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<br /> 17.Transfer oP tho Property or a Bendidal Inic�-est In Qora�o�ser. lf all ar any p�n nf Qic P��upercy or auy intr.roet in ir. G '
<br /> is s�ilJ ur transfcrnst(or if a brneNcial interest in B�mnwcr is sul�1 c�t tra��.tifrrrCd xixl Burn�wer is rx�t a tuttuntl��ncm)wiUiout ._
<br /> .,,� lAnder's prior written conscnt, I.eix�er mxy. ou its opti�m, n:yaira immrdiat� paymr�n in full uf all s�unr se�:ured by thiti ';e+.`,:: ".;,�
<br /> ' .,,�p Securiey Intitruaient. However,this nption s1iaU twt be ex�rcised by Lcixlrt if eaerci�c is prole3hiteiJ Ny fedar.�l lau,as i�f�ih Jnta ;,'';�-^,_,�T,.
<br /> of this Security Insuument.
<br /> If Lend�r eaercisr,s thls option, Leixler shull give Barroa�:R�wtice uf acceleratiun. The iwticr sliHll��r�rvidn a purtod of imt .,.r;.''?'.'��;^�____
<br /> i��s t�au 30 days front the date d�e notice is ddivered ar a�ailed within which Horcuwer must pxy �Il sum:�:;rc;urRd by diis ;.`, ' 1�•
<br /> S cc u ri ty l a s u u a i ent. If Borro�ver fails co pay dies�sunu priar tn th:expinv3on of tliis�ri�d, Lender mxy invokr i�ny crn�ecli�s � • l��-- _
<br /> �rmitted bp tbis Securiry Instnunent without f'urther notice or demu}c1 on Borrowor. 1 �.�--
<br /> lg, Barrower's Ri�ht to Reinstata If BoaawCr meets cvrtaiu conditiuns, Burruwer shull turve cha tiSht to have � �'"�,.. �
<br /> • enforcement of this Security Insaument disconrinual at aiiy cime priar to �►�T�Rnt ta�uny pc��c�yi of sxl�lcontai�ned iu�this ��-
<br /> appllca6le law may sp.clfy for reinstatement) b:fare salo of th: P�nPenY P � ,"�''1�'
<br /> Se�:urity Iasmmient:ar(b)�ntry af a Judpnent enfarcing tWs Secvrity lnsuumetn• 'I7►as�e condiduns ac�that Horrower:(a)pays � ;•�
<br /> [xader all sums whic�then would be due under th9s Secuiity Instruwent and the Notu ns if nn accolanuoa had occurnd;(b) � ,.r�'
<br /> cuns nny default of any odrcr covr.nants ar asreements: (c) PaYs all eaprnse� incurred ia enfcrtcing this Security.Incuumeat. Q _
<br /> inc:luding,but not limited to,reasonxble attomeys fees; auci(d)tak�s snch�crion as Lendar nit�y reasonably requue to assure _,-
<br /> ' d�at the lien of tuis Securlty Insuumenc. Lender's nghts in the Ptoperty and Bonawer's obligatioa to pay the sums setured by �,.�
<br /> Aii:� Security Instrumeut shall wndnue unchanged. Up�on reinstateatent by Borrowor, thls Security lnsaumeat and d►e '�
<br /> nbligations secured hereby shall mmain fully effa:dve as if no acceleradon h�id ucctirred. However, tliis right to rcinstate shall
<br /> not apply in tlie case of acceleradon under paragraph 17. _
<br /> �� 19. Su1e of Note; ChanQe of Loan Servicer. 'The Note or a p�urial i�terrst in the Note (together with this Secuc�ty _
<br /> li�.titn�ment)ruay be sold one or more dmes without prior notice tn Boaower.A sale�uay result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> � us th� "Loan S�rvicer')that collect�monday paymentx due under tho Note and this Securiry Tnsmiment.l'here also m�Y be one
<br /> � or more changes uf the I.oan Servicer unrelated ta a saln of tLe Notc. If there is a cbange of the Loan Setvicer.Botrower will be _
<br /> • giv�n written nodce of tho change in accordauce with paragcaph 14 above and applicable law.The nodce will state the name And
<br /> address of the new L.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should 6e made.The notice w111 also concain acry other -
<br /> '� infomiatioa requiced by applicabl�law. _
<br /> ___ ...,.. ._ 211, H�ardous Substanc,es. Borrower st�ll not cause or pem�it the presena. �, d�uP°�•�n�ane, or re�ang�e �
<br /> Hazardaus Swbstances on or in the Prope�ty. Borrower sf�all nc�i S�. ucr allase sn}o� el..e _- Y�
<br /> Pmperty that is in violadon of any Hnvironmen�al Law. Thc Precedin8 twa sentences s1ia11 not ap�ly��th�reie���
<br /> � storage on thc Praperty of smaU quanddcs of Hazavdflus Substances thac an 8�ne�11y recognized PP P
<br /> resickndAl uses and to�anamtenance of the Propertp.
