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<br /> After Recordatloni�n b�1 � , j�'^. „:�-
<br /> I IInioa e�ak 1►�n Trust Caapsny 1 T� 3 r n � e°+ f ,,.�`•"�'�
<br /> _ �an+w Crat�asb�rg :' � , � � �7 a � . .�.�.;r�l�;.�`.+�--- _
<br /> 4731 Calv�rt StY��t - �"' a � � �.�;wct?..�.�.
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<br /> DEED OF TRI�ST � .'.,f.
<br /> , -
<br /> � aaw-�oR :. �.;��
<br /> ; BOiiROWER Jam�• R. 91u�+
<br /> . i Ja=�R.RSh��~ ]1my R. ShsM �=_
<br /> �►*Y a� hu�band aad ait� \4 „_
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<br /> � � , JIDDRFSf ' �:�:.�
<br /> ADOR8S3 "���
<br /> s� 4es _>.:.
<br /> eos 483 York, N! 68467 '�
<br /> ' York, Ni 68467 ioeNn�no�+NO. t 'f;
<br /> ,;� �utnioMe Mo. toc►rt�na►twM Mo. Tcuneais Mo. 5 0 6-3 6•665 5 :;�`�="
<br /> 506-36•6655 •
<br /> • rnus�:IIaion Haak i� Tru�t C o�pany •�rb�`�,,�
<br /> 473Z Calv�rt 9tr��t, L iaao ln N i 6 8 5 0 6 r'"`?s��
<br /> � In consid�ntion of ths ioan or oth��credit�xommod�tion h�nlnafur ap�cifi�d�nd any futuu advNC+s or futut�Oblipationa,as d�Hned h�nln, '!;�'i;���--
<br /> ,,�. ;
<br /> - whleh may h�naft�r t»•dvu�i�d�.����sr�d znd tha uun hriw�r.r�r m•nUon�d and oth�r qood tnd valu�bl�consid�ration,the nc��pt and �,s..;�,:.�..
<br /> •uffioUnoy of whlch�n henby acknowl�d��d (iranior h�nby Irnvocabiy barpalm s�lls,tran�f�n,praI�K, conv�y�ancl aasiyna to irusiN�hie �,•;��,:.���
<br /> woaaon�nd nflpns,in trust,fw IInioa �aa�e 7►nd Tru�E Co�UanY L�inaoln BrsncL 3643 Sfluth �8th Q���'
<br /> rr+���t L•±aao ('Undsr'), tlu _ _
<br /> Wn�fldary und�r this Diwd ot Trunt,with pow�r of e�le and ripht of mtry and posxssion nil of Granror'a presmt and iuturo�atats,ripht,tlti��nd „_��_ _
<br /> ' Int�rstt In�nd to th�nal prop�rty d�acdbd in Sch�dul�A which la attneh�d to this DMd of Trutt artd Incorpont�d h�rdn by thls nbnne�,top�the e.��.�•- —
<br /> ;��;.' with all pns�nt and futuro Improwmenbmd flxtuf�s;ell tanplble p�raonai prop�rty,Includlnp,withoutllmluUon,ali m�chin�ry,puipmsnt,bulldinp "���'`
<br /> � .,'��� �� matsriNa,and yoods of w�ry natun (�xdudinp hous�hotd qoods)now or h�naft�r bcated on or us�d In conrnction with th�ral prop�rty,wh�th�r �;,�:���
<br /> tit�+•
<br /> �..�' a not affix�d to th�land; dl privilsp�s,h�ndkam�nri, and appurtm�nas,Includiny aIi d�wlopm�nt dphtt nssociat�d wtth th�rod prop�rty, �1��_-
<br /> ' wh�th�r pnvlou�ly or�ubs�qu�ntty tan�rrW to th�nal prop�rty fran othcr rea!propsrty or now or h�rult�r wswptibt�of tnnsf�r Bom this rsal
