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<br /> . � Space�bove thia linefar mcordinp dat�. IAdIl�: 176�52 �.;;_-;��_
<br /> ': Co�nmorcial MORTGAGE -Col lateral '�`::�m-_
<br /> . � Fedrral R� Reat Estate M ortgage �""'�`
<br /> � '�^�=
<br /> ;• .� Nature oi Ind�bt�dnsu Lo�n Amount Matunry D�te Initi�l Intenat F4te '_:��-
<br /> ,_•� ; Coneumer Loen 18,QQ4.00 g.�22 ���_-
<br /> . i �CfIIi W BRI(1Q�II�It and �� A StICS�It �._,4
<br /> � herebypive Commxcial Fsdersl Bank.a Fed�nl Savinps Bank('Commercial Fedx�l^)a rnortpape.with power of ssle.of thelollawin0 property toyether with �. —
<br /> all improvements now w hereafter erected on the property,and all easomenta, riphta and eppurtenaneea thereto:
<br /> �;_rub'-
<br /> LIOR9 s�. �6L21L�D S�Vi '!N �7 IN FRP�`1'..ZQ�PITJ ffilJQC R��kZ�I'Y'PrJI� �r�;
<br /> (a� , n� B��r,iooriz � �crr�r oF c� is�a2u. Fn�t ��;=-
<br /> . ' ' �;--
<br /> . ��" �
<br /> � ; �.
<br /> - �
<br /> If mae than one person sipna this Mortpepe,the word'1•means tive' ,�
<br /> w�.:
<br /> � Thie Mortpape sscures a Iwn mada by Commx�u�Feder�l,as 6neily described ebovs.A note datad the�ame date u tF.i�Mortyqs eontaini the tsrms fa =,_.
<br /> • ' repayment oi that loan.If th�t note is sver chanped or replaced by a nsw note,it will be sacured by thi�Monyape. �,-
<br /> " �� 't. 1 praniss the foltowing thinps:
<br /> 1 _
<br /> ' t�� '' � 1. AII paymenta on any note or other debt s�cured by this Mortgepe vuill ba peid when duo. _
<br /> ?. M inaur�nce poiicy fa fire and oxtended eovenpe will ba kept in torce on the propeny in en amount at lesat aqual to the debts acurod by thf� �
<br /> � Mortyspe plus any other mortgaee�Iisted in paroOroPh B helow.The inwnna company must be utisl�ctoryto C.ommerud Feder�l.and •
<br /> ., Commarobl Fedsnl wiil bs a na�d inaursd on the poliay.
<br /> , '•�;`' 3. A!)tazss�nd ausumente on lhe property wrili b+f peid betore thsy beeans detinquent.
<br /> 4. No wsste will be committsd on th�property,and it will bo kept In pood repair.
<br /> ,._y"•' " _f
<br /> • . 6. The propsrty vuill not be sold (includinp by land eontract),leeaed.and no intore�t in it will be awfyned fn eny wry.
<br />� ` .v ��•� 8. I own the property free and clear of eny other mortpapes u snoumbrences EXCEPT �� �L �' �
<br /> �.�;!.
<br /> '' �, •i+e��� 7• No other mortg�ge or Ifen on the property will ever be allowed to be i�default or be forxloasd.
<br />''�:ls...
<br /> i��;;• •. '- �; If�ny o(thsas promiea�aro not kept then Commercial Federd cen dxlaro�II ol the debt immediatqly due�nd aysbb wilhout advmce notice.The =_
<br /> :�: inte�at rnte will increa�e to 19.00%a'any prs�ter nte allowable by!aw at that time,�nd this mortp�pa un 1»torsclaad in�ccadancewith applicable law.If
<br />— the debt ia eccrlereted,then I elao essi�n�ny rent o►other income tr�m tha prop�rty to Camrt»rcid fedenl. THE P/WTIES AGFiEETHAT TMIS CQNSTITUTES c ss_' T
<br /> �:'�..'�'.,.'.
