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. ;.� . i:)• (+��' . �yt•'=__ <br /> .� . _ <br /> ,-1 . . l ..� lYqt1'�f-;�-. <br /> i . ..��.a, 'Eir�Cf;f'�.4.. <br /> r. . �..�.. . -.- � ..+.., ►•••_ <br /> . . . .._ _... . - •, . ..... ..._.. ...�2i1�:$�CJ'rr=]. <br /> �;i::�;s�.�'=`°--= <br /> . 1 � .. ' . . � ' :-�:,.. r ...�_ <br /> . . ,y ����y,yJf l{� y��,�!["–�r_is� <br /> - i . . . � J.H.tT`�f�17��'+'.'1+.M �/} l���n� <br /> . . . . .rl t,.� �J��SI��.– —��.�_.e..— <br /> ( �[s�".:qq�... <br /> ' , . • . .. „�r.r. <br /> - „ V 1� �����V - "tr---'1 . <br /> puymcnGti muy na longcr bc rcquircd,ut tho opuon of Lcndcr,if mortgugo insuruncc cavcragc(in thc amount and for thc periad _ <br /> Nat Lcndct rcyuirav)prc�vidcd by un insurcr approvcd by Lcnder agnin bcc�mcs uvailabk nnd is�bt�ii►cd.6arUwcr shall pay thc '�_,(�� <br /> prcmiumti rcyuirccf ta muintuin martgagc insurar�ce in c(fcc�,or to providc u 1a�,9 rescrvc,until tl�e roquiremcnt for mongagc •'�F,;�-_ <br /> insuruncc cnds in uccorctuncc with uny writtc►�ugrccment Ix:twccn Borrowcr und l.cndcr or applic,b�e law. <br /> °� 9.Inspectbn. L.cndcr or it.4 ugcnt muy m:ilcc rcasonablc cntrics upon and inspccUons of chc Propcny. l.cndcr shall givc � . ,' �,:_ <br /> Borrowcr noucc at Uic dmc of or prior to un inspec:pon spccifying rca.wnablc causc ta t1u inspocuun. I`, , %��'�� <br /> i �F�'=-�— <br /> L 10.Cundemnvtbn. Thc pracccds of any uwurd or claim for damagcs,direct a consequcntlal, in connocdan with any , .�,_ <br /> `"""`""�'� condcmnntion or othcr wking of any part of thc Propcny, or for convcyoncc in licu ot condcmnadon.arc hcreby sssigned and � ;__. <br /> shull be puid to Lcnder. -��':A-7y <br /> In thc cvent of a totul utking of the Property.ihe procccds shali bc applied to�he sums sccur�ed by this Security InsuwnenG �� .,.Y��--;._ _ <br /> whcthcr or not thcn dua,with any cacess pnid to Borrawcr. In thc cvcnt of a partial talcing of thc Propercy in which the fatr markct • __-•-- <br /> valuc of thc Propcny immediutely beforc thc u+king is cquul w or Srcatci the�th�°M°�ue�of the suma scc:ured by thls Socurity _ <br /> Inswmcnt immcdiately bcfore the taking, unless Borrower und Lender othcrwise agree in wrlting. the sums sccural by thls _ <br /> Security Instrument shuU be reduced by the amount of ihe procecds multiplied by�he foU.owing fraction:(a)the total amount of - <br /> the sums se:ured irnmedintclY beforc the�aking.dividcd by(b)the foir market valuc of the Pmpcny immcdiutely befoce the <br /> tsacing.Any balancc shall be paid to Borrowcr.In the evcnt of a pacdal t�kin�of thc Pr�oper�ty in which thc Fa'v market valuc of the _ <br /> propeny immcdiatcly befarc the mkins is Icss than 1ha amount of thc suma scci:s+cd 'amme,Jiately befor� the taking, unlc� __ <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wdting or unless appliceble law othecwise provides,ihe proceeds shell 1x ap[►lied tu tha .._ <br /> sums secured by this Securiry Iastrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> " If thc Property is abandoncd by Borrowcr,or if. after notice by Lendcr w Barowcr thet the condemnor offers to moke an <br /> award or seulc n claim fQr dumages.Borrower fail�tci respund tn 1-cnder within 30 dnys aftcr the dacc thc norice is givcn,I.endcr - <br /> is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to reseocation or repair of the Property or to the sums secured <br />: � by this Scxuriry Inswment,whcthcr or not thcn duc. �; <br /> Unless I.ender and aorrower otherwise agree in wripng,any application of procoeds to principal shaU not extend or postpone _ <br />= the due dau;of ihe monthly payments refened to in paragTaphs 1 and 2 or cPiange tlie arnount of such payrrknts. °` <br /> 11.Borrower Not Iteleased;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ext,ension of thc time for payment or modif'�cation <br /> of amortizadon of the sums secured by this Se�uriry Inswment gcaneod by Lend:�to en/ suceessor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> - ' not operatc to