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<br />_�� - ; L�ndK mliy, nt�ny Ilm�o,oolNol md hald �mounts for EtCrow Items fn rn ap�rpal� amount not to �xcNd th� mwlmum
<br /> � �mount th�t may b�nquYSh cor Borrowsr'e�scrow accoun!undsr ths Re�l EetAt� SNtlsment Prqcsdur�e Aot of 197�1, 12 U.S,C. —
<br /> ' �2601 � �,and impllm�nllny rpullUons, 21 CFR Part 3500, �e th�y rr�y be�mmdetl from ►kne to tfine ("F�SPA'),ucclpt E
<br />_- ,i1 lhat th� Cuthbn or r�tlrv� p�rmRt�d by RESPA lor un�ntbipat�d dlsburc�rr�nt� or disbur9tmsnta bilon th� Borcow�t �L:.
<br /> '�� paym�nb Rn av�fl�bis In lh��CCOUnt may nol b�bas�d on�mounts du�for th�martyaqa�naurnnce premkim, —
<br /> � " II th� �mounts hNd by LMdK for Escrow It�ns �xcNd thn�mounte p�rmRted lo bs helU by RESPA, Lendsr hhAll�ccount =
<br />�' �' to Borcow�r for th��xcsu tunds �s nquk�d by RESPA. II Ih��maunn of fundt hetd by Lendx at any tim�an not tuHbi�nt to =
<br /> .. c� '� pay tha Eccrow Items when due, l.entlM m�y notMy the BortOwM ind nquln BonowK to make up ths ehorteps as pxmKlsd by
<br /> k F�5pA. �..
<br /> [�
<br /> .v�^'�,'!`�' TM E�crow Funds u� pNdped �� addkbn�l t�aurRy for aN sum� s�cund by thts &�ourity Inctrum�nt. if Bortow�t bndw� t
<br /> to Lmd�r t1» lull ptym�nt a1 aH suoh tuma, Bartowws acaount sh�N b�ondN�d wlth Ihn balanc�r�hlny lor �N InslaNmmt ��.;
<br /> KMn� (�1, (b�, �nd (c) Nd any martWpe Insunncs pnmium InstaWn�nt that Lendw hae not becortw obllpatsd to pay to lh� F:
<br />�;3jpY�� S�cnt�.ry,�nd L�nder shNl prompty nlund�ny�xces�funda to Borrowor. Immed4�tey prbr to e fonobsun s�k of lh�PropMty =
<br /> � or ke ocqukRbn by Lender, BoROwar's accaunt shall be crodit�d wkh any balance remnlnhg tor au hstalMents for k�ms(a), (b), �
<br /> �. and(C).
<br /> �� � •. 3. Application of P�yments. Ap payments under Parpyraphs 1 md 2 shaa be epplled by Lender as lolbw6:
<br />- �""i'' ' Ftl'it�t�the morty�pe h�uranc�premlum to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charQ�by ths SecreWry
<br /> zt,. "•. ..:
<br /> '�+'� ' hstead of the monthy mort�ape hsunnce promium;
<br />�.r„F�',`;; '.`: Second, to my luces, sp�ol�l ass�ssrtwnts, fe�sehold paymsnts or yround nnts, nnd fin, fbod and othsr harud
<br />�':±vd�'�� . -' hsunnc�pnmlums,Rs rputed; �
<br /> - � Third,to Intx�st du� undsr the Note;
<br /> �1�� •':•."� FOUrth�to amoRt�tbn of ths prinolpd of ths Note; and
<br />�'' � FIRh�to ace cna�es due under the Note. _
<br />-��� � � 4. Fire, Flaod end Other Haurd Insurence. Bonower ahell Ineu� all Ynprovemsnts on the PropartY. w►+s�he� —
<br /> =:c.:.'r,..�,yF
<br />',� now In existance or subsequontly erected, ayahst any harnrds, wsuaRies, nnd contfnqencl�s, hcludinp fke, tor whbh Lender
<br />_�'"}: � .,���,�, roquires hsunnce. Th{s Insurance shall be mahtahed h tho amqunte and for the perbds that Lend�r nqukas. Bunow� shaA
<br /> �.;,•:�?�4.,�` also fnsun aA rnprover►rnts on the Prop�rty, whether now in exfstenCe or Eub6equinty eteCtYd, apahat bss by fbode to Iha
<br />-�__;{;,;,� extent requk�d by ths SecreWry. All insurance sh�ll be cArtfed wRh compenles approved by Lender. Tha hsurcnce poliCks and
<br /> �:;-��!• '� any r�n�wals�haN be hNd by lender�nd shall Include bss payabte clausos h favor of, �nd h a farm accspt�bM to,L.�ndar.
