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<br /> 19. Tnnster of the Prnperty ar n Beneffcial .lmerest in Borrnn�er. If all or any part of the Propcny or any interest in it ="
<br /> is sold or tr�nsfetrec!(or if a l�neticial interest in Bonower is xild or m,ui,cfernd and B�nuwer is not a ns►tural person)withnut ---_
<br /> Lenler's riur writtep consrut, lxndet may, at i�5 o tiun, uire iwmediate :'�-°
<br /> p P rec� payment Iu full of all swns sec:ured by thIx
<br /> x ,;,�, Sauriry Intitcvment.How�ver, this uption slixll not be exCre't.+ed by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by feder.�l la�v as of tlrn dat� „�--
<br /> � �, pf QIIS SCCU[lty I0.titI11A1CRI. '_
<br /> If Lxixler exenises dus i�ptiun. Leuder shaU give Bonower notice of acceleration. Tt�e naace �ll provide a periori�f uot
<br /> less d�un 30 elays ftam dt� cfatr the autice is delivetecl or mailed within which Bonuwer must pay :+11 sums secured by this `--
<br /> Saurity la,trvmeat.If Borrower fails io pay these sums prior ro the expiradon of this pedai. l.eneiet may invoke any ceiuetlles . --
<br /> pem�.itted by tLis Security Instnuvent without further noace ur demand on Bonower. -
<br /> 18. Borrower's RIAht to Reitutate. [f Borrower meets cenain condidons, Banower shall duve th� right to have .
<br /> eaforcement of this Security Intitrument discontinued at any time prior to the e;ulier of: (a) S days (or sucli othr.r period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatenieat) bsfore sale of the Property pursuxut to any power of sal4 ccmutlned in tliis � -
<br /> Security lastnuuenr,or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing tliis Security Instrutuent.Those conciidons are tbat Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Leader all surns wluch tlisn would bc due uncler tlus Securiry Instrumeat and th�Note as if no acaleradon had occurred; (b) � ,.
<br /> cures any deFault of any other coveriuwts or agreemeata; (c) pays all eapensrs i�urred in eaforcing this Securlry Inatrumant, � •-
<br /> includ'u�,but iwt 1'uaited to,re:uon:tble attorneys' fecs; :wd (d)tal:es such acdon as Lender may masonably rzquire to assure � �"',� -
<br /> that the lien of this Securiry In�uumeat, I.eader's rights in the Property and Bonower's abligaaon to pay the swus secured by �
<br /> . ttiis Securiry lasmiment shall continue uachanged. Upon reinytatemeut by Borrower, this Securiry Ia4trument aud the
<br /> obligadons secured hereby sLall remaiu fully effecdve xs if no acceleradou hud occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall -
<br /> ` not apply ia tl�e case of acceleradon under p;�ragraPh 17• ,.
