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. er f. �:.�'�'�- <br /> ,� -t� <br /> :��� � � . <br /> �._ <br /> ' ' 17. 7ranafer of tha Property or a Benoficial Interest In Borrower. u all or any part of tho Propo�ty or �� <br /> nny Interest In it Is sold or transferted (or if e beneflcial Sntorest ih Bartowor Is sold or trnnclorred and Borrower Is not a nntural , <br /> person) without Lender's prior written consent. Lender mey,et Ita optian, raqulre Immedlate peyment in full of all sums socurod by _.�,.; <br /> this Securfty fnstrument. However, ihu optlon shall not be exercised by Lender il oxeraao is prohihded by tudarnl Inw ns ol Ih� ' , <br /> date o1 thls Security Insirument. . <br /> Ii Lender exerclses thls optlon. Lender shall give Borrower notice of accoieratlun. The nntir.n ahnil provldo n perlod ol not <br /> les� than 30 days from �h�eWeatfalls eonP�lce"eseesum s priorrtto theWexpiratlon o1�thls p�rladu Lend r nliayu�voki0 nny�r�i��dln� y <br /> Security Instrument. If 8 Y � <br /> permitted by thls Security Instrument wllhout lurther notice or demand on Borrower <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Retnstate. If Borrowor meots certain condltlons, Borr�wcr �hNl hnva Ihn nqhl �o hov'� � ,, <br /> , enforcament of thls Security Instrument discontinued al any time pdor to the eadler ot: (n) �� dnye (or .nc.h Mlmr perWd nci Q , <br /> � . � applicable Iaw may specHy tor relnstatement)before sele of the Property pursuant to any powor ol anlo conteinnd��� �u'Lnnder'nll � "` <br /> Instrument;or @) entry of a Judgment enforcing ihis Security Insirumant. Those condltlona aro thal Barrowor (n) {ny <br /> •� sums which then would oe due un�e� tl��s Cca�„r r�t~.'s��•^•t and thp Nnrw RA �I no accelerotlon Flflt�OGCUffQ(�: (�l) cums nny '': <br /> �..._ <br /> detault of any other covenant or agreements; (c)pays ali expenses Incurred In enlorcing Ihis Seauity Instnimant. inr.ludm�.hul � — <br /> not Ilmited to, reasonable attomeys' tees: and (d)takas such actlan as Lender may reaoonnbly roqulr�to aseuro Ihnt ihe lien ol _ <br /> thls Securiry Instrument, Lender's dghis in Ihe Property and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the cumR securod by Ihla Socurlty � <br /> he eby shall'remsin fuilly eNective As N noP�cceleration had ooce ed.WHowovar,sthlarlr0hl tonreinstata shK I'nqlF�apply In lheccwse _ <br /> oi acceleration under paregraph 17. <br /> � 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer, The Nota or e a partlal intoreat fn tho Nate (to�etn�r wuh inle _ <br /> Security Instrument)may be sold one or more tlmes without prlor notice to Bonowor.A sale mny result In a chunpn In thN entlty s.� <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer") that collects monihly payments due under the Note end thia Security Inatrument. Thure also mAy <br /> be one or more changes oi the Loen Servicer unrelated to a sele ot the Note. II thHre is a chengo ot thn Lonn Servicor. <br /> Borrower will be gNen written notice ot ihe change In accordanae with paragraph 14 abovv +�nJ appl(cablo law. Tha notico will <br /> state the name and addreas of tfie new Loan Servfcer and the address to which paymonta should be made. The notico wfll also �;�� <br /> contain any other Informetion required by appllcable law. <br /> � 20. Hazardous Substanees. 6artower shell not cause or permit the presence, uso,disposal. storage, or releese ol <br /> �_.. <br /> � � any Hazardous Substsnces on or In ihe Properly. Borcower shall not do, nar allow enyone else to do, enything eflecting the <br /> Property that is in violatlon of any Environmentel Lew. The preceding two sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or <br /> �, storage on the Properly of small quantittes oi Hazerdous Substances that are generally recognlzed to be epproprlsie to normal � <br /> residenlial uses and to malntenance ot the Property. <br /> Bortower shall promptly give Lender written notice ot eny investigation, clalm, demand, lawsult or other ectlon by �t�y <br /> � govemmental or reguletory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmenlal Lew ol <br /> whloh Borrower hes actual knowledge. 