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<br /> 6. Pr�etvation �ad Maintcaancc af Pro[�rty; l�ae6old�; Cc�udominlums: Plannod Unit D�w�cbpmwts. . ., ..; .�'.
<br /> Q
<br /> Bocrawer shall kc:ep the Praperty in gcx�d repalr and shall not commit waste or p�rmit impairment or deterloratian ��' :
<br /> oi the Praperty and shall comply with thc pravisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. If thLs De�c1 .
<br /> ; af Trust is on a unit la a condominium or a planned unit dcvelopment. Bottower shall perform all of Borruwer's , N ',i -T-
<br /> obtigations u►ider the declaration ar covenants creating or governing the wndomInium or planned unit development, ,_;r
<br /> J the by-laws and regulations at the condominfum ur plannecl unit development,and consthuent documents. It�-'. � ,',-':
<br /> . � I 7. prou;ction otLender's Security. If Bonawer fails ta perform the covenanu and agreemenu contained in thit I .`�.�; _:='
<br /> Deec!of Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenced whIch materially affects 1-end�.burs°such sams,!n�'p^1^° � -':''��-�:.'�� -
<br /> � 1 then Lender,at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrawer,may mu1ce sucii appe.aiaII�.CS, ,,, ,� ---
<br /> I reasonable attarneys'fees. and take such acUon as Ls necessaiY to protect Lender's interest. If Lender requir�d f ,;,!�;�_
<br /> mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Deed of Trusc,Bonawer shall pay the premiums ..�,!�K-•
<br /> �.. ��W-
<br /> l required to maintain such iasurance in effece unW such time as the requirement far such insurance terminates In -_
<br /> accordance with Borrower's and L•,ender's written agreement or aph��W�h�iAlerest therean, at tha Note ratc,shail
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender pwsuant to thls paragrap � '�'
<br /> i�;_'.'—.
<br /> become additional indebtedness af Bonower secured bY this Deed of'Trust. Unless Banower and L.ender asree to _
<br /> ather terms of payment,such amounts shall be payable upon nodce from I.ender to Borrower requesting payment ��,,`.��.=�_—
<br /> thereof. Nathing contained in th3s paragraph 7 sball require Lender ta iacur any expense or take any action hereunder. --_
<br /> .. g, In.cpection. Lender may make or c�use ta be m�de reasonable entries upon and inspeccions of the Praperty,
<br /> ; � provlded that Lender shall give Bonower notice prior ta any such inspection specifying reasonable cause tl�erefor __
<br /> ;;; related to Lender's interest in the Propetty. _'
<br /> 1 direct or consequenUsl,in connection with
<br /> g, Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,
<br /> . � . aay condemnation or other taking of the Properry,or part thereof,or for conveyance in lieu of wndamnation, are - -
<br /> deed of trust or other secudty
<br /> hereby assigned and shall be pald to Lender.subject to thc terms of any mortgage, [
<br /> . � ' agreement wlth a lien which has prlority over this Deed of Trus4 �
<br /> � � ; 10. �R� �� R,�y��d; g�ocbeaianoa Hy I,oader Not� Waiv�er• Extension at the timc for payment or
<br /> moditication uf amartization of the sums secured by chis Deed of Trust granted by Lendcr to any successor in interese �
<br /> :� of Borrowet shall not operate to rele;ase, in any mann a r, t h e l i a b i l i t y of thc ari glnal Horrowec and Borrower's
<br /> ' ` successors in interest. Lcndcr shall not bc requircd to com�nence procecdlags against such successor or retusc co
<br /> �. i 1 exeend time far puymen[or othecwise mad{fy amonizatian ot tho sums secured by tbis Decd of Trust by rcason of any
<br /> � demand iteade by the original Borcower and�sonow�r's suu�i�o:o itt fniez�s. P.ay!'�t!+!'?*�nce by Lender in exarcisin8
<br /> any right or remedy heteunder,or othecwlse afforded by appllcable law,shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ',� exercise of any such right or remedy. �,ii The covenants and ageements herein
<br /> ;, il. Sucassors ind Assia,ns Bound:Joiat and Sav�eral ILbvity; B��
<br /> �� coatalned shaU bind, and the dghts hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and
<br /> , � Bonower,subject to the provisious af paragraph 16 hereof. AU covenants and agreemeats of Borrower shall be joint
<br /> and several. Any Borrower�vho co-sigas this Deed of'IYust,but does not executc the Note,(a)is co-signinS tbls Deed
<br /> • � : of Tr�st only to grant and convey Wat Bonower's interest in the Property to Trust a ua�der�tai��°an any o her
<br /> T r u s t,(b)i s n o t p e r s o n a l l y liable on the Note or under Wis Deed of Trust,and(c) gr
<br /> �' Bonower hereunder may agree to extend,modify,forbear,or make any o t her acxo u i m o d a t i o n s w i t h r e g a r d t o t h e t e r t n s
<br /> of this Deed of Trust or the Note witbout that Bonower's consent and without releasing that Bonower or modit�►8
<br /> �. this Deed of'I'rust as to that Bonower's interest in the Properry.
<br /> � 12 Notioe. Fxcept far any notice required under applicable law to be given ln another manner,(a) any notice
<br /> to Bonower provlded for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice byr certifled
<br /> raaU addressed to Bonower at the Property Address or at such other address as Bonower may deslgnate by notice to
<br /> Lender as provided herein, and(b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated
<br />�.. hexein or to such other ad�dr�t shall be deemedit�o heveybccn givenBo Bor o er or�I.e d r wh n gi�en in the _
<br /> provided for in thls Deed
<br /> F inanner designated herein
<br />_ � y� a���r;Se�tabillty. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of - -
<br /> the jurisdiction in which the Property!s located. The foregoing sentence shall not Wnit the applicability otFederal _
<br /> law to this Deed of Trus� In the event that any provision or clause af this Deed of TYust or the Note conflicts with i___
<br /> �. ! applicable law,sucu conAict shall not affect other provisfons of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given �.�___-_--
<br /> � ef�'ect without the contlicting provislon,and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared --.T��
<br /> to be severable. As used heretn,"costs","expenses"and"attoraeys'fees"include all sums to the exteat not prohibited .:u, j :;t.�:..
<br /> '� ; by applicable law or limited hereia. ?;.`�;;:,:;;< ''
<br /> , 14. Botrawer'a Cogy. fiorrower shall bc furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this lleed of Trust at the . _„�,,,::"
<br /> time of cxecution or after recordation horeof. , '��`
<br /> 15. RehabWution Loan Ag�OCmea� Bonower shall fulC11 all of Borrower's obligations under any home
<br /> � rchabilitation,imptovement,repatr,or other loan agreement which Bonower enters into with Lender. Lender,at
<br /> Lender's option,may require Bonower to execute and dellver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender,an assignment .
<br />- . of any rights,claims or defenses which Borrower may have against partics who supply labor, materials or services in
<br /> connection with improvements made to the Properry.
<br /> 16. 'Ilransfer of We Pmpecty a�r a Beaefidd Intcrest in Bort�ov�cr• If aU or any part of the Propercy or any interest
<br /> __r.._...,....w n,.......,Pr i�n��a natural
<br />= ; in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest tn norrower i��oiu�;.�a..��...�....ou�w..�.._. ___.___. ; , -_,—_-.
<br />= I person)w[thout Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at iu option, require immediate payment in full of all �
<br />+ sums secured by this Deed of Trust. However,this option shall not be exercLsed by Lender if exercise is prohibited �
<br />' .; by federal law as of the date of this Deed uf Trust. �
<br /> �
<br />- Form 3828 i
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