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<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'I5 that Borrowcr is lawtuily scised of the estatc hcreby wnveycd and h�s thc right u� �. , .
<br /> grant and a�nvcy the PrUperiy and that the Pruperty is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrower
<br /> wurran�s and will defcnd gcncrally the titlo to thc Propc:ty against all claims and dcmands,subjcct to any encumbranccs
<br /> of record. .�
<br /> THIS SECURI'I'Y 1NSTRUMENT wmbines unitorm covcnanu for natlonal usc and nan•uniform covcnunts with _
<br /> Umitcd variatlons by Jurisdiction cu constitutc a unitarm securiry lnstrumont cuvcring rcul propcny. . �;�•
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. �rruow�et�anJdL�Se��ve.na�ntrrower shull pay when due the principal of.and interest `�'-:..-
<br /> 1. Paymcnt o[Prindp�4 �`"�
<br /> � '"`"� on,the debt eviclonced by the Note and late charges due under the Nate. __
<br /> "" Z. Monthly Paya�eat ot 71�In��ri°00.�a���' B°rrowor shall include in each monthly paymene, _
<br /> cogether with the principal and interest as set forth in the Nato and any late charges,a sum for(a) taxes and speclal
<br /> � assessments levied or to be levied agatnst tbe Properry,(b)leasehold payments or ground rents on the Praperty,and _
<br /> (c) premiums for insurance required under paragraph 4. In any year in which the o=dQran ust�p i w�ch such =-
<br /> insuraace premium co the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development(Secretary ) Y Y
<br /> `�,�..�
<br /> prcmium would have been tequired if Lender still held the Security Instrument, each moathly payment shall also n�
<br /> lnclude etther. (i)a sum for the annual mortgage ipsurance premium to be paid by Lender to che Secretary,ar(ii)a . .�'i
<br /> monthly charge lnstead of a mortgage insuraace premium if this Security Instrument is held by the SecretarY+ in a •�`�
<br /> reasonable amount to be determiaed by the Secretary. Except for the monthly charge by the Secretary,these items :_Y7;_
<br /> �,':.�•..
<br /> are caAecl"�sc[ow Items"and the sums paid co Lender are called"Esctow Funds." ,;.__ -
<br /> Lender may,at av,y time,coliect and hold amounts for Fscrow Items in an aggregate amount not to exceed the __
<br /> maximum amaunt tEaart mn�y b�Ecyuired for Borrower's escrow acoount aader the Real Estate Settlement Prc�.edures =_
<br /> �;:��;,,;- Act of 19'74,12 U.S.G 26ED1 ec s� .and implementing regul.adons,24 CFR Pan 3500,as they may be amended from .;�;:_
<br /> , . . �. time IIa�tiane("RESPA"),exocpa'tfiat the cushion or reserne permitted by RESPA for unanticlpated dlsbutsements or __
<br /> . �z�. disbuasements befpre ehe Borrower's pay►nenw are availabla in tlt�acxount may not be based on amounts due for the �`_
<br /> • r ' mortgage na�ssurs�nce premium. �,-.
<br /> If the flmounts held by I.ender for Escrow icems exoeed�he amounu permitted to be held by RESPA,Leuder shall _�
<br /> • account to Bonower for the eaccess fuads W�e4u'��red b�y ttR�ESP�Y n �����nower�d require Borrower to make `.s"K�::
<br /> are not suffictent to pay the Fsc�row ltems _
<br /> _ _ _ �. up the shortage as permitted by RFSPA.
<br /> . -� Tde Escrow rtuias are piedgeci u,eQdiiiouat�urit}f�r sll sums s�r��red by this SecurltY InsttumenG If Borrower
<br /> � tenders to I.ender the full paymenc af all such sums,Bonower's acoount shaU be credited with the balance remaining
<br /> for all installment items(a),(b)�and(c)and any mortgage insurana premium instailmeat that L.ender has not become
<br /> obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shall promptty refund any excess fumds to Borrower. Immediately prlor
<br /> to a foreclosure sale of the Property or ics aoquisition by Lender.Bonower's acoount shall be credited with any balance
<br /> remaiNng for all instaUments for items(a),(b),and(c).
