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.� <br /> � � . `LLe.,w �'/a a�� ... .-s"�= <br /> � .v .� , <br /> � IFr.�.� . �r.�t��w�� ..�i�..a�r..h•�p�..Nbi{I: �tG�4�-\!{e��i�=l�M'�If/�n�+�•-�•"ht!:". ...: <br /> . . . - <br /> .., i � . -".-�,�...�-.-�--_—__. <br /> ��l�s�_. ". . -. _. . . .._ . .. - ��.. <br /> I• <br /> . f. � <br /> . �` �7�ds�ti - <br />_, y cxccutcd fur tl�c purpusc oi crcutinR.sccurin�t��r�!uaraiiryin�!ihc ticcurrd Ucht. A tiuod(aith hclicf hy Lcn�lrr that _ <br />_ , Lcndcr�u��ny timc is insccux�with res� any Ex'isan ur cntity uhli�:utcd un�h.�ticcurcd Dcht ur tlrit t hc proyprct -- <br /> ' uf any paymcnt urthc v�luc af thc Prciperty is impadrect shall��Is��cun�tiwtc��n cvcnt uf dcfi►ult. - <br /> � • # 15. REAtED1ES ON DEFAULT.In suntc inslances. fcdcral�+nd�tutr law will rcquirc lxn�lrr tu pruvi�lr Grantor willi = <br /> nuticc of thc ri�hi to curc��r othcr noticcs and may c+t+ihlish timc+chrdules for forcclusurc actiuns. Suhjcct tu lhcsr _� <br /> limiiati�ms, if�►ny,LcnJ�r m�ry aec.:lcratc the Sccurrd f�rht sind f��rerl��u thiti tiecuri�y Instrunnnt in+i manner <br /> .�` providcd by law itGruntor is in default. �� <br /> � At thc opti�m��f la:ndcr.all i�r.iny p.+rt uf thc agrrrd fccs and char�!es.accrucJ intrrest and prinripal sh�dl hcrumr � <br /> � immediately puyable,after giving n�,ticc i(rcquired hy I��w, upun thc uccurrcncc uf a drl'ault or;�nptimr �: <br /> 'w.w�'�� thereafter. ln addition.l.Andcr shaU Uc entiQcd to nll the rcmedirs pruvidcd hy I:�w.thc tcrms uf thr Srcurcd p�bt. _ <br /> � � this Sccurity(nstrumcnt and:iny rclated dcxumcnts,incluJinb�vithout limitutiun,thc r�iwcr t��scll thc Pm�rrty. _^ <br /> �` If thcrc is a Jcfuult, Trustce shall,in additicm tu�iny othcr pemtittcJ thc rcyu��t of thc Lcnd�r.�i�vc:rtisc _ <br /> . s. xnd sell the:Property us ii whol�:or in scparate parccls ut puhlie auctiun tn the highcst hiddcr tc�r cash and convey _„ <br /> �i absolute title frec and cicar of�11 right, titic and interest of Grantor at such timc and placc us Trus�ce designatcti. <br /> Trustee shall give notice o(salc including the time,terms and pluce uf side.ind.i dcscription of the prc��rty to be suld -• <br /> as rcquired by the applicablc law in c(fect al thc timc uf the:proposcd sale. <br /> LJpon salc of the property and to thc cxtent not prohihitc:d by Inw.Trustcc shall mxkc Und dclivcr a dred tu the Prop�:rty <br /> . sold which convcys absolute tide to the purchascr,and aftcr first pAying ull[ces,churges and custs,shall pay to Lendrr all � <br /> maneys advane�d[ur re�airs,taxes,insur:�nr.e,licns,assessments and priur encumbranccs and intcrust ther�an, and the <br /> , principal and intcRSt on the Securec'. Debt,paying the surplus,if Grantor. L�:nder may purchasc thr Property. <br />' The r�citals in any deed of comeyance sh�►II he prima facie evidencc af the facts set forth therein. <br /> All r�m�dies are distinct,cumulative and not cxclusive,and the I,endcr is cntitled tu all rcmedics provided z�t In�v or <br /> ,. equity,whether or not expressly set forth.T'he acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the <br /> Sccurcd Dcbt aftcr thc balancc is duc or is acccicratcd or aftcr foreclusurc proccedings arc Clcd shall nc�t constitutc a <br /> • waiver of Lcnders right to require completc cure uf any cxisting default. By not cxercising any remedy on Grnntc�r's <br />_,°�� • default,Lender dues not waive Lender's right to latcr consider thc cvent a default if it ccmtinucs or happcns ugain. <br /> ��' ' ' 16. EXPENS�S; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS;ATTURNEYS' FEES;CQLLECTION COSTS.Except w•hcn <br /> �_� � ,� prohibited by law, Grantor:�grc�s to pay all of Lender's expcnses if Grantor Nreach��s any covenant in diis Security � <br /> �;;;�;- `� instrument.Grantor wiU also pay on demand any amount incurrcd by Lcnder for insuring,ins}xcting,preserving or <br /> otherwisc protecting the Property and Lendcr 5 security intcrest.Thesc cxpenscs will he�+r interest from th� date af <br /> st•��;:��:, :;,;�_ '� il�e��y�iitrii urir� �aid in iu!! at:he hi;hes+. �^tcrrct rnt� in effect as nrovidcd in the terms of th:Secured Debt. <br />� . - `�y� ' Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting,enforcing or prot��cting Lender's•rigrts <br /> �.;' <br /> ��.��r�: •',.`'.�;. � and remedies under this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limited to,attorneys'fe<s,court <br /> -:�.,�,Y�-��.•'� costs,and other legal cxpenses.This Sec��rity Instrument shall rcmain in effect until relcascd. Grantor agrees to pay <br />=�=±-•�s�.��.�`�",, foruny recordation wsts of such release. <br /> �+�..., <br />�,..