<br /> ��' prop�rty to oth�r nal prop�rty;ail Isaaf,Iio�nws uid oth�r�prNm�nri;all nnts,issu�s and profip; all wshr,vwll,ditch,nprvolr and mirnral
<br /> ��'" riphh md ttock�p�rtdninp to th�nai Pro(»rty(cumulaUwlY'Prop�rty/'1;to havs and to hold th�Prop�rtyr u►d ths riphts h�nby ynnt�d for th�use
<br /> �' and Mn�flt of TrustM,hts suoo�swrs u►d assiyns,unUl paym�nt in full of all ObO�+tlons e�cund h�nby. - _
<br /> yMoreowr, in turth�r conud�ndon,(iantor do�s,tor Grantor and Onntor'a hdn, npna�nutiva,suoc�saon,and �ssipns,hsnby sxpnssly
<br /> � warcaM,cown�nt,and�prM wkh I.�nd�r tnci Trustw�nd thdr wcatson and asslpns u tollown:
<br /> �, 1. OEUGATlON3. This DNd of Trust ahatl s�cur�ths paymsnt�nd p�Aormanc�of all pns�nt and tutun Ind�bt�dn�ss,IlabiltN�t,obilpations�nd
<br /> `�' �v i�is pONd of Truat and Nii tollomwl Ittlwomiuo�t�not�s�nd oth��p Nm�ints:'
<br /> . � �� p� AOIIEEMENTOATE OATi M�1MMR �R =__
<br /> � a=� S��0.000.00 08/15/97 08/15/01 50665 178680 =_._
<br /> � _�--
<br /> � �.ei�s;,
<br /> . � .._---. �__.
<br /> (b a 1 0 �r pna�nt or futun writt�n�yrs�m��ts witfi �nd�r th�t n�r npoc flcally to t e Deed of TNSt �x�ouMd fa 1M wm�o► ;;`,,� ��::'
<br /> dlH�r�nt pu►�ws�s than 1M forpd^pl� :•:,sa
<br /> (o)�ny puaruity of oblipatlom of oth�r parties piven to Lend�r now or h�naft�r�xscut�d th�t rsf�rt tothls DNd ot Truat;
<br /> (d) tutun�dvanaa,wh�thsr oblipatary or opttnnal,to th�same sxt�nt as If m�de contsmporanwuaty with the executlon of thls Deed of Truat, ?° " ,� ;t�t��
<br /> rr.
<br /> m�ds or�xt�ndsd to or on b�hRM af Orantor or Borrower. Grantor aynss that If one of the Ob1ip�Uonsla a Ilne ot crsdit,ths Ilsn of th►a D�ed of .:� •'��=.••:,;
<br /> TNSt shall contlnu�untll paymsnt in fuli of RII d�bt du�und�r ths Iin�notwithstindinp th�faet th�t from tims to tims(but 6�fore t�rminaUon of 4'.; �y, .
<br /> th�lin�)no bdanw may b�outstanding. At no tim�shall th�Il�n ot thls D��d of Trust,not Ineludiny�umn advanc�d to prot�ot th�s�cuflty of :���, '� ,.
<br /> • thls DNd of Trust,�xa�d s 440.000 00 ;md °'':,'-`_ ' ' '
<br /> � (�)dl am�ndmsnts,�xt�nsiom,nnhvals,modifica�onn,ropi�csmmte or subnlHuNons to any�2M for�goinp. � 'n"� '
<br /> . ,f.,,
<br /> As uHd In thls Parpnph 1,th�Urms Gra�tor and Borrow�r shall indud�and alsa m�an�ny Grantaor 8orrow�r if mon than ons. . , �
<br /> 2. REPRESEHTATION9,WARRANT�ESAND COVEHAHTS. Grantor repns�nts,w�rtants and coven�ntato Lendsr that: .
