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<br /> 97- �06'7'�'i
<br /> , �d) a wris of exeaudon or attachment of any simdar procass s1�a11 be entered aqainst Trustor wnfcn sh�ll •
<br />- � becnme a lien an the Trost Estate or anv Pp��an thereaf or intereat ;nerein and suCn execudon, attacnment or s�milar
<br /> � pracess af judqment is nac released, bonCad, sausilad,vacated or stayed withinsixty(fi01 days atter its entry nr levy;or
<br /> � (e� there has accurtnd a breach of or default undnr any :erm, covenant. aqreement, cenditian, provision,
<br /> represenration or warranry conrained in sm P�or deed of trust vr mortgage aflec;ang che Trust Estate.
<br /> 'i`'»' �� 10. Acasl�ratlon upon D�fau�t; Addlilons!RrnHd+�s. If an event af d�fault occurs. BeneficEary may declare the
<br /> j_ Indebtedness secured Nerehy to be due and Dayable and the same shau ;hereupo� become Oue and O�Yabia without any
<br />�,�•- presentment, aemand,pratest ar no�ice of any kind. Thereafter, Beneficiary may:
<br /> (;) either in persan or by aqent, with or w�thout bringing any ac�on or proceeding,or by a recaiver aopoi�d ±.
<br /> by a Court and without rega�d to the adequacY af its secunty,enter upo*+and bke pessession of th0 Trust Emte,ar arsy
<br />"�„ part thereof. in Its owR iume ar in the name of Tnutee,and da any aC:s whlch it detms neCess�ry ar desirabla to pteserva ��i.
<br /> • the wlue,markerabilit�or rentability ef�-►e Trust�stste,or part mareaf or imeresc iherein,increase the inGarne tt�erehom ';_�
<br /> - " or protect the securitY ►urecf ar►d�witA a�without riking passession of the Trust Emte.su�foc ar otherwise colt¢ct tt� �,;:=
<br /> � renta, issuas and profiis cl�ereof,inctudirsq thase p�st due and unpaid, and apply the sams,tess casts and expenses of �:-,
<br />- �'����'�� operation and coilectian inctu0i�p attameys'fea, upon any(ndebtedness secured hereby,�II in such orda as Beneficia�/ ��'
<br />' - ' may datermine• The enterin4 upon and t��np pessseuio�of ine Trust Emte,me collecaon of such rents,issues ud F_'
<br /> profhs and the application thereof as afaresaiE shsU noi cure or waive any default or ratice of defaut2 hereunder or �_
<br /> ',;-�:,• Imralidate any act done in response to su c h d e t a W t o r p u r s u a n t t o s u c h n a d c s o t d e f a u f t m d. n o t withsttndin 0 the _
<br />`�• ' � cortanuance in possessian of the Trust Fs[ate or the coliection,receipt and applicasion of rertts,issues or profits,7rustes _
<br /> • or BeneflciatY s��l been endtled to exercises every right provided for in any af the Loan inmuments or by taw upon
<br />;:'•`:.;R, necurtence at any eventof default, includinp the ripht to exercise the power of sale; �.`
<br />_�=:�.;;;..�.' liii commence an action io foreclosa this Deed of Trust as a mortgage. appoint a receiver or speciftcally fY�,
<br /> �� enforce any of the covenanu hareof; __
<br />�;F,;�.\
<br /> , �:�,.; -
<br />�°v.;��:� . IiiiS delivar.o Trustee a wnren declaration of defauit and demand tor sale and a written norice of default and -
<br /> ,.�,_
<br />;o�►;�;.N:,�� ele�,ion co cause 7rustar's incerast in;he Trusc Estace to be sold, wnich not�ce Trustee shall cause .0 5e duly jiled or
<br />=��:3$ recora in the appropriate orfic�s of the C�uniy m wh�ch ;ne Trust EsidLB is lacated: or
<br />�r•:�•'��it���
<br />�:;-�f��>��� (iv� exeresse suc� omer ngnts or remedies st law or in equity.