<br /> � �,,'��;,•�. Barrower shall prorapdy give Lender writtrn noace of any invesdgadon,claim.demand, lawsuit or ather action by any
<br /> �'•1.,..:,. bovemmental or regulatoay agency or private party involving the Property aud anY Hazardous Substance or fimironmeatal Law
<br /> of wbich Borrower has actual 3anowltdge. If Bonower leams. or is noufied by any�ovemmenwlBo���r t�p�mp�y�
<br /> - . any removal or other remodiadon uf uuy Hacardaus Substasuc affa:ting che Propesty ts neces�ry, • •
<br /> a11 nccessary remedial actions in accordance with$QVUUnniental Law.
<br /> As used in this parngraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�rdous substances by
<br /> EnvironmentAl Law and We following substances: gasaline. k�rosene� other tlunmable or toxic puroleum products. to�cic
<br /> � �,. �eaticides and herblcides.volatil�solvents,materials containing asbesros or fom�aldeh�rde,and radioacdve mntenalsl�t��
<br />- �t►�s parigraph 20. "Fnviromnental Law" means federal laws unci laws of the juriscl►caon where the Pmperty '
<br /> j rel�te ro health.snfety or environmental protecaon.
<br /> �° NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bonower xnd Lender further covenant ancl agree�s follows:
<br />_� 21.AcxlaAtion;Remeciies.Lender st�ll give aotice to Borrower prlor to accderation fopowing Borrnwhui'b��
<br /> of eny cova�ant or a�reement tn thls Securlty Instrument (but not prior to accsla�xtlon under para�'sp
<br /> npplicable law pro�ldes Mha�wise)•Thi�ouce shaU sPectf}'' �a)the default; @) the adfon required to cure tho defaulti
<br /> (c)� d�te,not less than 30 days t'rom the dnte the notice Is given to Borrower�
<br /> by which the dcfault m�be curedt and
<br /> ' (d)that f4ilure to cure the defaalt on or before the date sp�cifl� noUce hall fu�ther nfotrm Borro�we�'o t1��Y��o
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the PcopertY•
<br /> rdnstate after aceda'uUon and the d�ht to bring a court actlon to assert the non-e�dsta�ce of w d���in the�i�otl ,ce
<br />_ �� defmse of Borrower to sccelecatlon and sale. If the default Is not cured on or befon the date speci� �t��
<br /> ' ' i,ender, at its opUon, may require immedlate payment in full of all sums sceured by this Security
<br /> .. '���:: �� ; Further demand and may Invoke the power of sxle and any other remedtes PermlK�d by h 21,ciucludin�,but not limilted --
<br /> � ! e d i t l e d t o c o l l e c t a ll e x p e n s e s Incurred[n pursuing the remedies provided In this para�raP
<br /> � j to,reasonable attorneys'fees And costs of tlt le ev i dena. �4-_
<br /> k � If the power of sale Ls invoked► Tnrstee shaU record a noNce of deFault in each co�tble 1 w�to Bori-opwa'end to —�__ _ _
<br /> propeity Is located and shall mafl coples of such nottce In the manner Pr�s�b�be IawpTrusta shall�ive public notice �;__-� --- __
<br /> * t6e mther persons prescribed by appltcable law.After the time requlred bY�PA —._�P�.�
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed bY uPpiirable law.Tnistee, without demand on Botrower>shal�se1�
<br /> • ttm Property at public auctton to tho hifhest b[dder at the ticne and place and und�tt►e eernis�dees�SnAied�p���of the 3���'��-~�-�--
<br /> ' ,ale in one or more parcds and tn any order'Trastce determines. Trustee maY 1� Fa ,_.{x:.,.�•�;�._
<br /> I�roperty by public 0nnouncement at the tima and pluce of any prevtously scrieduled sale. La�der or its designee may , �:_�ry_
<br /> . purchase the Propaty at wny sale. +r.i.���='�
<br /> . Y..,y�'_
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