11 Bortower leama, or is notlfled by any govemmentel or regulatory nuthority, that any <br /> -. ;emo�a! ^r n�hPr remedlatlon of snv Haiardous Substance aflecting Property is necessary. Borrower shail promptty take en <br /> necessary remedlal aclions In accordanoe with Environmental Law. <br /> �. Ae used In thls paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxic or hazardoua subatances by <br /> Environmontnl Law and tho tollowing substancea: gesaline, kerosene, othor (lammable or toxlc petroleum praducts. loxlc <br /> � pestlaldes and herbicides,volatlle solvents,materials contalning asbestos or lormaldehyde, and radloactive materlals. As used In <br /> ��' peregraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federat lews and laws of the jurisdictlon where the Property Is located that rel�le to <br /> � � ; health, safety o�envfronmentai protectlon. <br /> tJON-UNIfORM CQVEhANTS Borrowa and 1 ender further covenent and agree es lollows: <br /> �' 21. Acc�leratton; Remedfea, Lender shall give notice to Borrowar prtor to acc�l�rttion <br /> '� fs�llowin� Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreemont In thla Socurity Instrum�nt (but not <br /> ' prior to acceleration undar paregraph 17 unless appllcable law provid�s oth�rwis�). Th� notic� <br /> � shall specify: (a) the default; (b)the action requlred to cure the default; (c) a dKa. not I�ss than <br /> �0 days from tha date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which ths d�f�ult mutt b� cur�d; �nd <br /> (d) that failura to cure the def�ult on or betore the date specified in the notics may rssult In <br /> � acceleration of the aums securad 6y this Security Instrument and sale of tha Property. Th� notic� <br />-� � shall further Infurm Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleretlon and th� rlgM to bring t <br /> court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other dof�n�� of Borrow�r to <br /> � acceleratlon and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dMo apscifl�d In th� nMia�, <br /> I.ender at its optlon may require immediate payment in futl of all sums secured by thia Seourity <br /> -� " Instrument without further dernand and may invoke the power of salo and any other rem�d{�� <br /> •� . . permitted by applicable Iaw. Lender shall be entitled to collect ali exponsos incurr�d In pursulnp <br /> - the remedies provided fn this pa�agrpph 21, including, but not Iimited to, reasonabla attorney�' <br /> . � fees and costs of title evldence. <br /> If the power of eale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice ot default in eech county in <br /> � which any pa�t of the Property Is located and shall mail coples of such notice In the manmr <br /> � prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicabl� law. <br /> After the time required by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sple to ths parsona <br /> ' and In the manner prescribed by applicable lew. Trustee, without dernand on Borrower, shall sell _ <br /> the Property at puhlic auction to th� highest bidder at the time and place and under the tsrme — <br /> designated In ihe notice of sale In one or more parcels and tn any order Yrustee determinoe. _ <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by publfa announcement at tho _ <br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or fts deaignee may purchase th� <br /> Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of paymant of the price bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser T�ustoa's <br /> deed conveying the Property. The recltals in the Trustee's deed shall be qrima facie evidanco of v <br /> - - - -�_ _s a4� �1.. In �hn <br /> � the truth af the statements made therein. Trustee snaii appiy ine p�o�ae�a �. •••o o•.� ... ..._ <br /> following order: (a) to atl coste and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sele, <br /> Including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed three <br /> % of the principai amount of the � <br /> note at the time of the declaratlon of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permittsd by law; ; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persans j <br /> legally entitled to it. ' <br /> I � <br /> ' ' cn,o�MC; iiNr> r.����a,�i s --- i <br /> �I <br /> I <br /> 9711tl � <br /> � <br /> I _ _ _ _ __ <br />