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<br /> .�_', improvemcnt must be removed or is damaged by the Licensor, its employas, agents, o:
<br />' 'F'.. , independent contractors workf ng for the Licensor durin8 the course of their employment or dudes
<br /> � � wlth the Licensor, the Licensee agrees to assume and pay all costs relating to the replacement or -'�.'"
<br /> .�,. .�, -;.
<br /> repair of the improvement. _•_•
<br /> 4, RESTORATION OP PROPERTY. If the canstruction or maintenance of the =
<br /> `'W����:��'ti.� improvement identified in paragraph 2 above requires the excavatian of earth, removal of hard -
<br /> ::A'.la;..t�_.
<br /> � surfacing, grass, vegetation,or landscaping, or a�y affier disrupNon of the aurface of the pub c
<br /> �,�°;;�`" right-of-way or neighboring property,the License�shall restore the surface of We area to the same
<br /> ���'f�,�'`�, condition as it existed iirunediately prior to tl�e Licensa's work in the area.
<br /> - ��'�„�` 5. EFFECTNE DATE. Tlus license agnement shaU take effect on the date it is
<br /> �'r'' ` " eaecuted by the Mayor of the City of drand Islancl as dated below. It shall continue for an
<br />':_'•��-"�� i n de f i n i t e u r m u n t i l s u c h t i m e a s i t i s t e r m i n a t e d as provided hereafter.
<br />_"fi'.F.
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<br /> -"��-.�� 6. TFRMINATION. This license agitiement s1�a11 terminate uPon one or more of the
<br /> ���:f� following occurrencea:
<br />-_d.- .�
<br /> '� a. The service of sixry days wdtten nocice of intention to urnilnate by anY
<br />__-� party upon the other party.
<br /> -- � b. The Licensoe's applicadon for a permit to alt�r said improvement or any
<br /> • parc theroof, unless said permit is for work due to an occuinnce as d�����8�h
<br /> � 3 above and said work has the prtor writcen approval of the Licensor.
<br /> t c, The Licensee's constcucaon or iastallation of any structun or itnproveme�
<br /> �
<br /> ' of any nature upon the real estate owned by the Licensor except t�at described in
<br /> + paragraph 1 above.
<br /> .� . Upon the terminadon of this License Agreement, the Licensee shall be required� and
<br /> --- hereby agrees,to remove said improvement irom the Licensor's mal estate at its own expense and
<br /> - �`�` ' without cost to the Lic�nsor. Said removal to occur no later than sixty days after receipt of tbe
<br /> -_ � notice of intention to terminate or any of tt►e other occurrences set forth in ParagraPh 5 abovo.
<br /> --- Should the Licens,ee fall to do so� the L.icensor rnay remove or cause the removal of said
<br /> �—,� improvement from the Licensor's real estate and the Licensee agrees to reimburse the Licensor
<br /> � for all its costs.
<br /> '`J���� 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. 'I'his agreement shall be birjding upon the parties
<br /> - = hereto, their successor and assigns.
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<br /> —=��� g, ENTIRE AGREEMBNT. This license agroement consritutes the entire agreement _
<br /> --.�4��;:�'t:*'� ; b�tween the parties notwithstanding any other oral or written agreements to the contrary. This =
<br /> - `��-�`' license agreement sball be amended only in writing executed by all parties hereto.
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