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<br />��=�� ?� 97�• �((�G'f36 DEED 0� R�CONVEYANCE
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<br /> ,:,;,.,. ' WHEREAS,The Flrat National Benkof York,York. Nebreska,aa Trustee�ande�the Aeed of Trust
<br />'=.`�;,•;.•:•� detsd April 23. , 199� sxecuted by Jamae R Shnw and
<br /> ; �� .'.� • Amv R ShuW , ee Truator, in whlch THE FIRST
<br />�'i.:'.�' NATIONAL BANK OF YORK,York,Nsbra�ka,I�nam�d as Beneficlary, and the underoipned aa trustee,
<br /> �ti and reaorded�na docum�nt �90-102638 on, 5-1 - Q In Book n a , at Paqe n/a
<br /> '� of Mort�aps Record�, In tho ofilce of th�Replster of Deeda ot Hnll �County,
<br /> �+''� Neb�eaka,has raceived from the Benailclery thenunder, a written request t� reconvey, rocitlnp that
<br />.�;.�„�»
<br /> - eli sums secured by auch Deed of Trust have been tully pald and that �uch Deed of Truat end the ote
<br /> -_ aecurRd theroby have been surrendered to the underolqnad, es Trustee for cancellatfon.
<br /> -, � '. �� NOW,THEREFORE,In accordence wlth such reque+t and the provisfons of the Deed of Trust,
<br /> the undersipned,es Trustae,does hereby reconvey,without warranty,to the person or peraons IeOp��Y
<br /> �,' ent(tted therein, ell the eatate and interast derived in the Trustee under the Deed of Trust in tF�e
<br /> ,_.,�,..; ; >� tollowin� described raol estato, to•wit:
<br /> ;x;.,.;.,,,<,
<br /> r�r ";; �}• 5econd Replat of Lot 15, Grand Isla�d Mall, 8th Subdivieion, in the City of �rand
<br />�"•%;<f�,K�. Island� Nebraska
<br />'i:,-•� nf,
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<br />-''`".�`�-�.� IN WITN�SS WHEREOF,The First Nationel Bank of York,York,Nabreska,has caused this Deed
<br />-•� �*.'. of ReGOnveynnce to be executed by ita C G Holthus Prealdent and hes caused its
<br />__� corporate seal to be hereunto affixod on AuAuat 15, 1997
<br />-;;,.
<br />��,,;,
<br />= The First Natlonal Benk of York, Yo�k,
<br />_,_;;;� Nebres Tr
<br />_._��:%i`�.�
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<br />—_�- � rosfdent
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<br /> - lss.
<br /> � County of vnRx 1
<br /> Beforo ma, a notary public quali}(ed for sald county, personally came c. r_ Hoith�e
<br /> , President of The First Natlonel Bank of York, York, Nebreska, e
<br /> �"� corpor�tion, known to me to be the President and Identical persan �vho
<br /> s(qned the�forepotnq inatrument, end acknowledqed the seme to be his volunte►y aat end deed as such
<br /> officer and the voluntary ect and deed of aald asaoclation nnd that Its seel wa�thereto efffxed by Its
<br /> authority.
<br /> ,,..��?c__�
<br /> ='-`� W(tness my hend and notar9al seel on � .
<br /> •--s��i CFNEMIMOTARr•S��NofMelr�y Notary Publ(c /
<br /> ^� '�' � ANpREwP.MILIER My Commission Expires: 6',���
<br />,`:`�':"�� Myikmn�.E�p,1wK t.19!!
<br /> -_�_-�� STATE OF NEBRASKA I
<br /> _�� 1ss.
<br /> �"�':�. County of 1
<br /> .__,r. . ,. .
<br /> ,'�^:�•�,r���
<br />.�-.•�•;'�,kr Entered on numerical index and tiled for record in the Reqister of Deads Office of said County
<br />�M7:1�!v y�:
<br /> �_:�;�, , the day of . _ at� o'clock and minutes �M.,
<br /> -',��"• ' and recorded in Book of Mortqa9es at Peye _
<br /> �:;��'�•� �'.
<br /> :�.;
<br /> ��,.�N ����.� 3� REGISTER OF DEEDS
<br /> ,s . , t,_
<br /> '��;�,.� BY:
<br /> „ • �..,: �
<br />_ ..;,,�.,. .,��.
<br /> ' Return: The First National Bank of York Prepared by:
<br /> P.O.Box 69 Prepared for:
<br /> York, NE 68467•0069
<br /> " Mt..vJ I 1 Ya
<br />. I
<br />_ �
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<br />