<br /> J-:NI!�i,iJ�.'...'_�.
<br /> --t,.�,,,_ :� In th� ww►t of bss, Bortower shall q\re L�nder Immaditte notfce by mail. Lender may mak� proof of baa M noc m�d�
<br /> �'�''�`''°'-' Ft�n'!Ct�' �Y ��R^`-�'!'�- Far.h haiirgn��aompany concemed is hereby authorized and dY6Cted !o makY paytffsnt for buCh bss
<br />-° "�"{"» � dlnoty to Und�r. h�tNd qt to Bor�ower and to Lender Johty. All or any part of tho insuranoa procwds may b� +ippli6d by
<br />�.���!�.�.',�
<br /> --=a..��r Lendsr, at Itt option, eYhsr (a) to the reductlon of the hdebtednass under the Note and this Securky InaM�m�nt, Hrct to my
<br /> -�=��,v•
<br />...�;��a daNnquN►t amounte nppkd M ths orWr fn Parapraph 3,and then to prepayment of pnc�lptl, or(b)to thv r�stontbn or rrpaY of
<br /> -- -----^ the demaqod Propwty. My �ppikatbn of the proceeds ro the prinafpal shall not extend or postporw ths dw dab of th�
<br />=rg=�h:�'c'��1lt mpnthy payments whfch are roferred to h Parepraph 2, or chanpe the amount of suah paymante. My exCSSS fnsuraaa�
<br />--=w�� procNda orror�n �moum requked to pey ell outntandinp Indebtedness under the Note and this SeCUrky Instrumont shaN bi pald
<br />� �—;��=��� to the entNy Iopalty entitled thereto.
<br />-�-e��� In thY event Of foreciosure of thls SeCUrfty Inatrument or other trenster ot tRle to the Property that 9xthyuleMs th�
<br />-'�!""'-''T''��• hdebt�dnasa,all ri�ht, tNN end interest oi Borrower in and to Insurance polfcies tn torCe shall pass to the purCha6K.
<br />----.�i�. b. Occupancy, Preservetlon, Malntenence and Protection of the Property; Borrowe�'a Lan
<br /> ' AppllCit1011; LeaSEh0lds. BorrowK sh�11 ocoupy, �atabllsh, and us�th� Proputy�s Borrow�r's pnc�ipal n�id�r►C� wthh
<br />= abcty dlys�R�r tho exeeutbn of this Sacurity InsWmant (or wkhin sbcty days of a letar sale or tr�n�f�r ot tha Propaty)�nd ahtM
<br /> ���� continu� to xoupy the Property as BoROwar's princlpol r�aldenca for at Nast ono yeu aftK th� dat� of oacupmay, unMss
<br /> -`°" I.�+d�r d�brminss that rpukMn�nt wiA cause undus hardshlp for Bortowsr, or unleas exUnuatha Ckcumttanosx�ocltt whbh�n
<br /> — b�yond Bortow�s conVOl. Borrower ShaM nOtHy Lender of any eMsnuetfno CMcumet�nces. Borrow�r shtM not aommk wasts or
<br /> _+,i:se� d�stroy, damay� or substantlaly chanye the Property or albw the Property to deterbrate, reosonable waar 4nd tMr �oocopbd.
