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<br /> � ' TOGETEiER WITH sll the improvoments naw on c�reafter erxted on the pro�erty, and sU eae,amenta, ��•:,i;.�"•f�i�a;�•.;,�,
<br /> eppurtenances,and Yiatures now or horea[ter a part of the propesty.All replacernentx and edd�tionA ahall elsa be covered � : , �: : . � .
<br /> � by this Security Inetrument.All of the foregaing ie reterred to�n this Secunty Instrument es the"Praperty." ' :���„�,r,�y�;�,,.�r*;'a.
<br /> BORRO�VER COVENANTS that Borrower is lnwfully seised o4 the estate hereby conveycd and hae the right to ��,��,N.(r'�� ' �:.
<br /> •^"°'� grant and convey the Property and that the Propaty is unencumbered, except tor encumbrancea ot r$cord. Borrower S� F1�?�_'�'z�;:':
<br /> ' •`� wanante and will defend generally the title to the Property agninst all dairne and demanda,subject to any encumbrences -;}f� � t�.J;yr=Y.
<br /> . .t�����ti..�:��_
<br /> of record. --
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines unitorm wvenante for national uso end non'un+form covenanta wit �.�,.:9a�,=;°-----
<br /> ..�;�.��s�:= ----
<br /> limited variations by jurisdiction ta constitute a uniform securityinstrument covering real pro�Pe�'ty. ,•_,.;��,��� -
<br /> UNIFORM CO VENANTS.Bonower and Lender covenant and agree es follo�va: when due �•��1":"`
<br /> 1.Payment of Principal and Interest;Prepaymeat and l.ate Ch�rges.Bonowcr shnit promptly pay ::;+___
<br /> the principal of and i nurest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepnyment and late chargea due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds for Ttxes�ad Iaeuranca Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shnll -�"�:_^y=
<br /> pay to I.ender on the day monthly paymenta are due under the Note,until the Note ie paid in full,a sum (°Funds")for. Y
<br /> (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as e lien on the Pinperty; (b) :.._ __
<br /> yearly leasehold paymente or ground rents on the Property,if any; (c� Yea�ly hezard or prorerty inavrance premiurns; r.'_--_
<br /> (d)yearly tlood insurance pramiume,if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurana premiums, if any;and(f)any sums payable =_=- -
<br /> ' by$onower to L.ender,in accordance with the provisions ot paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mort�age ineurance =`;�:+�
<br /> `� premiums.Theso items are called"Fscrow Iteme."Lender may,at any time.cmllect and hold Funds in an amount not , �`-�,=
<br /> to axceed the maxirnum amouat a lender for a federally relaud mortgage loa�R may require for Ecrr�war's escrow i;;�
<br /> account under tha federal Real Estete Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended frern time to tirne, 12 U.S.C. '•':�,;;�,..�.
<br /> • Section 2601 et seq. �"R�PA")�unler�s flnother law that appliea to the Pundssets a lesser nmount.I{so, Lendor may, _';�_--
<br /> at any time,collect snd hold Funds in an amount not ta exceed the lesser amount.Lender rnay estimate tha amount of __
<br /> '' Punda dua on the basie of cunent data and reasonable esti mates of expenditurea of fut�.zre�.SSCrow Items or othsrwise in _
<br />- ' accordancc with applicable law.
<br /> .:' • 1'he Funds ahall be held in an institution whose depc�sits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity
<br /> ______..':�� (including Lender,if I.ender ie such an institution)or in uny Federal Home i.oan_Bank.�nc2e qshall�a�pvya h;Fan�� � —
<br /> � pay the Escrow Iurne.Lender may not charge Bonowor Ior l,u�u�r�� �n�s�.,j•e L..�-,---�, �----_ � f,,_�
<br /> escrow acwunt,or verifying tha Escrow Iteme,unless I.�nder pnye Borrower interest on the Funde aua applicable law �:;_�.