<br />-. g, Applkadon o[Faymenu All paymcnts under paragraphs l And 2 sb4ll be applted by Lender ps follows:
<br /> � FIRST•to the mortga�e insurance prcmium to be paid by I.ender to the Secretary or to the manthly ch4rge by the _
<br />- Secretary instead of the monthly rnortgage insurance prcmium;
<br /> SECOND,to any texes,special assessments,leasehold paymeats or graund rents.and fire.Qood and other hazard ___
<br /> . iasurance premiums.as required;
<br /> • . THIRD•to Interest due under the Note;
<br /> � FOURTH.to autortization of the principal of the Note;and
<br /> t FIFI'H,to late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4, g�p��q��d I�nranoe, Borrawer shall insure all improvements on the Property,whether
<br /> � • now in e�dstence or subsequently erected,agalnst any hazards,casualties�and contingencies,including 6re,for which
<br /> Lender requires insurence. This insurai►ce shaU be ma3ntaiped in the amounzs aud for the pedods that Lender
<br />��x-= .;,. �equires, Bonower shall also insure all improvements on We Properry,wbethet now in existence ot subsequendy �
<br />== f � erected,against loss by floods to the extent required by the Secretary. All insw�►ce Shall b�����°0mp��
<br /> - approved by L,ender. The insurance policies and any reaewals shaU be held by Leader and shall include loss payable
<br />- " � � clauses in favor of, and in a form acceptable to,Lender. _
<br /> �~ � In the event of loss,Bonower shall give I.ender Immediate notice by mall. Lender may make proof of loss if not
<br /> � r_
<br />: � made prompdy by Bocrower. Each insurance company concerued is hereby suthorized and directed to make payment
<br /> � for such loss directly to Lender, instead of to Bonower and to Lender jointly. All or aay part of the insurance t:- ' -
<br /> , , ti proceeds may be applied by Lender,at its option,either (a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and _
<br />' ' thls Secur[ty Insuument,8rst to any delinquent amounts applied in the order in paragraph 3.and then to prepayment ���,,,,,,,
<br />- j of principal,or (b) to the restoration or repatr of the damaged Property. Any application of the procceds to the =__- ___
<br /> � pr�tcipal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments which are referred to in paragraph 2,or ���
<br /> change the amount of such payments. Any excess insurance proceeds over aa amount requtred to pay all outstanding `� S.u,,
<br />' indebt$dness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entiry legally entitled thereto. . -
<br /> . ; In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other transfer of title to the Prope:ty that extinguishes • '
<br /> the indebtedness, all right, title and interest of Borcower in and to insurance poUcies in force shail pass to the
<br /> - - - -- -, Purchaser. licatloa
<br /> - � 5. Oacupanc.y. Preaemtion. Mainunanoe and Protection of We P[operty, Borroarer's Loan App '
<br /> .�..n_ vunr�t ati.Inrinal recfdenCe WIthIII Sl%[V @2Y5
<br /> _- .___ . .' .;,� "'_"_.....� _..
<br /> � Le�seholds. 13orrower snau occupy.CSUIDIL�I1.uuu w�c wa,c avtr..s.�........:::..._'_r----r--- °— -
<br /> after the execudon ot this Secudty Instrument(or within suty days of a later sale or transfer of the Property)and shall f
<br /> I
<br /> continue to occupy the Propercy as Borrower's principa.l residence for at least oae year after the date of occupanry, I
<br /> j uniess Lender determines that requirement will cawise undue hardshtp for Bonower, or unless extenuating
<br /> ' circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower s�aDl notify L.ender of any extenuating `.
<br /> �{ NBBRASKA-F1IA D+E�iU OF TRUSf �
<br /> � aaw���u�,ix.teoo�bwue: Page 2 of 6 . .
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