<br /> �'��a�:r� Lsnd�r may hapect ths Propwty M the Property Is vacant or abandoned or the ban IS h defauR. Lender may taks rMton�bM
<br /> —� '��� �Ction to prohct and prKerw suoh vacant or ebandoned Property. BoROwer ahall also be fn dafauR B Borrower,durinp th� b�n
<br /> � '';� �ppllCatbn proCesa,pave meteriully talse or hacaurste fnfarmatbn ot statertwnts to LentNr (or talled to provfda Lender wkh my
<br /> �-=� matWUl Infomutbn)fn Connectlon wtth the ban evklenced by the Noto, hch�dhp, but not IknRatl to, repns�ntubna conc�minp
<br /> --���� Borcoweri ocCUpancy of th� Prop�rty as a pnc�ipal resldence. If this Securky Instrument Is on a feesehold, Borrow�r sh�N
<br /> ---�:"�
<br /> ='�"a�� compy wkh th� provbbns of the feass. It Bonower acqutres tea tkb to the Property, 1he le�sehold �nd fee tRb shaM not b�
<br /> -`_"'�"� m�rp�d unbts Lender �proes to tha mKpx h wri¢hp.
<br /> _ h�,�,� �, 6. Condemnatbn. The proceeds of nny award or ckkn for damepes, dkect or consequantlat, h oonnaotbn wkh my _
<br /> `•;';,?;';; condemnotbn or other ukinp of any part of the PropeRy, or for corneyK�ce kt pIaCY of contlemnatlon, m heroby assfpned md
<br /> :��•;�-' • ,�,. shall be pald to Lender to the extsnt of the fun amount of tho Indabtedness that remains unpald under the Not� md this
<br /> ':."�• Securky �nstrument. L�nder Shall nppy such prxoeds to the reduCtbn of lhe hdebtedness under the Note and tAfs Securky
<br /> _ InstNmettt, (irst to flny detinquent emounte apptbd h tAO order provided In PBrapraph 3, and then to pr6psyment ot princqal. _
<br /> - ? �.,
<br /> ___ , . , My appliCatbn oS the procoeds to tho prinnlpal shnll not extend or pcstpone the due date of the monthy payments, whbh ar�
<br /> �.,'�~... referrad to In Parayreph 2, or ohenge tho amount of such paymenta. Any excess proceeds over en amount required to pay all
<br /> ;t�;:.�. � out6tandinp indebtedness under the Note end thls S�curity Instrument shau be paid lo the entity lepally entitled tharoto.
<br /> '���r ' . � 7. Charqes to Borrower end Protection of Lender'a Rlghts In the Property. BorfOwer 6haN p6y�11 –
<br /> '.--y^-'t � � - QOWfTIfMfltll 0I mun�cpa� ChBfQlB� tnes anu mpositions SIt9[ 8r6 noI nGiutiuci ii �iinyia{n`� �. r+�uvnw 5:,�� j.�j �.��.'o =
<br /> • ��_.„�-'" ' oblip�tbns On tkne dkectry to tho entlty wh�h Is owed the pnymont. If tafiure to pay would adva�sely afleat Lender'6 (nterest h ;
<br /> • . ths Proparty,upon LenMr's raquest BoROwer shail promptly tumish to Londer reCelpts evldenclnp these pnyments.
<br /> It Borrovwr faNS to make thase pflyments or the payments requkad by Paragraph 2,or }ails to perform any other Coven�nts
<br /> and epresmsnts contnined kf this Security Instrvment,or there Is fl lepal proceedhg that mey SignHbently aHect Lender's rights In
<br /> ' .. the Property(such as a proceedfnp h bankruptcy, for condemnatbn or to enforce laws or roguiations), then Lender may do Qnd
<br /> pay whatover Is n�cesa�ry to protect the vawe of the Property and Lenders rphts �n the Property, fncludfnp ptymw�t ot t�xes,
<br /> • haxard InsurenCe and olher Nems mentbned h Peragraph 2. �
<br /> . ... • F6�t9,LMU(E/Y7) Pap�7 0l 5 ,
<br /> . � i
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> I
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<br /> • I
<br />