<br /> .__
<br /> permite I.ender to mako such n charge. However, L.ender mey require Borcowar to pay e one'time char$o for an �_ _
<br /> independent real eatate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unlsss applicablu law provides ��
<br />� � � otherwise.Unless an agrament ie made or applicable law roquires int�rat to ba paid,Lendc�r shhll n4t bethat inur�t �
<br />= pay Borrower any intereat or earninge on the Nunda.Borrower end I.ender mey agree in writing� o�vavor, _,
<br />�,�.„,� ,�' ehall be paid on the Punde.Lender shall give to Borrower,without chargo,an ennual accounting at the Funde�showing _
<br />-;r„ �� croditn nnd debite ta tho Funds end the purpose for which each debit to the Funda wes mnde.The Funds are pledged es -
<br /> ,r; edditional security for e11 sume socurod by this Security Instrument. _
<br /> `T � If the Funda held by I,ender oxcced the emounts permitted to be held by spplicable law,L.endar shnll account to _
<br /> . ,. Bonower tor the axcese Funde in accordance aith the toquiremente oi appliceble lnw. It the amount ot the Funds held
<br />��:�_ *_ .�' by Lender at nny time is not eufiicient to pay the Escrow Iume when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,
<br /> �.. r��-.;:�. . end, in such csao Sonower ehall pay to I.ender the amous►t neceasary to mako up the deficiency.Borrower shnll mnke
<br /> _=='�" ' �' up the deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymonts,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br />"�;,��� °," Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br />=-'="�'•� �� nny Funda held by Lender. It, under paragraph 21, I.ender shall ecquire or sell the Property. Lender, prior to the
<br />':7�•:.�-;,�;d�-
<br />_;�, _ ; ,. acquieition or eale oi the Property,shall apply any Funda held by Lender at the time of acquieition or aele as a cr it
<br />_ .�„ " against the sums eocured by thie Security Inatrument.
<br />`�'' .. � . 3. Applicatioa of Paymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwiso,all paymente r�ceived by Lender under �I_
<br />�;�•� '�• pnrngrapha 1 and 2 shall be applied: firet,to any prepayment charges due under the Nou;second,to amounte payable �.,;;
<br /> Q.,..
<br />--���"�:. under paregraph 2; third,tv interest due;fourth,to pnncipel due;and last,to eny late chnrges due under the Note. � _
<br />- �;�° 4. C6u�es; Lieas. Bonower shell pay all taY�s,assessments,charges,[ines nnd irnpoeitions attributabla to the `�-
<br /> �`r'"x r� Property which rnay attain priority over thie Security Instrument,and leasehold paymants or ground rents, if any. ��--
<br /> :.::^': ,,. ..
<br /> - r'''ti-"- Bonower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in peragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower �,�
<br />�''"° �+�- shall pay them on time directly to the person owed payrrient.Borrower ehall promptly furnish to L,ender all notices of
<br /> � amount�to ba paid under thia paragraph.If$orrower makes these paym�nts directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish _ _
<br />- to Lender receipts evidencing the paymenu. •_- __
<br /> Borrower ehall promptly discharge any lien which hes priority over thisSecurity Instrument unless Borrawer:(a) �y —.
<br /> agras in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by tha lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) cont�ste in , -- _ _
<br />_� good faith the lien by. or defends against enfoscement ot the lien in. Ieg�l proceedings which in the L.endar's opinion �,°°_�_
<br />• operate to prevent the enforcement of the tien;or(c)secures irom the holder of the lien an agreement satistectory to ,,�..,a._��_
<br /> Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of tha Property is subjec! t� � �'�=�-��
<br /> •��.:�_�_ .�—
<br /> to a lien which may ettain priority over this Security Inetrument,Lender may give �rrower a notice identifying the Y���.
<br /> lien. Borroaer shsll satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set focth above within 10 days of the giving of ,�1�^� Q
<br /> , �,�.
<br /> - notice. ' � �
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