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<br /> ----'------ S sc��bovs thi�lin�ta recordin d�ta LOOA �t �04817
<br /> � Conrmsrdaf 11AOFi7GAGE - Collateral =--
<br /> F�de�a�B�nk Real Estate Mortgage _
<br /> �
<br /> Naturo oi Ind�btednes� Lo�n Arnount M�turity Dst� Initial Intsntt Rate
<br /> .f� ConsumerLoan Z9,018 00 10.750 _
<br /> �
<br /> �,' �, Ia'[�YD Il. BF1�lf�I al]Cl L. IiARI+R�!' �J�S'� �� ethx w+th
<br /> hsreby piw Commercisl Fsdsrai Benk a Fed�ral Savinps B+nk(•Commxairl Fsdenl•) �mortpspe,with ol sale,of the foilowing propaty top _
<br /> J� �II improvan�nts now a herwftx eroctsd on th�property.Md�II�a��msnu,riphts and appurten�ness thareto: —
<br /> �']�� �I�I�Q� � �'i VTfSa['�! �' ���1N�
<br />. �.
<br />_ • �� �
<br /> ��.
<br /> `�:.
<br /> ir:_
<br />� If more than one perwo+sipns this Mortp+ps,the word •I'mans'we.' �
<br /> This Mortpape aecure�s lo�n made by CommerciN Fedml, as bristly described Atwve•/►note d�tYd the sams date as this Mortpage cont�ins the urms fa
<br /> a
<br /> �' ropayrtMnt of that loan.If that nots ia evor chanped or replked by�naw not�,it will be secursd by this Mortpspe.
<br /> 1 prombe ths tollowup thinp�:
<br /> f�, '„ „ 7. All payrnenu on�ny nme or othsr debt�ecursd byriis Mortgape will be pald whan dus.
<br /> 2. M inwrance�oliey fa firo and�xund�d covsr+��wi11 be kspt in torc�on the properry in an�mount�t le+ut�qwl to the debu acured by thii
<br />-.�� �. -, . Mortpaye Plw iny otfi�r mortOWe�Iisted in p�rs�r+ph 8 be�ow.Ths inaurance comp�ny must bs wtisfaatory to Commercial FedKal.�nd
<br /> , . Comrt+srcial Fed�r�l vMll be e narned inwrod o�th�policy.
<br />�,,' ;_ ,��t'"�, 3. All texsa�nd�wssrtNnts on ths property w+ll bs p+id beta�thsy bscome dMinqusnt
<br />':,c F.��n 4�..±•.�
<br />-=� 4. No w�st�wiil bcommittetf on th�propertY.�nd i�will be kept in pood rsp+dr.
<br />�:_.�.:.tF
<br />-- 1' � 6. The property will not be sold(ineludinghy laad eonv�et�,lan�d,and no int�rut in itwill M�ssi0���� �^Y�'�+Y•
<br /> _•���_,:���y
<br /> ti�r��.,:'.•• ��+�. ��
<br /> ;�`:, -. :'�� � 0. I own th�proMrry irs�and clear oi eny other mortpq�t or e�eumbnncu EXCEPT
<br />__". . _ yC�
<br />�sxh� " 7. No oth�► mortpqe a lien on the pro�»rty will svr be�Ilovwd to 6e in default a be foreclowd.
<br /> 4:�::
<br /> 1 ��� �'>�� L If my d theae pranisW�ro not kspt,then CommxeiY Fedenl ca�declare�11 01 tha debt immediately dus�nd p�yabl�without�dvance notic�.Ths
<br /> -' - - int�nst r�te will increaw to 18.00%or any p►e�tx nte wlbw�bls by Iew at that tirn�,and thit mortpape can bs foroclaed in accordanes with epptie�ble law.If
<br />- - ths dobt is accelerated,then I alro a::ian anV rcnt ar othtr fnocme from the property m Commercial Federal. THE PAHTIES AGBEE 7HAT THIS CON5T1TlJTES _
<br /> �'`w++.'�.�%{.r A COLIATERAL REAL ESTATE MORTOAGE PUfiSUANT TO SO.DAKOTA C.L 44&26 (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIDEM1TiS ONL�. In tM�vant of�ny daf+uit in ths
<br /> "��v,• . makiny pf any payme�t or in k�eping�nycovenant heroin,lhia Mortpay�may be foreclw�d by action,a by advertiaement as provided by st�tuts d fhe rulas s
<br /> �' +��s'�.' � of pnoUc�rolatiny thxeto,�nd thia pxapnph�hall be deanaA�o euthorianp and conatitutinp a powor of sels aa menUoned m e+iid atatute or rutsa md any
<br />-���`':�.;�, ., omendm�nt th�to.�nd m�y rotaio+Ututory costs�nd�uomey Tea�SD.WY.MN,OK,md MI rsaident�onlYl. _
<br /> � � ' Cert�in amounu un b�paid by Cwrvnercisl Pederal md�dded to the dsbt�scured by this Morty�ps.Th�yr ar�any taxes a inwrancs 1 have ap�sed to _
<br /> , pay but fNl to,any atlomey ise�or court expensea Comnw�ci�l Federal p�ys ii it is mods• party�t sny lepal�ct�on brouqht by�wrno�e else conceminp the _
<br /> ""�� prapKty,�nd eny attaney fses or court ezpen�es whiel�the law mipht Nlow ff Comrnereial Fed�ral has to po to ccwrt apainst ms to cdlect the debt or
<br /> foroctow thi� mortpspe.Ii�ny oi th�ts thing�heppen,th�n th�additional debt will acerue interest�t the same nte aa the rost of the debt and must be pad _
<br /> imrnedi�t�ly. `�
<br /> � I}this propsrty is ever condsrmned under the power ol erninent domain or any simil�r method of toking property fa pubtic use,any procseds o(the taking -
<br /> will be p�id to Comm�rcial Feders)up to the fWl amoun[d tlie debt aecured.
<br /> �' (�lOye�to gomovwr(fa Okl�hom� h A povwr d�aN h�t bMn nnbd in thb . A w�r of s�w m� �Itow tM to Wu 1h� -
<br /> v • W OOY II� Yfr• • WM � _
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<br /> - �./' t _
<br /> 7ndava Dats 71[Y�14T 11. 1997 �O1""°f!S °f° r, n -
<br /> C]_ t�.r
<br /> , �
<br /> _ ----- . --- - - �'.����—��L`:�� � -
<br /> STATE OF � � � �
<br /> COUNTY OF }AI�L 1
<br /> On this u.� ,dey ot ��r .7 9 97 .6efors me,o notary pubhc in end fa said counry, pereonally came
<br /> IS�� �� � �_�j j��Qa!' �� _ to me kqown to be the identical paraon or persont whose
<br /> name�a w aro eHlxed ro the above mortp�ge.end they,h�o�ehe severelly acknowledped Ihe seid inatrurlent end the oxxution thoreof tq be thev voluntery �
<br /> ect end deed. ��
<br /> WITNESS my h�nd and notana seal t�e day end yex Isst wntten ahove.
<br /> My commission expmr � '-
<br /> Notar�P .�c'�Sipnat e
<br /> NE-IN-VYY-IL•SD-MI-AZ-MN•IA `����pT�,�N�� DN-1077 (10/96) �
<br /> , � r�� JENNIFER L SCHYIANDT '
<br /> ; �' �"'�My Cartxn Erp.Srot: ' t999 �
<br /> �
<br />