<br /> (�) Grantor has f��elmpl�muk�t�bl�titls to tho Prop�rty�nd ahall malnuln Me Property hee of cll INns,eecurlty Int�rssta,encumbrances and
<br /> clelms�xcept for thla Ds�d ot Truat and thoss deacribed in Schsduls B,whkh Is attach�d to thia Deed of Truat end Incorponted h�nin by � ��
<br /> rof�nnc�,which(irantor aflrNS to pty and psrform in a Umaly m�nn�r; (
<br /> (b Grantor is in compllancs In all napscts with�II appllcabl�fed�rtl,stats and lacal lawa and npuktlons,Indudin ,witAOw!Ilmitatlon,thoae
<br /> n�aUnp to 'Hazardous Mat�dds; ae dsflnsd hersin,and oth�r anvlronmentd matters(Ns 'Environm�ntal Laws�, and nskh�r the t�dsral �
<br /> gov�rnm�nt nor ths etats whHS the Prop�rty ie iocated nor any other powrnmental or quasl governrnmtal entity has flled a Ilen on th�Prop�rty, �
<br /> nor an then any povsrnmental,Judlclal or adminlstrativa actlons with respect to envlronmental mait�ro pending,or to the best of the Qrantor's
<br /> •�---•---� ..��
<br /> _��_.��......-w...._.«, wi,ti..a.■�rnr ner tn tha b�st of Grantor's knowlodve,env other party has used,pansnt�,
<br /> ' KnoWlfOy�.[moaieu�v.wu�.n�o.w..........� ..,. .._._._. _._.. . . , .�.r- ------
<br /> nlsas�d,dlechRrpsd, stored,or dlapos�d o{any Huudoua Materl�is ae ddined hsreln,In cannectlo�with the Property or tranaporM<f any {� —�
<br /> Huardoua Materlals to or from the Prop�rty. Cinntor�hall not commit or permlt nuch actlons to be tiken In the future. The term 'Hezardoua I
<br /> Matsrt�la'shall m�an any subatana,mat�dal,or wast�whlch is or b�comsa rpulaUd by any govsrrcnent�l nuthority including,but not Ilmitsd
<br /> to: p)p�troUum; (il)triabts a nonirlabl��s!»nos: (III)polychlorinat�d blph�nyls; pv) those su6stancss,materiata or wutss designat�d�a a j
<br /> 'h�zardous subatanes' purouant to SsoNon 311 of ttis Cl��n Water Act or Ilsted pursuant to Sactlon 307 0l the Clean Water Aet or any �
<br /> � emendm�nts or repladmenri to thess etttutsa;(v)Mos�aubsuncea,matsride or wastes defimd ��a 'h�xardaus waste'punuant to Secllon
<br /> � 1004 of th�R�soura Comsrvattan md Rkov�ry Act or any am�ndm�nts or npl�amont�to th�t staNts•md(vl)thoa�substanaa,materlals or
<br /> wast��d�tin�d u�'huudous subttanw'punuant to S�ction 701 of th�Compr�h�nsiw EnvironmMtal Reaponse,Compem�tion and Llablliry
<br /> Act,or any�m�ndmsnts or npiaam�nts to that et�tut�or�ny oth�r�Imllar at�h or 1�d�rd statuH.�uN,�opuiatton or ordlnance now or hensft�r
<br /> In�ff�ct. Grantor shall not I��s�or p�rmit th�subl�aa�of th�Propeny to a tenmt or aubtmant whoH operarions may nsult In contamination of ,
<br /> th�Proporty wlth Huardous Mat�rids or toxio subat�naa; i
<br /> (c) AII applicabl�laws and rpul�tlons.Indudinp,without Ilmitatlon,th�Am�rkana with danbfllUls Aci. 42 U.S.C.S�ctfon 72101�t s�q.(and�II `
<br /> rpulations promulD�t�d th�nundv)and UI zoning md bulldinp lawt�nd nputatlons nl�tiny ro th�P�op�rty by virtu�of any t�d�ral,crit�or !
<br /> . i munlelpal autfiority with Jurl�dtetlon ov�r M� Prop�rry,pnt�ntly an�nd sh�ll be obs�rwd and complfed with In nll materi�l nsp�cte,and�II �
<br /> i rlphri,llans�s,p�rmits,and certific�t�s ol occupancy pncludinp but not Ilmit�d to ioninp v�rianas,�p�cid�xaptions tor nonconforminp u�s, �
<br /> • �nd final Inep�ctlon approvaly,wh�thsr t�mponry or psrm�nent,whlch�re m�t�rfal to the use end occup�ncy ot th�Prop , �asntiy Rre/�n�d
<br /> shall be obtalned.prsserved and,where necessary.renewed: /1 /� �.
<br /> �pvt*�� � cn��eab�.rrrnociop,y.�nc �n 9.9c1 IeCCI^P J7s9 P�1 d6_ V� - .
<br /> �� ._ .. _ _ _.. .. _ ._.
<br />