rcleasc the GabiUry of the originai Borrower a �omower's�ucx;cai�s i�i:.zier�si.L�dcs�h:.l!not�zaitsir"-s!t� <br /> , .t�:`',,`:`� commence proceedings a8ainst any successor in interest or refuse tn extend dme for payment a otherwise modify acnorti�tion of <br /> � •s • the sums sccured by this Sccurity Instrument by reason of any dcmand made by the origi�al Bocrower or Bocrowu's soccessors <br />�'� in intetes�Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall nat be a waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any <br />�'r'` � right or remcdy. <br />- " ' '� �• 12.Succecsors and Assigns Bouttd;Joint�nd Several Lia6Uity; Casigners.The cnvenants and agcrements of this 4 <br />�'�`-_=`- ••�- Securlty Insmurecnt s�all bind P.nd t�enafit the �ncce.csars and assigns of Ler�det and Bamnwer. su@ject to tne provision�of <br />��-'-�° ;:. parag�aPh 17. Borrowcr's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severdl. Any Borrower wt�o casigns thu Security - — <br />-" " " Insmimertt but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instra►ment only to matgage,grant end convey that <br />=;;�.;......, � <br />��.r•r Barower s intemst in tiio Property under the terms of thi�Socurity Inswment; @) is not personally obligated to pay the soms - <br /> ,�, secure;d by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lendee and any other Borrowa nuy agree to eatend,modify,forbear or <br /> � �t� "' make any accammodations wlth rcgard to the tcrms of lhis Sauriry Instrument or thc Note without thai Barower's consenG <br />''�r��:• � 13.I.onn Charges. If the loan secured by U�is Securiry Instrwnent is sub}ect to a law which sets maximum loa�►clwrges. - <br /> r�:'r.__ <br /> .,...T„�;:',;. and ttiat law is finally intapreted so that the inocrrst or other ban charges wllected or w be collected in connection with th� - <br /> �;�;:,;=:�•k�� exceed the permiued limits,then: (a)any such loan cherge shall be reduced by tha amount necessary to ceduce the charge to the _Y <br /> M''�;z�:� pecmitted limit;and(b)anY sums already collected from Bortower which exca�dcd pennitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. <br /> --_�.:::r,:':� I.ender mny choose to make this refund by reducu�g the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payrment to <br />;��;� IIorrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treaced as a partial prepaymeat without any prepayment charge � <br /> �"x*'°". undcr the Note. <br /> �"�""- 14.Notices. My rtouce to Boaower providcd for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it <br />��_`�y�� by first class mail unlrss applicable law requires use of anaher methad.'Ilie notice shall be direcuxl w the�'roputy Address or <br /> -_=�="��==�• eny other address Boaower designates by nouc:e to Lender.Any notice co 1�ender shall 6e given by fust class mail to L.endec's = <br /> _—�'.'�C�h.� <br />_ ��=7:�.�=,- address stuted herein or any other addnss Lender designates by nodce to Borrower.My notice provided for in this Socurity ��---� <br /> Y��=�:;.';'� • Instrumcnt shall be decmcd to havc becn given to Bornower or L.endcr when given as provided in this paragraph. •�++�- <br /> ° � IS.Coverning Law;Severabitity. 'Ihis Socuriry Insuumcnt shall be govrrncd by foderal law and t1►c law of thc `:� <br />_ � �� jurisdiction in which the Property is located, In thn event�hai any provision or clstuse oF this Sacurity htsGUSUent or the Notc . <br /> � contlicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other pcvvisions of this Scxurity Tnsuumcnt or tho Note which can be _ <br />~ . given effect withaut the conflicdng provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Insnvment and thc Note are decla�+ed ta -- <br /> • be severablc. __ <br /> `' Form�02� 9i00 • <br /> _ • ;�� � �•6R(NE)112t21.o� a�p��o}6 inmai�. `''=` '— <br />_. . . � , �:a. <br /> _ � --. ..�..,._�-o,.._.._._.......�.. •. . __ .._ . .. « --_ - -. <br /> .a....:..:� ___.... . ___ .-.. .'-,>� ,�.� ..._.. . �My�� <br /> . ' <br /> S <br />