<br /> �I 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Serviccr.The Nota or a partial intemst in the Nate (together with this Sectuiry
<br /> �M; I n c t n u u e n t)m a y b e s o l d o n e o r n w r e t i m e s w i t h o u t p ri o r n o d c e t o B o r r o w e r. A s a l e m a y r e s u l t i n a c h a n g e i n W e e n a e y(➢m o w n �
<br /> . as the'I.oan SeNicer")that collacu� wontWy pa y m�ents due under the Note ancl this Secun ty Instnunent.Tbere also ma y t►g one �:_
<br /> or more changes of the Laan Servicer wr�lated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the l.oan Senricer,Bocrower w�ll be __
<br /> given writtea mtice of tbn change i�accordAnce with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law. The notice will state the name and --
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer anJ U�e address to which payments should be made.1Le noace will also contain any otber -
<br /> informxdon required by applicabie law. _-
<br /> � 20. Hazudouv Substances. Bonower shall not cause or pemut the pnseace, use,dIs-pasal,storage, or release o�aay _°
<br />- - �i�dou�uii�"tiilCfS OA OI lII iII� 1'r�p�:rt3,. Bc;raR�r sbal: n.�i 30, nor a3tow anyone elsc t.�do, � thi� a:�:.�b �e :
<br /> i
<br /> Pcc�etty that is in violation of aay Bnvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not Apply to� e pmse�e, use. or =
<br /> storage on the Property of small quautidea of Hazardous 5ubstunces Wu sra generally recogniud w be appropriate to normal -
<br /> raideadxl uses uid to maiatenance of tt4o Property. --
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Leuder written notice of any investi�idon, claim, demand,lawsuit or other action by swy -
<br /> governaiental or regtilatory agency or private p:uty involving tha Pmperty�ad uny Hazardous Substuice or Bnvimmnental Law =
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledgt. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that =
<br /> any removal oroWer remediationof uny Huzardous Substance affecting the Property is necessaty,Borrower shall prompdy take -
<br /> aU necessary remedial actions iu lccordeace with finvironniental Law. _ -
<br /> As used in this parngruph 20. "Harardous Substances' are tbose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substance.s by =
<br /> Bnvlronmental law and the following substances: gasoline, kemsene, other flamtnable or toxic petroleum �roducts. ta�ic
<br /> pesdcidey auct herbicides.volstile solveats,materlals containing asbestos or fomxaldeh�rde,and radioactive matenals. As used in
<br /> thhis puagrapii 20, 'Hnvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ttwt
<br /> • nlate to healtli,safety or environment�l pmtxtion.
<br /> � NON-UI�IIFORM COVBNANTS,Bonower and I.ender fur[her covenant und ugree as follows:
<br /> 21. Accekratton;RecaedIes. Lender at�all Qive notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> ' ' . ` • o[any covenant or st�reanent In this Securlty Lutruma�t (but not prlor to acceleration aanderpar��rxph 17 unless
<br /> ��_� appl[cable la�r provides othenvise).The not[ce shall specify: (a)the tkFaott; (b)the oction required to cure t6e defaWt;
<br /> (c)a date,not less tlwn 30 days from the date the not[ce is given to Borrower�by which the d�t'auh must bc curedt and
<br /> (d)that fallure to cure the default on or befon tFie date specifled [n the notice may result in s�cceleration of the su�re
<br /> "' saured by thLs SecurIty Inttrument ond sale of ttie Property. The nottce shall fnrther inforrn Borrowa of the riaht to �� �
<br /> . � ' rdastate after accele�ratfon and the d�ht to 6r[n�a court adlon to assert the non�xtctence oF A default or Aay otlKr �._
<br />� ,.� defense of Borrower to acceleration wnd sale.If the default is not cured on or before the date spxified in the notice, ::,_
<br />-,• .>.�.•., � Leader, at[ts option, mxy require immedlate payment In full nf all sums secured by this Saurfty Instrum�nt without -
<br />- °"' fuRher demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permltted by app�iable law.Lender shall be ��;;a..
<br /> - entitled to collect all expens�s incurnd in pursuing the remedles provided in thts para�raph2l,includi»Y,but not Iimited -
<br /> . to,reaso»able ottorneys'fecs and cosis of Utle ev[dea�ce. -
<br /> It the power of sale Ls invoked,Tnutee shall record a noticc oF def'ault In each county in wlilch any pArt of the
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copt�of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable Iaw to Borrowa and to _
<br /> ttie other persons prescribed by appllcable law.After the t�me requtred by applicable law,Tnutee ahall give public notice -_ --_
<br /> af eale to the persons end in the mermer prescribed by applicable law. Tnutee,without demand on Borrower,st�all sdl -=__
<br /> the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at tne tjme and place and under the tern�s desi�ated in the notice of � - =
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustce determines. Tn�stee may postpone sale oF all or any parcd of tbe •J::�-=
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time and place of any prev[ously scheduled sale.Lenda or its desl�r►ee may ���.'"
<br /> �:. ;
<br /> purchase the Propecty at any sale.
<br /> ��;�.
<br /> Form 3028 ��
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