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<br /> -�.� DEED OF TRUST
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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST('Securit�r Instrument") Is mada on AU llat 20th 199 , Th�Wstor
<br />-- ,� b YAIJL � I';V�.� i�iiif.^�MLi.r A iiO�J� H�SS�S'�Q �NL� !FF
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<br /> ��4,,.�_,;i.^�:iF*! ��BOROW9f��.
<br /> '}-'' � �-••� 7nn troat�e Is UN D EBRA ICA BANK 700 N E88 ROAD RAlVD I ND EBRA 68803
<br /> ��.,,�•;�r• �i�.t. ("'Tn,:t�s"),
<br />�i��:
<br />_°�.-_.;� 7hA bBnatbluyr �s UNI EBR KA ANK N R ,and whosa address
<br />-�.=r`...Y;�.ti Y,
<br />::�� whl�h fs orpanlrsd and�xlstlnp under ths laws o( �„���.�
<br />�.:_�:-� �s 700 N. WEBB R0. GRAND ISLAND NE 68803
<br /> s���-� - BoROwtir ow�s I.mck�U��pnc�pal sum ot ev n Ix usan N ne Hu red I n 0 1
<br />�•f� Doltars(U.S.� 76.960. 0). Thb dWt Is evldenc�d by 8orrowe�'s note dat�d th� _
<br />_--_ •:• �.;;�� sAmp dete ae thb Securky Inatrum�nt ("Note"), whbh provldes for monthly payments, wfth the tuU debt, If not pald esrAer, dw and
<br /> mn
<br />�:='�""' � pnyabk on September 1. 2027 . Thls Security Instrument sacures to Lendar: (n)the repaymont of ths d�bt evldM�c�d
<br /> ,.g..�:.ts,.
<br />�"�Y-•�".�:"a by thq Nots,wRh hterest, end all renewels, eMensbns and modMfcatbna of lhe Plote: (4)the payment of all otha 6ums,wRh Inunat,
<br /> -----�''-�"=� �dv�noad und�►panynph 7 to protrct tha securlty ot thls Security Instrument; and(C) the performanCe of Borrowers Cownantf and
<br /> --�:_aa:�
<br /> �,�;�-.yBgg,�ay�� apro�ta. For thb purpose, eorrower �HAL�°rants and Qonveys to Trustee, h trust, wlth power 0�eale,the fodowhp dsscr
<br /> =,_,� C�iunty, Nebraske:
<br />�'a�,:rrc�'lNr3�� P�oP�Y fOCllt�d h
<br />—a�'-�"` COUNTY� NEBRASrv►
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<br /> ���" . ,.`",�?A�� wn�cn nas the address ot 1118 S EUGENE GRAND ISLAND -
<br />- . � s��..� p`y =
<br />- . NoDraska 6$801 ("Property Address"): -
<br />-t� Zlp CAE•
<br /> . TOC3ETHER WITH all knprovsments now or hereafter erected on the propeRy, and all easements,appurtenenceS, and tbcturos now _:
<br /> b or hwwtter• p�rt ot Iha property. All repincements and addklons shau be coverod by lhls Seaurityr Instrument. AII ot the forepohp Is _
<br /> = 4 nlemd to tn thta Sacurity Instrument es the "Property." _
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS that 8orcow�r Is lawfulry selsed of the estat� heroby convoyed and has the ripht to grant and conwy
<br /> , thu Prop�rty and th�t th� Propwty la unenoumbured, except for encumbrnncos of record. 8orrower wartants and wlll defand q�n�nly _
<br /> .,�. tho tkM to ths Prop�rty t9ehst alI cl�lms and demands,subJoot to any encumbrances ot record. _
<br /> • 7HIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combhes unHOnn covenants for natlonal use end non•uniform Covenants wlth IYnRed varlatbns by
<br /> ��•. ' �d....u..Inef.umnnf rnvurhn raal nro09RV. _:
<br /> -- ..�.....� ..n...... _.
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<br /> .._--_�............::�.r.-- �IIbVRIINt� N YV��a��w�v��i....v......�......� .......�...�-.. __._ � . . . .
<br /> i• UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender covenent end agree as follows:
<br /> • 1. Peyment oi Princtpal end Intereat; Prepayment and Late Cherqea. Borrower Shall promptly pay wnen due
<br /> thu prtnalpal of and Interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepayme�t and late charpes due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funda for Taxes and Insurence. SubJect to applicable Iaw or to e written waNer by Lender, Borrower shaY pay t0
<br /> I Lender on the day monthry payments ere due under the Note, untfl the Note ts patd in tull, a sum ("Funds") for: (n) yearly taxes and ,
<br /> essvaements whbh may attaln prlority over thls Security InstrumAnt as a Ilen on the Praperty; (b)yearly Ieasehold payments or qround
<br /> +::,,,i ,I rente on the Propsrty,H any; (c) yearly hazard or property Insurance premlums; (d)yeary tlood Insurance p�emlums, H ony; (o)yvary ;
<br /> 1 mortp�ps heunnCS pnmlums, H any;and(f)eny sums payable by Borrower to Lendor,In accordance wfth the provlslons of paraqreph
<br /> '� 8, tn Ileu of the payment of mortgaye fnsurance premlums. These Items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any tkne,collect
<br /> • � end hold Funds In en amount not to exceed the maxlmum amount a lender for a federally re'ated mortgage loen mey requlre lor
<br /> � . ,�' I NE$RABKA•Blnp��F�mllyFtnnl�M��1Fr�Odl�Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form�026 B/90
<br /> F103o.LM0(6/97) Pap� �ot 5
<br /> 1
<br /> _:�
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<br /> • 5�4
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