<br /> y y;��',,:�:,�.,,f A COLLNTEML RFAL ESTATE MORTGAGE PURSUANT TO S0.DAKOTA C.L 448-20(FOfl SO.OAKOTA RESIOEAf�50NLY1.I�dN svenl of any detautt in tho - -
<br /> ,..�_ . . makinp of nny paymsnt w in ksepiny�ny eovenant heroin.thb Mortpaps may be foreclosad by�ctfon,or by advatiaement ae p�ovidsd by statute a ths rules =
<br /> oi pne6ee relatinp thasto,and thls parapr�ph�hall be de�ned as authoriang�nd canttitutlnp�pow�x of�ala u memio�ed in s�id stetut�or rules�nd any �_
<br /> � • umendmsnt thsrsto,�nd may rotain statutory cwts md�ttomey tees(SD,WY.MN,OK,�nd MI rosidenu only). °'
<br /> Grtain�mount�csn be paid by Cornneroul Fedsnl and addecl to tfie debt eectxed by thia Matpays.They are+ny twt u inwnncs I h�ve presd to F�
<br /> pay bu1 feil to,�ny attomey tees a court expenaea Commxcial Fedotal pays ii it fs rnele a party at any lepal actlon broughtby aameon�sla�ca�c�rniny the `�
<br />- properry,and any�ttomsy fees or court expenaes which the lew m�qht sllow if Commercid Fedsrat h�s to po to coun egainit rn�to cdl�ct the de6t a
<br />-, foroctas thit mortpipe.I}any of these thinps happen,then ths additianal debt will aecrue interest�t the tama rote u the ntt ol the debt and must be pa�d _
<br /> immediately.
<br /> � Athis propxty is ever condemnsd undor tho power of eminent domain or my iimilar method ot nking propsrtylor pu6lic ub,�ny proceeds of the takinp
<br />= will be Dsid to Comiriarcial F�de�a1 up to tho full amount of the dobt cecured. .,:�,-,
<br /> a`'_-
<br /> Notia to Borrow�►(tor Oklahom�pro 1: A pow�r of sd�ha�bNn r�ntW in ffiia Mo � �. A w�r o}aaM ma dlow ffi�Mo ■ •to Uk�the -�-�
<br /> � � • • II O COU Il• O 6 �U��• O �u WN un U o �. ''i�:•4A-��_
<br /> ` 7 .�cir--sir.�,�--�
<br /> . � � • �,���yC.� f`�{ti�rtwy,•+�—
<br /> _J . •'fi°
<br /> � <l Toda�t Oats j�j�q' 6� 1997 /� wer's Sipnetrre W Q� I "�T:�`'�
<br /> � - ---- . _. �. . . . f'- � -- `-
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<br />- r'n ignaturo '
<br /> I STATEOF I�L�II� )
<br /> ) u. �
<br /> i COUNTY OF HAI�L 1
<br /> � i Un thia 6� doy ol � . 19 97,belore me,a�otary publK in ard tor wd canty, peraonally came
<br /> �� w �'[� �� ��D!' A BRIC�Z . to me known to ba�he�denucalperaon or pnreans whose �
<br /> - nern�u or aro attixed to the�bove mortpWe,end they,he a she severetly eeknowladged the w�d instrumant and tM exexmion thereol to bo the�r voluntary �
<br /> act end deed. I
<br /> WITNESS my hand and shove. �/ �/
<br /> My canm�ssion expirea: CE�MM��ITA�r•,S�SR 01 k;;llG � JJ.1 JY/"/� /1 _ .-�, C��rr�
<br /> _ I CONSI�ANCE K.SLOAN Notery Pubhc's Sipnature
<br /> � NE•IN-WY-IL-SD- (�I�"•E'cp_��".24,�`•'g' ; DN-1077 (10/96)
<br /> .. . '
<br /> _.:.�
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