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<br /> We, Dannv R Mlllerand Pamela S�Jlf��er us and and Wife. As Joint Tenants �
<br /> ,: � _
<br /> �, .f'Trustor") ...-
<br /> r:;�.
<br /> '� under tho following Deed raf Tn�st to be entered Nto emong Trustors,Areqd R 88ack AttornsV at LaW P. O. BOx [..-
<br /> 79Q Grand �sland, Nebraska 88802 ,�•Trustee•). _-
<br />_ '�. �- and The Overland Ne�tianal Bank of Gr�nd island
<br /> ``�� � ('8eneficiary') covering the propeAy described bebw hereby acknowledge that it is understood that (a) the Deed ot Trust to be
<br /> ; ::: �r exocuted by Trustor Is a trust deed and not a mat9a9e and (b)the power of sele prowded for in the Deed of Truet provides
<br /> �. 'S 1 substantially different�ights end obligatlons to the Trustor than a mortgage in the event of default or breach of obligation.
<br /> '•� . Trustor aeknowledges that ihis Acknowled�ment was made prloi to the execution of the Deed of 7rust. _
<br /> • ' Executed and deUvered this 29th day d .luy . 1997
<br /> r��sta� T�uS�o� panny R. Miller
<br /> ' � � r��sto, T��9to� pamela S. Mil�er
<br /> � �"�� DEED OF TRUST
<br /> � .. �.
<br />-.,. .. . .
<br /> -,;
<br /> ..�,,, ..
<br />_��.. .�� �:.
<br />��''"� THIS DEED OF TRUST�"Securiry Instrumenl') is made on Jul 29th , 1997 •
<br />- • The tmator is Dannv R MilUr and Pem�l� S MEller Hus and and Wife .As Jolnt Tenanta �„eorrower•).
<br />�,. •;:
<br /> J���'.- ., .
<br />��'='��-�••��-° 7ne crustee is Arend R Baack, Attornavet Law P 0 Box 790, �irand Island. Nebraska 8880
<br />�Rr,:,;r•. ('Trustee").The beneticlary Is
<br />_ ,which Is organized end exisling
<br /> �--:��'` ' ":ir; The Overland Natlond Bwnk of GSrand lslAnd , 8nd whose address Is 304 West Thlyd Streat
<br /> –,.,_�.J.i.S y...
<br /> ���_-�. . ,}t� under the laws ot The Unitod Stptes of America (•Lenda").
<br /> Grand tsland NE 688Q1 �,.__ __., ....
<br />- - �. BoROwer owes Lendar the pri�dpal sum ot Sixle�D Th0usa11d 56ve� riuna�ea ��nv a��u ��100
<br /> Dolers(U.S.S 16 750.00 1. This debt Is evidenced by Borrower s note
<br /> .� :'Y.F�.�. �
<br /> .� dated the same date as ihis Security Instrument ('Note"), which provides tor monthly payments, with tho tull debt, it not paid
<br />"=._>;-J�*�``' earller, due and payable on JUIV 29 2001 -�
<br /> - � Thls Seaudty Instrument secu�es to Lender. (e) repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with Interest, and ell renewals,
<br /> t;�r;:.�,
<br /> �-�r�=.•--
<br />!-;��,�,,, extensions and modHicatlons of the Noto; (b)it�e payment oi all other sums, with interest, advenced under paregraph to
<br /> protect the security oi this Security InstrumeN: and (a) the pertormance of Bortower's covenants and agreemsnts. For this
<br />�-_--��`;.,:,,:;.. ' purpose. Bortower irrevoubty grents and conreys to 7rustee, in trust, with power of sale, the followfng described property
<br /> � ' � located In Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> f i,:,:..�.R....,.
<br /> 'f'� Lot Two (2), BMck Flve(b),Dale Roush SACOnd Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />- ..,1
<br /> `�''�:;;
<br />_ ,::,,.
<br />- "1�' ` Further. secured by 1984 CHVBROLET PICKIIP Ser# 1GCCS16B2B8160785
<br />,� Referenced by Security Agree�ent dated July 2G. 1995
<br /> - :' f , _
<br /> , r. -
<br /> whlch has the address oi 226 Arapahoe Ave., _ . Grand Island,
<br /> y.r.,,.� C�ty
<br /> Nebraska 68803 1'Property Address"):
<br /> ip cod��
<br /> Fcrm �020 9.90 NEBFiA51(A Smg��• FanNy FNMA�FVlA1C UNIfCNM�NSTRUA�ENP.�g�� 1 �t� '— ---`
<br /> F 11t5.1M13 1t,97)
<br /> I,
<br /> i
<br /> � e�i+r �
<br />