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<br /> TQGETHER WITH all thc ir�provcmcnls now on c�rcafter ceatcd on thc propcny, and all cascmcnts. app�utcnanccs,and
<br /> �xtures now or hercafter a pant ot the property.All replacements nnd sdditions shaU also be covered by �his Security InstrumenG
<br /> � AU of thc forcgoing is refcrted to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt as ihc"Propcaty." �
<br /> � � BORROWER COVENANTS that Uarrowcr is lAwfuily sciscd of thc cstatc hcrcby conveycd and ha9 lhc right to grar�t nmd
<br /> u�� convey �he Property and that the Property is unencumbered. except fot encumbrances of record. Borrow�;r warrants and will ^:f-
<br /> '' defend genarnlly the dUc to the Property against all clatms end demands.subjtxt w any encumbrances of record. �•�a?
<br /> �,,,.�:+�"r('��. THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenanw fw nAdonal use and non•unifocm covenants with limited �'_�-
<br /> ,....w�, �_.
<br /> variauons by jurisdicdon to consuwte a uniform Security instrument covering mnl property. �*�
<br /> f UNIFORM COVENAIVTS.Bortowcr and Lcndcr covennnt and a ec as follows: '-
<br /> 1.Payment ot Principal rand Interest;Prepayment anc!latr Clwr�es. Borrower shall prompUy pay when due thc ,� �
<br /> ; i �..��--
<br /> principal of and interest on tha debt evidericed by tha Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> Z.Funds tor Taxes and Insuranca Subjcct to upplicable lew or w a wriucn waivcr by Lender,Borrower shall pay to �"'
<br /> r;.
<br /> ' Lcndcr on the day manthly payments are duc und�r thc IVotc.unal�h�Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds") for. (a)yearly taxcs _._
<br /> z� and assessments which may auain prioriry over shis Security Inslrument es a lien on th�Pcopercy;(b)yearly leasehold payments �.
<br /> �� � or ground ren�s on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums:(d)yearly tlood insurance premiums.if
<br /> any;(e)yearly mongage insurance premiums, if any;and(� any sums payable by Bomower w I.ender,in accordance with the
<br /> '� provisions of puragr3ph 8. in Geu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. T7iesC items ere called °Escrow Iicros." =
<br /> � Lender may,at any t�me,collec[and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum amount a lendet for a federally relaLed --
<br /> � mortguge loam m�y require for Borrower's escrow account under Uie fecleral Real Estate Sealement Proced�res Act of 1974 as __
<br /> amended from time to time,l Z U.S.C.SecYion 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unkss another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesscr =-
<br /> amount If so,Lcnder may,at any time. wilect and hold Funds in an emount not to exceed the Icsset amount Lendcr may
<br /> • esumute the amount of Funds due on the basis of cuaent data and reasonable esdmates of expenditures of fuwre F.scrow Items or
<br /> • othcrwise in accordancc with applicablc law.
<br /> 'Ihe Funds shali be heid in an instiwdon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality.or en6ty(including
<br /> Lender. if L.ender is such an insatution) or in any Fedeaal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Bscrow
<br /> Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for t►olding and�pplying the Funds,annually enalyzing the escrow account,or verifying
<br /> e the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interesc on the F1�nds and applicable law permi�s I.ender to make such a chargo.
<br /> — However,Lender may require Borrowcr w pay a oae-iime ciuugC[vi ur� Lit�Ncii�iil i�dl vSia1G 28S rL'�n3Z2ifi$ oCT.•ice:i:.eQ b�
<br /> Lender in connocdon with this loan, unless epplicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrament is made or applicabk law
<br />_' � requims interest to bc paid,Lcnder shall not be rcquired w pay Borrowcr any interest or carnings on thc Funds.Borrowa and
<br />_' , Lender may agrce in writing,howcver,ihat intecest shall be paid on thc Funds.I.erider shall givc to Borrower,without charge,an
<br />��`�� '��' =��•' annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits end debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was
<br />�, ;,,,�..
<br /> _ . " made.'It�e Funds are pledgcd as additional security for aU sums secured by this Sxucity InsUrumenL
<br />-�-.�•t...�,�j , If the Funds hcld by Lender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall eccount to Borrowu for
<br />����-:�:'..:ti, ' � ihe excess Funds in accordance with the requuements of applicable law.I[liie wnowit uf U�Funds held by L.ender at any dme 1s `—
<br /> �... .
<br /> �::_�:-:���* not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writirtg,and,in such case Borcower shall pay
<br />"`"'"'" h � to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deGciency. Boirower shall make up the deficiency in no more ttian twelve
<br />-__�*...•. . ....
<br /> -" ^a, "'
<br />�'.��,Xi monthly payments,at Lcnder's solc discrction.
<br /> —___.___ Upon payment in fuA of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall prompily refand to Borrower eny Punds
<br /> �;��;;-�� held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lendcr shall acquire or sell the Property,L.endu,prior to the acquisidon or sale of the
<br /> -=i°1��� Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at�he time of acquisition or sale av a credit against the sums secured by thu
<br /> y�y°��- Security Insuumen�
<br />=•=}��� 3.Applkatbn ot Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwis�,all payments recelved by Lender under paragrapl�s
<br />:1i.S�i 4 .,
<br /> �i :;�y,.�� 1 and 2 shall be applied: Cust,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second. to amounts payeble under patagraph 2;
<br />--r,�s:�t� third,to interest due; fourth,[o principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Notc.
<br />�i�:�,,r; , 4.C6�rges;l.iena. Borrower shaU pay all taxes, asscssments,charges, Hnes and imposiGOns aqnbutabk to the Property
<br /> ����'`_':�;�: which may attain priority over ihis Security Instrument,and Ieasehald payments or ground rents,if any.Borrowu shall pay these
<br /> �'!���. ,•.: obligadons in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or it not paid in that manncr.Borrower shall pay them on dme dirc�dy to the
<br />--`=�-''��"`�� t person owed paymenG Bonower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lendc�all no6ces of emounts to be paid under this paragraph. If
<br /> -a::�_�=, � � Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br />=V'- r��.r Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inst�uument unless Borcower:(a)agroes in _
<br />' � ' wrip�g to the payment of the obligation socured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith th�lien =
<br /> - '. by, or defends against enforr.cmcnt of thc lien in, Iesal proc�dings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> Y� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfxtory to Lender subordinatinng the licn to ��_
<br /> .' �:�, this Sccurity InstrumcnG If Lcndcr determines that any part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may atrain priority ovcr this
<br />_ �i`•. Security Insuument, Lcnder may givc Bonower a noticc idenrifying thc lien.Barrowcr shall satisfy the lien or take one or morc ■.-�`�~
<br /> "± of the aclions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nouca
<br /> - + Form 9021�/90
<br />_ :
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