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Y_ �����.,�,.o....,....�........... .___-�--�- , .. � ,. -... _. .__ ..� __-. .--- <br /> `q9.•��r1' . _ _ . <br />-'-'���r..:R( . �� MJQ <br /> :..: �.l'��i061 v1 <br /> ;�,..;�� :{::: <br /> =:.r-��� ��' 'I'(Xiki'fHfiR WITH ull Ihc iinpruvcmentti nuw or hercaRer crected nn the property, and uU eusements, uppunensutces,u�xl <br />-.;�, . lixturc, nuw un c�rcaftcr u pan oi� Ihc pru�x�rty. All rcpluccmen�s and additions sh�dl nl,�� lw cuvcr�d hy this Sccurity <br /> °r'R.'�,' � Iminmxut. All of ihr furcg��ing ix refc�n�1 to in tl�iti Sciurity Instrument ay thc'Property." <br /> �� tiURR(11,VEFt COVIiNANTti tlmt H+n•mw�r i. Inwfully .ciud uf thc ctit:uc i�crchy rrn�vcy�d�tnd bu,thc rigin tu�rnnt u�x1 <br />�� cum�r�• �hc I'ru4xny u�xf �hat thc Pr��pcny is uncncumt►er��l, exrept f��r cncumbrances o(recnrd. Hurruwer wurrunts atxf will <br /> .;� drfrnd gene�nlly the IiAe tn th�:Propeny uguinst ull claims:uid dema�uit,auhject�a�iny encumhrtmcea of rcrurd. <br /> '1'HIS St'sCURI'fY INS'1'RUML�NT c��mhines unifonn cuvcnunts Fnr nutionul usc und non-unif��rm ciivcni�nts with limitcd <br /> ������,,.� variatiunti hy,juriulictiun a�cnnstitutc a unifium+ccurity instrumcnt cuvcring renl pm�x:rty. <br /> _ ;; � �� <br /> �INIFORA4 COVEiNAN'f5. &irru�vcr and I.cndcr covcnimt and i�grcc ns follows: <br /> 1. prrymcnt ot Princf�l Mnd Interest; I'rcps►yment nnd I.utc Chnr�tes. &muwcr ,hall prompUy pay when duc �hc <br /> -,-'��z`• prinripal��I�suid intcrrtit uu ihc dcbt cvidcnccd hy thc Notc und imy pnpayux:nt aixl lutc eh�ugcs duc undcr th�Notc. <br /> ..;'�,;,;�•'.+ 2. I�undv tor Twxcs Wnd ln�umncc. Subjcct to appflcublc luw or to u wriu�n waivcr by I.endcr, Horrnwcr shull puy m <br /> ; � I.cixicr�m�hc duy munthly paynknts urc duc undcr thc Notc, until thc Nrtc is paid in full,a sum("Funds") f��r:(a)ycarly taxcs <br /> •�..4 .'�'r.��'3-'_ arxi u�x.�nxnts which may uttuin priurity u�er thi� Security Instn�ment us a lie�i on thr Propeny; (b)yearly Ieasehold pnyments <br /> -';, �1�� ��r grau�xl rents on the Propeny, if any;(cl yeurly hui•rrd ar pniperty insurance premiums;(cl)ycarly fload insur,�nce premiums. <br /> ,_',t„�� if uny: Ie)yearly mongage imurance pmmiums, if any: aixf lfl any sums payable by Bam.�«4�• to l.encicr. in accordance with <br /> ::,�;;,,,r;.. the pro�•isiv�i�uf Nar�gr.�pl►8, ia ti�u ui'the payment of nxirtgagc insurance pmmiums. These it�nu are culled "Escrvw Rema." _. <br />;,�;K��;'� Le�xler nuy. at uny tinn. rollcct arxl hold Fu�x1s �n an anwunt i�ut to excccd thc maxirrtum am��unt a lendcr for u federally <br /> ..•.•'�•'': mlat�vl nwngage loan may myuirc fiir&�rrowcr's escntw account wxler the fcderal Real Estate Setdement Procedurcs Act of <br /> • �;,'�;,;,,_ 1974 as:unended f'rom timc[o tinx. 12 U.S.C. Se�:tion 2601 et sev�. ("RESPA"),unlcss another law that applies to thc Funds <br /> �`=�a•��— sets a Iestier amcwnt. If so. Le�xicr nmy, at any time, collect anii hoW Funds in an amoum not to exre«i the le.sscr amount. <br />��`'��� Lender m:►y cstim:►tc the anx�unt uP Funds due on the basis of current darr and rcusonablc estimates of expcnditures of future <br /> --M��--- <br /> _�;�,LL;�� E�crnw[tems or nthcnvisc in arconiancc with applicablc law. <br /> ,.y�i� The Furxis shall bc heW in an institution whose deposits um insurcd by a Paleral agency, instrumentality, or enlity <br /> �.,�,A (including Lerxier,if'Lc�xlcr is such un instiwtion)or in any Fcdcral Homc L.oan Bank. Lcndcr shall rpply the Funds to pay the <br /> �w�===� Escmw Items. Lender m;►y not charge Borrow�er for halding arxf applying the Fucxis,annually analyzing the escrow xcount,or <br />--•T���� verifying the Escrow ltems,unl�ss Ltncier pays Sor�ower intemst on the Funds utKi applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> - - u ctiuigc. ii.iwczei. Len;er�-n:.y r��u'ss:L'urra�zr sa�;s ar.e-tim�s:hssge t�s an in�1e�►ulen� .r�l�•ctme tax rennrtine serviee . <br /> --==�'� used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law providcs otherwise. Unle.0 an agrecment is made or <br /> -----_;.� applicable I�w requims interest to bc paid, Le�xier shall not be rcquircd to pay Barrower any intcrest or eamings on t{�e Fut�ds. <br /> _--- Borruwcr and Lendcr may agrec in writinF,huwcver,that intcrost shall be paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shnll give to Borrower, <br /> without ch;�rge, an:u►nual accounting of the Funds, showing crcdits und debits to the Funds und the purpose for which each <br /> �� debit to the Funds was n�aJe.The Funds are pl�Ylged as addttiunal security for all sums secural by this Security Insuument. <br /> If thc Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to M:held by applicable law,L.ender shall xcount to Bonower <br /> �� �.���`� for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of upplicuble Inw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender ut any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when duc. I.crxier may so notify Borrowe�in writing, and,in such casc Bonnwer <br />_____ shall pay to Ler►der the an�ount necessary to mzke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> twelve monthly payments,at Lemier's sole disi:mtion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all smns secured by this Securiry instrument. Ler�der shall pn�mpUy refurxi to Bormwer any <br /> Funds hcld by Lender.if,under paragraph 21. Lencier shall acquire or sell thc Property, Lendcr.prior to the xquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the titne uf acquisition or sale� a crodit against the sums secured by <br /> this Seturity Instrument. <br /> 3.Applkatbn of Payments.Unless applicable law pn�vides othenvise,all payments received by Leixler under paragraphs <br /> -- 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Nate;sa;ond, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> - "=''.L� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and I;ut,to any late charges due urxier the Note. <br /> 4.Charges; Liens.Borrower sfiall pay all taxes,assesstnents, charges, fines and impositions attributab)e to thc Property <br /> which may attain p►iority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Iiormwer sh;ill pay <br /> these obligations in thc;manner provideci in paragr�ph 2, or iF not p:i� ^.hat m�:�xuier, Borrow•er shail pay them on time directly <br />� to the person owe�i payment.Bono�vcr shall promptly fumish to� � n��t+ces uf umoants to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> _ _�`,� If Borrower makes these payments dirccdy,Bonower shall promP�..: eo Lender reccipts evide�x:ing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly disch:uge any licn which has priority t�. .�Sccurity Instrument unless Borrower: (al agrees in <br /> — <br />