<br /> —_.-_n..���a
<br /> _ �.��
<br /> =-_�n�: 11, Foroclosrw byPowe ofS�/e. If Seneficiary elec:s to foreclose by sxercise of,ne Power af Sale nerain cencained,
<br />��� Beneftciery sha11 nonfy Trustee and snall deposit vvim Trustee this Second Deed af TNSt and any noce evidencing the Indebteaness
<br /> __'�-�°� and such roce�pss and evidence of zxpenditures rnade anci seCUred hereby as Trustee may reouire. _
<br /> -�._;;���
<br />��.y�� lal UOo� receipt of such notice from BenetiCinry,Trustee shalt cause to be recorded. published and delivered
<br /> to Trustor such Notice of Default and Norce of Sale as men reQuired by law and by tt�is Second Oeed of Trust. Trustee
<br /> � �� shall,without demand an Trussar,after such ame as may then be required by taw and after rncordation of such Notice of
<br /> -=-- Detault and after Notiee of SaIQ havinq been given as required by law,sell the Trust Estate at the ume and place ot sal�
<br /> - fixed by it in sach Notice ofi Sele,either as a whole,or in separate lots or parceia or inms as Trostre shall deem expediertt,
<br /> � and in such order as it rn�y detertnlne,as public auCtion ta the hiqhest bidder for cash in lawful money ot Uu United States
<br /> - � payible at the time of sale. Trustee shail de�iver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its pood and sufficlent dce�or
<br /> deeds corweyinp ihe praperty so suld,hut withauc any covenam or warranty,�xpress ar implied. The reanls in such dead
<br /> of arry matters or facts snaN be conclusive proof of the truthtulness tMereof_ A�y persan, tncludinp without timitatlan
<br /> Tnutor,Trustee or 8enettci�ry. may purctast at such sale.
<br /> �b� As may be Oermitted by�aw,efiar deductinp alt costs. fer,s and expenses o}Trustes and of this Trust.
<br />------- ;nqudFnq costs af evidence of title in connecrion with sale,Truscee shall apply the proceeds o!sale ta paymer►t of Ip the
<br /> Indebtedness liil aII ott�er sums then secused hereby,and(iiil the remainder,if any,ta the person or persons Iepalty erttitled
<br /> therero.
<br /> �� �e! Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by Iaw postRone sale of all or any portion of the Tnut Emte.
<br /> 's�.�� —
<br /> ------� 1 Z, l�irn�aYis Not Erd�. Trustee and BeneflCiary, and each ot them,shall be entitled to enforce payrrtent and _
<br />�-°;'�!�"'� pertormu�c�ot sny indebtednras or otrliq�tians secu�ed hereby and to exercfse all riQha and powers undu thls Second Oeed ot _
<br /> - - Tnist ar under any Laan Insuurnertt ar other aqreemeRt or any laws now or hereafter i�force;notwithstandinp, some or all ot the -
<br />�.:�^� such tndebtedness and obiigatfont scv,wed hereby may now or hereaher be otherwise secured,whether by mortqage,deed of mist. _
<br />"�''` �� ! p�edqe,Ikn,assiqrrnerrt ot othenvise. Neither the acceptance ot thia Second Deed of Trust nar its eMorcement�whether by court =_
<br />.m:,.,�: -
<br /> __.. ��r, i�'r'� —
<br />�°°_ ,r.T,`.;t�; scdon or pursusrtt to the power of s�la or othet Dowers herein corttained, shall prejudice cr in any manner affect rustee s or _
<br />--' .� �-:� Benetid�r's riqM to realize upon ar e�arce any other secwity now ar hereaher hetd by Tnlstee ar Benefldary,it beinp aqreed that _
<br /> ''�`���z� Tnnte��rd 8enefldary. and each ot tham, shail be er�dtted to ertforce thls Secono Deed ot Trust and�ny ot�er security now or -
<br />°,'i�"!�-..� _
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