�^�� 17. ENViRO1VMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As uscd in this scction,(1)fim�ronmenta •w <br /> ���� means,without limitation,the Comprchcnsive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> 42 U.S,C. 9601 et seq.),and all other federal,state and local laws, regulations, ordinunccs, cou»orders, attorney <br /> V•� � �'`��� gencral opinions or interpretive letters cancerning the puHlic hcalth,safcty,wclfare, cnvironment or a hazardous <br />�����;. <br />____ -,_;,-,:�-� substancc;and (2� Ha�ardous Substance means any toxic,radioactivc or har.ardous matcrial, wastc, poUutant or <br /> -T• ••�:;�,;•� contaminant which has characteristia which render the substance dangerous or potentially dungerous to the public <br />�=s=?-`�!:' health,safety, �velfare or environment.The term includes, without limitation,any substances defined us"htuardous <br /> __�._ <br /> -�— meterial:'"toxicsubstances;"'hazardous waste"or"hnr.�rdous substana:"under any Environmenta aw. <br />�"'°--='i1°�� Grantor represents.warrants and agrees that: <br /> ----- A. Except as prcviously disclased und acknowledgcd in �vriting to Lendcr,no Hsizardous Substancc is or�•�il bc <br /> -=_-_= locatcd,stored ar rcleased �n or in thc Property.This restriction does not apply to small quantities of <br />;����µ'"'°�'� Ha�ardous Substanccs that arc ge:ncrally rccognized to hc appropriete for thc normal use and maintenance of <br /> =.;.:�� the Pr�perty. <br /> �,�� B. Exccpt as previously discfosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender.Grantor and every tenant havc been,are, <br /> ._.:---.��,� and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. <br /> °""'��� C. Grantor sliall immcdiatcly notify I.cnder if a relcasc or thrcatcncd release of a Hazardous Subst�nce occurs on, <br />�—�� undcr or about thc Property or thcrc is a violxtion of any Environmcntal Law conccrning the Property.In such <br />---=�;� an event,Grantorshall take all nccessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. <br /> "-�-��}� D. Grantor shall immediatcly notify [.ender in writing as soon as Grantor has rcason to bclicve thcre is any <br /> `��"'!�;;� pending or thrcatened invrstigation,claim,or procccding re:lating to lhe rclease or thrcatcncd relcase of any <br /> �__.R...�..,•,. <br />-.���»�,�rt : Hazardous Substancc or thc violation oF any Environmental Law. <br /> — ��•••`��'�'•' 16. CONDEMNAT[ON. Grantnr will give Lcndcr prompt noticc of any pcnding or thrcatened action, by privxtc or <br /> - �.,.r ...�:r': <br /> �. public entities to putchase or take any or all of the Properry through cond�mnntion,eminent domain. or any othcr <br /> ' �..��,;• •, means.Ciruntor nuthorizes Lcndcr to intcrvcnc in Grantor's•namc in any of thc abovc described actions or claims. <br /> _ .�;,.,, . Grantor assigns to Lendcr thc procecds of any award ur daim for damagcs conncctcd with a condcmnation or�thcr <br /> ,`_. ti�;�:_; ; tuking of all or any part of the Property.Such procecds�htill h�cunsidered payments and will bc applicd as provided in <br /> �;4 : '.;, . this Securiry instrument.This assignment of procreds is suhjcct to the terms c�f any prior mortgage, decd of trust. <br /> ' , security agreerncnt or other lien document. <br /> � �:";; � 19. INSUltANCE.Grantor shaD keep Property insurcd against loss by firc, fle�od,tl�eft and othcr har.ards and risks <br /> ,�,,,:� reasonal�l}•assaciated with the Pr��perty due to its rypc and Icxation.This�nsurancc shall be maintained in thc�mounts <br /> _�F:;;_;��__ and for thc periods that Le:nder requires.Thc insurancr carricr providing thc insurance shall he chosen hy Grantor <br /> �_�_....:.��..�a tc r�...,�... G.J.� �.. �nnintnin Ihn rnv��raat� <br /> . �__:..-._---�.,-{-n-- ' <br /> ,. . subjcct to[.�:ndcr's appruvai. wnicn snaii noi nc unren,��n.�„�y w«������.,. .. .�......... ....... .., .............. ...- -- -..o <br /> ' • dcscribed abc�vc.Lcndcr may,at Lcndcr's option.uhtain covcra�gc tu protcct Lcndcr's rights in thc Proprrty according <br /> ta thc tcrms of�his Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> All insurancc policics and nncwuls shall he acccptahlc h�Lrndcr and shall includc a stand:�rd"murtgagc clausc"and. <br /> — whcrc applir+blr. "lo���ayer clausc." Grantur shall immcdiatcly nutify Lcndrr of canccllatian or tcrmination af thc <br /> • insurnncc.l.cndcr shall havc thc right tu huld thc policics:end rencwals. I!I.rndcr rcyuirc�,Cirantor shall immcdiatcly <br /> givc to Ixndcr all rcccipts of paid prcmiums and rencwal noticrs. Ilpon luss,Grantur shall givc immcciiatc ni�ticc to <br /> thc insurancc carcier and Lcndcr.Lendcr may makc proof of loss if nut madc immcdiutcly hy Grantor. <br /> E� • iPe90 3 0►a� <br /> m iy9y Bankon SyslcmUnc.S C��wd-hiN�I�800�]97�73111 Fomi RE•DT�NE&"8/94 <br /> ! <br />