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If ull ur any purt��f thc Property intcrest in it <br /> is sold ur tran+t'erred(��r il'a bcnctirial intcrest in Borrowcr is suld or transfcrrcd iutd Borrawer is not u nutural per,anl without _ <br /> '� L,cndcr's prii,r writtcn cunscnt. I.�:ndcr nrry, at its uptiun, rcyuirc imnmdi��tc paymcnt in fuU uf ull tiums xccurcd by this <br /> ' � Scrurity Imtrumrnt.Huwcvcr, this option shall nc�t hc cxcrciscd hy l.endcr if ercrcitie iti prohihited by fedcrul law us i�f thc dntc � <br /> ' ' �,f this 5ccunty Instrumcnt. � <br /> • .µa� ►f IAndcr cxcrcisrs this optic�n. I.cndcr sh•rll givc Borrowcr notirc of acrcic�atian.Thr:notice shull proviJc u peri�xl i�f not _ <br /> Iesti than 30 duys fnnn dte datr the nrnice is delivered or mailuf within which Borrowcr nmst puy ull +ums secured hy this <br /> Securiry ln.trum�nt.If Borrower failx to puy thesc�ums priar w thc erpiru[ion uf this peri�xi.Lcndcr muy invoke uny remedies _ <br /> �xrmitted by�his Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Bocn�wer. <br /> IS. Bucrmver's RiRht to Reinstate. If Borruwer meets certain conditi�ms, Borrower shidl huve the right to huve <br /> � £ enfo��cement of'this Security Instcument discantinued at any time prior to the c�rlier af: (u)S duys (��r tiurh iither (x:riod as <br /> g applirable law may specify far reinstatement> before salc of the Property pursuunt ro any power af sulc contained in this ! <br /> • di° Security Inswment:or(b)entry of n judgment enforcing�his Security Instrument. 9'hase cunditions ure thut Bormwer: (u)pays <br />- _� Lender all sums which then w��uld be due under this Security Instrument and thc Note us if no aceeleration hud occurred; (b) <br /> rures any default of any other cc�venants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enfi�rcing this 5ecurity lnstrument. <br />' , � inrluding, but not limited to, reaxonable attorneys'fees; and(d)takes such action us Lendcr may reasanably reqwrc to assuce <br /> that the lien nf this Security Instrument. L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrawer's oBligution to pay the sums securcd by <br /> •• ' ' this Securiry instrument shull continue unrhanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Securiry Instrument and the <br /> � � obligutians secured hereby shaU remain fully effective as if no uceeleration hiid occurred. Hnwever, this right to reinstate shall ` <br /> • � not apply in the case of uccelerution under parugr�ph 17. <br /> • � 19. Sale of Note; Change of I.oan Servicer. The Notc ur a partial intcrest in thc Nute (together with this Security <br /> • Instrument)muy be s��ld ane or more times without prior notice to Barrower. A sale muy result in u chun�e in the entity(known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly psyments due under the Nute und this Secunty Instrument.There also mny be one <br /> .' < or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated tu a sale of the Note. If there is a chunge of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be <br /> •�t given written notice of the ehange in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applirable law.The notice�vill state the name und <br />_ • address of the new Loan Servicer and the addre�s to which puyments shoulJ be mude. The notice will also contuin any other <br /> ' � information requircd by applicable law. <br /> • • '� 20. Haaardous Substanees. Borrower shall nvt cuuse or permit the presencr, use, ciisposul, storage, or release of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on ar in the Property. Eorcower shall not do, nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecting the <br />_i. .;,.= Property that is in violation of any Environmental L.:►w. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presence, use, or <br />� storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardaus Substances that are generaUy recognized to bc appropriate to normal <br /> -'%'v-�°�,-' _ residential uses and to mainteaance of thc Propeny. <br /> :�nj•!'.��+ . Borrower shull promptly give Lender written nonce of any invesciguiiun,ciai�i�.Jr�i�a�,d, iawsait �r aihcr :zctian b;sn; <br /> �'� •��•:� S rY S Y P P Y S Pe Y Y <br />�„�;,�,,.� governmerttal or re ulato n enc or rivate art involvin the Pro rt and an Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> _,,.;�_. <br /> «�„ of which Borrower has actual knowlulge. If Bormwer learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority,t iat <br />'�x.�`:�.:r' any removal or other�emediation of any Ha�ardoas Substance affecting the Property is necessury. Borrower shull promptly tukc <br />�_J.. y. <br /> s��.. all necessury remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta w. <br />'��=.•;'�,�;'° As used in this paragraph 20, "Haznrdous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br />�;� Environmental Law and the following substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> �_�`i�� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing usbestus or forwulde6yde,und radioactive materials.As used in <br /> �,�.;�� this paragraph 20. "Environmental l.nw" means federul laws and laws of the jurisdiction where die Property is locuted that <br />--._t�_._.�� relute ta health, safcty or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covennnt and agrce as follows: <br /> -°;;,;�R�,�� 21. Acceleration;Remedtes.Lender shall glve notice to Borrower pr[or to acceleratlon tollowing Borrower's breuch <br /> ----- of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to acceleratfon under paragraph 17 unl�s <br />��� applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify: (u)the default; (b)the actton requtred to cure the default; <br /> (c)a d�te.not less than 3Q days from the date the r►otice fs given to Borrower� by wh(ch the default must be cured;and <br /> —� (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> ,�� secured by this Secur(ty Instrument and sale at the Property. The notice shnll turther iniorm Borrower of the rlght to <br /> --- -- relnstate a[ter acceleration and the right to bring a court actlon to Assert the non-existence oP a default or any other <br />'��y�;:�,��: defense of Borrower to acceleratian pnd sale.If the default Is not cured on or before the date speciCed In the nottce, <br /> "�m,�� Lender, at ILS optton, may require immediate payment in full of all sums'secured by this 5ccurity Instrument wtthout <br />- - further demand and may Invoke the power of sule and any other reme�lles permitted by applicable law. I.e�►der shall be <br /> = <br />