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<br /> ,,� TOGE:THkR \VITH all the imprucements now�ir hereafter erected an the pru�xrty. .�n .i ruticm�'n►.. :,ppwtcuau�eti,anJ �
<br /> 1
<br /> tix[ure� nc�w ��r hercatier a part ��f the pru�:rry. All replacements and uddition. tihull al�u hr r��vcrcd by thiy S�cunry
<br /> Instrutncnt. All ut'thc tureg��ing iti rct�crrcd tu in lhi�Sruurity Imtrumcnt as ihc"Pr��Exrty.' ---
<br /> � w,ww� AORROWER COVENANTS thut Hcirrowcr iti lawiully sci.cd uf the c+tutc hcrchy runveycd.ind hs,thc right to grant and
<br /> �' convcy thr Pn�perty anJ that the Pruperty is un:ncumbered. cxcept fur encumhrance, uf rerurd. Borcrnser �varraNs und��'ill
<br /> '' defend gencrally[he eiUc to the 1'rnperty agsin,t ull clairn+and demands, subj��t to any�ncumbninccti uf ra:ord. _
<br /> TH1S SF.CURITY INST'RUMGNT rc�mbincs unii'arm ruvcnctnts for nstirnial usc and non-uniti�rrr►����'enan►� aith lintitod
<br /> �•cuiations by jurisdirtian to co�stitute a une(e��m security instrument rnverinb real prnp�:rty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS,Borrower and Lendcr ci��•enant und agrse ati tiillows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Princlpal and Interest; Pre{►ay�nent and I.ute Ctinrgeti. Borrowcr sh.dl promptly pa�� when due the
<br /> � � principal of and iuterest on thc dcbt cvidcnccd by thc Note and any pnpaym:nt un�1 latt chargcs duc undcr the Note.
<br /> ' � 2. F'unds for Tux�and insurunce. Subject to applicuble law•��r to u written waivcr by I.ender, Borrowcr shall pay cn
<br /> • l.ender un thr day month{y payments arc duc under th; hote, until the Not�is pa+d in full,a sum("Funds")for:(.�)y��Y��eS _
<br /> � and ussessments whicli may attuin prioriq• o�•cr chis Sccuriry Instrumcm as a lien un the Propeny:(h)yeady Icatiehold payments
<br /> ' or ground rents on the Property,if any:(c1 yearly hazard ar propeny ins��rance premiums;(d)yearly fl�wd insur;snce premiums,
<br /> . if any: (e) yearly mortgage insurance pre�iums, if uny:an�i (f� any sums p:�yablc by Barrower to Lender, in uccordance with _
<br /> ' the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu ot the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These item�are called "Escrow items." _
<br /> Lender may, at �ny tin�e, rc�llect and hold Funds in an amount not ta excec�i thP muxinwm amount u Iender for u federally =
<br /> ' • r related mortgage loan m:�y reyuire for Borrower's escr�w accuunt under the fecleral Real Est�te Setdemcnt Procedures Act of
<br />_ ••'� 1974 as amended from tinie to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 26Q1 rt seq. ("RE�PA"l. unless another lsw that applies to the Funds
<br /> ..,.� .+:: sets a Iesser amount. If so, l.ender may, at any [ime, collect and huld Funds in un umount not to exceed the Iesser amount.
<br />- -K•, I.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the baeis of rurrent data and reasonoble estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> _ Escrow Items or otherwise in accordaixe with upplicable law.
<br />��',.�,y,•° Th� Fun3s sha!! !sc !:cld in sn in�-Litution wh����{e�+^��« nre insured by a federal ay;ency, instrumentality. or entity
<br /> �• •�• •�'�� � (including Lendrr,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Laan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br />-;;'F'���,�_;"';;�;:�. Escrow ltems. Lender may not char�e Borrower for holdinb and applying the Funds,unnuaUy analyzing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> ;�����i<< ;; verifying the Escrow Itenu,unl�cs Lender pays Borrower interect on the Funds and applicuble law permits L.ender to make such
<br /> +� a charge. Hawever, Lender may requirc Borrower to pay a one-time churgc for an independent rcal estatc tux rcporting service
<br />���_;:� usod by Lender in connection with this loan, unless npplicable law provides otherwi�ae. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> ��.�,. applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shull nnt be reyuircd to pay Borrowcr any interest or carnings on thc Funds.
<br /> �_-ye�`�C3:i� Borrower und Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the�unds. Lcnder shall give to Borrower,
<br /> _�"�n�+�� without charge, un annual accounting of the Funds, showing credit, und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> �oa.�YS^Pd�
<br /> _ v:.:-,��� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds arc pledged ns additional security for aU sums secureci by this Security nstmment.
<br />—��`-�"...�� If the Aunds held by Lender exceeci the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Bonower
<br />-�"��—- for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any
<br /> -._�-��r� time is not sufticient to pay the Escrox•[tems when due.Lender may so notify Banower in writing,and,in such case �ttower
<br /> _�—�- shnll pay to L,ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br />,,�;�;��; twelvc monthly payments,at Lcnder's sole discretion.
<br />"�'"!{""'�• Upon payment in full of a11 sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. I..endcr shull prompdy rcfund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,undcr paragraph 21, Lender shaU acquire or sell the Propecty.Lcnder, prior to the acquisition ar sale
<br /> - �„�;,p�,� of the Yroperry. tihull apply any Funda lield by Lender at the time nf sequisition or sale as u credit aguinst the sums secured by �
<br /> =�_=��� this Security Insttument.
<br /> ----��-- 3.Applicat[un of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> - 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; �econd, to amounts payable under paragrnph 2:
<br /> --_,v�+a��
<br />- _�,��.�-.:,,.,, third,to interest due: fourth, to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under t e ote.
<br />� ��:>?� 4.Cltarges;Liens. Borrowcr shaU pay all taxes,assessments,charges, fines:uid impositions attributable to the Property
<br />;,.�"x??:.
<br /> _���{r�. which may attain priority ovcr this Sccuriry Instrument, and ►easehold ps�yments or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shall pay
<br />-„��..��?�r z these obligations in th: manner pro��ided in para�raph 2,��r if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on«me direcNy
<br />?�;���; ��,-� to the penon owcd payment. Borro�r•cr shall promptly furnish ro L.ender all ninices of dmnunts to be paid under this para�rsph. �
<br /> �����" If Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly fumish ta L.ender receipts evidencing the payments. _
<br /> 3'��. Borrnwer shall promptiv discharge any licn which has priority ovcr this Securiry instrumcnt unlcss Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> � writing to the plyment oF the obligution sccured by the lien in u manner acceptnble to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien -
<br />�:;_ :' by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccedittgs which in the Lender's opiniun operate to prevent the _
<br />`= enforcement ot'the lien:ur(c)secures from thc holdcr uf the lien an ag�•eement satisfucti�ry to Lender subordinuting the lien to
<br />'t�.. � this Securiry Instrument. It LenJer determines thut iiny part of the Propercy ix subject tu a lien which muy attain priority nver
<br />- this Sccurity Instrument. Lender mayRivc 8urrou•cr a nnticc identif'ying thc licn. Bonower shull satdyfq the lien or take one or
<br />''�"' .. more of the�ctinns set forth above within lU duys of thc giving of nutice.
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