .... .. . .. . . . . .- . . .... .._.. . ..... <br /> � <br /> �2E-RECpHU�D <br /> ;�. <br /> 97-� ��� <br /> ..�:� 97— i0s13a .�_ <br /> l3.Notkes.My noricc to Bonower provided for in this Securiry Instrurneni shall be giver�by dclivuing it or by <br /> •'i'�'°""� mailing it by Cust class mail unlcss appUcabk law requ'ves usc of another mcttx�d.'I1ie nodce shall be direcud ta thc <br /> �'"'"�� Property Address or any othcr eddress Bomowcr designatcs by na6ce to Lender,Any notice to Lender shallbe givcn by ��: <br /> first class mail to L.ender's address staicd hcrcin or an addmss I.endcr desi �'� <br /> y Anates by nodce to Bo:rowcr.Any nodce <br /> provided for in this Sccurity Instrument shaU be deemed to havc becn given to Bortower or I.endu vrGera giveo as - <br /> ° providecl in this paragraph. _ <br /> 14.Governing Law;Severability.'Ihis Socurity Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and �!aw of the - <br /> jurisdlction in which U�e Property is located.In the event thet any provision or clause of thig Security Insm�raea�t or the _ ' <br /> '� Note confljcts with applicable law,such cunflict shall not affect other provisi�ns of this Security Instrumenor Ihe Note -- <br /> �, which can be given effect wlthout the conflicdng provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Insuument and = <br /> . thc Notc are declared to be sevecable. - <br /> � 15.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security l�s�ument <br /> ;�.;- <br /> 16. H�rdous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presertce,use,disposal,storage,or nlease of <br /> � any Hazardous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do,nor ellow enyone else to do.anytliing effecting �_ - <br /> the Properiy that is in violarion of any Environmental Law. 'Ihe preceding two sentences shap nat apply Lote presence. �- <br /> � use, or storege on the Property of small quantiGes of Hazardous Substances that are generally rec4gnized to bc; --- <br /> appropriate to normal residentiel uses end to maintenance of the Property. <br /> ' Borrower shaU prompQy glve Ler�der wrluen notice of any lnvespgation,claim,demand,lawsuit ot o�rr action by —� <br /> any govemmental or regulatory agency or private pazty irtvolving the Prope,rty and any Hazardous Subslence or <br /> Environmental Iaw of which Borrowa has actual knowkdga If Borrower leams.or is notified by ariy govtmmental or <br /> regulatory authority. that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substances affecting the P�roperry is - <br /> necessary,Horrower shall prompdy take all necessery mmedial acdons in accordance with Environme.�tal I,aw. <br /> As used in this paragraph 16, "HaT.ardous Substances" ar� those substances defined u toxic a �azardous <br /> . substaaces by Environmental Law and th�following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or tott pGroleum <br /> products, toxic pespcldes and herbicides, voladle solvents, materials containing a4bestos or famald�ayde. end <br /> .: .y:.__ radioa�dve matcrials. As used in this paragraph Y6, "Environmental Law" means fedual laws and 4ws vf the _ <br />