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<br /> 17.'I'runsfer ot the{'ro{xrty or w llcneflciul Inter��t in Horn►a•cr. If uU or any part of thc Pruperty ur any intcrest in it
<br /> iti,old ur tran+fcrrcd(��r if u bcnct iciul intcreht in li�xrowcr is si�ld nr trinsfcrrcd�tnd Barrawer is nat u tiutur�l �xrs�ml with��ut
<br /> l.�ndcr'�priur wriu�n run,cnt, l..�ndcr may. at its c�ntion. rcquirc immuli:itc paynum in full of ull tiums sccur�d by thiy �-
<br /> Sccuriry Inrtrumcnt. Howevcr,th�ti�,pti�►n shull nu� tx:cxrrci+eJ by I..�ndcr if�xcrcisc is prohihit��l hy fcdcrd I.nv a.of thc dutu �_
<br /> '�:� ��f this Sr,curi�y Instrumcnt. �
<br /> '"„�,. If l.cnacr cxcrciycti this upti�,n. lAndcr shall givc Borrowcr naticc of ncrcicrati�m.Thc noticc shull providc a perii�d nf not
<br /> r� Irss th.m 30 Juy� from thc d.uc thc noticc is Jclivcrcd or mailcd witl�i�� which Burro�vcr must puy nll ,ums �ccurcd by thin �
<br /> --.- Sccurity Instrumcnt. If Aorrowcr tails to pay thcsc sumti pri�ir to thc expiraticm of thi�periud. Lcndcr muy invukc uny rcmafius �
<br />-- permittcd by thi.Sccurity Instrument without further irotice or dcmand mti Horra�ver. _
<br /> � IS. Borrower'ti Itight to Relnstate. If &�rrower meets certuin conditii�ns, Bun'ower shull huve ttie right to have __
<br /> ' cnforcenxnt of this Sccurity Instrumcnt discominual at uny timc prior to thc carlicr af: (a) 5 dijys (or �uch nthcr period us `
<br /> upplirable luw may �{kcify for reinstutenxnq tx;fore sale ��f the Propenp pursuant co any p���ver af �alc contuined in this
<br /> � • Security Instruntent:or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thuse conditions ure thut Bcirrower: (al ptrys
<br /> � • Lender ull sums whirh then would be due�nder this Security [nstrument and the Note us if nu ncceleration hnd occurred: (b)
<br /> ��. � cures any default of uny other mvenants ar ugreements; (c) pays�11 expenses incurred in enfurcing thi:� Securiry lnstrument,
<br />���:�;�',;YY including, but not limited to, reusonablc attorneys' fees; und (d)takes such uction 4ti Lender muy re:ssonabty requ�re tu astiure
<br /> �,s.'�': ,;' thut the lien af this Securiry Inrtrument, l.ender's rights in the Property and Sorrower's ��bli b�ation to pay die sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, [tiis Secunty Instrument and the
<br /> •'��«•�^: obligatiuns secured hercby shull remain fully effective as ii no accelerntian had occurrcJ. However, this right ro reins�ate sh:�ll _-
<br />_`�•, .`f��� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> �•`•` • 19.Sale of Note; Change at I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (to�ether with this Security
<br />,,���::'� Instn�menU may be sold one or morc times without priar notice to Borrower. A uJe may resul[ in a chan�Ze in abe entity (knawn —.
<br />-�"'.�K.�: as the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note wid this Security Instrument. Ther�als�o may be one
<br />_�•� ` , or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the N��te. If there is u�hange af the l.oan Servicer, Burrower will be —
<br />•���_; given written natice of the change in acrnrdance with paragraph l4 a'�ove and applicable law.The n��ticx will state the name and
<br /> :;.,��;•�,� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paym.nts should be made. The notice will ala� contuin any other
<br /> �`,`�ti, . information required by applicable law.
<br />:�,,;�,•�* � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrowcr shall not causc or permit the prescnce, use, disposal, stnrage, or release of any
<br /> 'r-`-'•? - Ha•rardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br />'��k_�';,o� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall nat apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> �'"=`r�.�.- _ ctnraae nn che Property of small quantities of Hazardous 5ubstances that are generally recugnizvd to be appropriate to normal
<br /> ���'��.�� residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> BoROa•er shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,denranci. luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> "" - . governn�ental or regulatory agency or private party invalving the Praperty and any Hazardous Substance ar Environmentnl Law
<br /> --= of which Bortower has actual knowledge.[f Borro�ver learns,or is notitied b}�any govemmental or resulatory authority, that
<br /> -- • any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectine the Propeny is necessary.Borrawer sl�.all promptly tuke
<br /> _-:r,� � aU nececcary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> -��� ' As used in this paragraph 20, "Elawrdous Substances" ure thase substances defined as toxic or hawrdous substAnces by
<br /> —'"`tl"'° Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, keroscne, other flammable or toxic petralcurn praducts, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile salvents,materials containing asbestos or fornialdchydc,and radioactive muteriuls.As used in
<br /> -- <� this par�graph 20, "Environn�ental luw"mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is Iocated that
<br /> -- � rclate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. $onower and Lender further covenant und agree as follows:
<br /> • 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes.Lertder shall give nottce to Borrower pr[or to accelerxtion[ollowing BarroN•er's breach
<br /> of any covensnt or agreement in this Secur[ty Instrument (but not prior to acceler�t[on under paragrapb 17 untess
<br /> ' applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall speclfy: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the detault;
<br /> (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by whlch the de[ault must be cured; and
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in acceleratbn ot the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> �a relnstate aner acceleraUon and tMe right to briag a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> — defense of Borrower to acceleration �nA sale. I�the default Is not cured on or before the date speclfied in the not[ce,
<br /> ------• I.ender, at its option, may requlre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumei►t without
<br />---------- turther demund and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permltted by applicable luw.Lender shall be
<br /> .._.r entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing tl�e remedtes provided in this paragraph 21. including,but not Ilmited
<br /> �„,�,;�„�„—;� to,rea�sonable uttorneys'fees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> ��+��^� If the power of sale ia invoked, Trustce shall record a notice of default In each wunty in which any part of the
<br /> — -= Property is locuted nnd shall mail c�ples of such nottce In the mnnner prescribed by applicable la�•to Borrower and to
<br /> '�''�''"_"�� the other persons prescribed by appNcable la�v.A[ter the time required by applicable law,Trustee shAll gtve publlc notice
<br /> T-�--�'-�'i of sale t��the persons pnd in the manner prescribed by applicuble lsw. Trus3ee.without demand on Borrower. shall sell
<br /> ��—�; the Property at public auction to the Mghest btdder at the time and ptace and under the terms des➢gnuted In the nottce of
<br /> -_:_;;���'�' sale in onc or more parcels and in anv order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> �;,x:.�.,,; �� Property bp public announcement at the time nnd place of a�ny previouslv scheduied sale. Lender or Its designee may
<br /> - ;� purchase the Property at any sale.
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