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<br /> �- � � � � a _
<br /> � v , DEED OF 7RUST `� �°.
<br /> ,� c� �, -
<br /> �L TNIS DEEO OF TiiUST, mad�th�s lkth day of Au$U9t , t9 97
<br /> by anaamong Reynold Josaph Wicks and Carolyn Kay Wicks,husband and wi.fe _ ��� �
<br /> nenm 'Trustor');and Jerr J. �lilner I�1and �-'�',
<br /> � 1503 W. 2nd Street. Gran E�
<br /> ,whos�maain9 addnsa is
<br /> � NG 68801
<br /> ' Associates Financial Services Company of Nebrag a nc. ��"
<br /> (henm "Trustt�'): nnd ,:-
<br /> , wf,oa�rne�i�►g addna�s awrence ne, ran s an �_
<br /> .r.-
<br /> r -
<br /> (F�rom'B�n�kiary'),
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CQNSIDEFiAT10N.Trustor urovoeebty p
<br /> rants,transt�rs.convOyR and assignR t0 TtuSb�.iN TRUST,WITH �--
<br /> PaWEFi OF SALE,for th�b�n�fit end s�cunty of B�n�ficiaryHal 1 r and sub�nct to thr termsCo rthf Nebretk���d of TNtt.th� _
<br /> followiny dascriNd nal prop�rty,�ocebd m
<br /> All that certain Lot or Parcel of Land situate iai the County of Hall and State
<br /> �1'- . - - inn♦ s_ 1 1. I1 i. /1� � kAVP&
<br /> of Nebraska, known and designated as Lot Twenzy tcv� al� B+-��� ��� �., f
<br /> ��- :,;�•��; �� First Addition to Grand Is.land, Hall Caunty, Nebraska.
<br /> ,.;�•' •
<br /> � 2.)r.:..��j•,
<br /> e;�:
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<br /> •�'_
<br /> -��.�EI_�ili�:!^ .
<br /> �_,......-r_._�.�
<br />"""�R'=�'��� TOGETHEfl WITH,dl rQnb,profits,royak�s,mcom� and oth�r b�n�fits d�riwd from the r�al propety;aN Mas��or�ubl�ws
<br /> °n'�"`=�� cmyrinq th�nel prop�rty ot any portion th�rwi,now or h�naRu sxiatiny o►�nt�nd into,end�II rpht,tiW and int�r�st of Truqo►
<br /> '-.�■�:�� the�eund�r:al�nt�nsts,�stati or oth�r cla�ms.both m law and in equily,which Trustor now has or may h�ruR�r�oquk�h Ih�nal
<br /> _�`��:� �;` propRrty;ell�uaem�ntc,ri�htsof-way.t�n�m�nts. hH�ddements end appurt�nane�s thrrwf wnd th�rNO:aY oil and pss rphb�nd
<br /> u
<br /> '•�:� • protAs,wet�r rghb and watu stock:all rght,tAl�and nt�nst o!Trustor,now own�d or h�rwR�r�equk�d,in�nd to any 0
<br /> `'�`'� �; { wihh th� rqhbof-way o} any strNt or hphw�y aqox�ery tAe+�a� prop�rty: eny�nd aR bui{dinps, fatur„. ImprowmMts.and
<br /> '-~��•"��•``' ` rppuetmancea now or h�r�att�r�rHx�d th�na+w 6�b^9m9 tMn�Q,(h����rohrrod to as'Improwm�nY or 9mprowm�nb');md
<br /> ;,.....
<br /> °��?;�;��•> any nnd all awerds med�1or th�tekinp by omin�nt domeun.a by eny procNdiny or purchif�Ifl IMU MIH10},o}th�who{�or any pa
<br /> - �:+.f�` a. ol lh�nel propedy.AA ot th�fonpomp enat�, prop�rly eed mt�nst conwyed to Trustn h�nin coN�ctiwy nhrr�d lo s�th�
<br /> .;:`e�{.�-
<br /> r!Q".t1^.� ��PfOp�dy�.
<br /> ,�,�r�.��,_•:' Tuen ty-
<br /> _�i?'�`"�'�' (�Sh�pa��nt of Md�1��dn�ss�vid��ad b Trustor'�not� o h�nwdh m th� prk�dpl�t�of�
<br /> _ �, ana-� « � �� � d-�'ourteen anc� ���'�-------��K �f
<br /> -,��r"�'�-• topeth�r with int�nst et th�tab or reUS pra�id�d ther�x�, or th�prmc�pal and int�nst on any tutur� �dvanc�s �vld�ne�d bY
<br /> �"�'� �'`� ,� promntory noles stnUnp they ars s�cund hereby.(h�r�in'Not�'or•Not�s')end any and nA r�n�wals,modficatlo�s�nd ud�n�bns
<br /> - • • of�uch Not�,6oth prindpnl end int�nst on th�Not�6siny Dayabh m aaordenw with th�t�rms at fortN th�ni�,ni�r�na to wh�h
<br /> ' ieA�r�by mede.
<br /> (b)TTu parformana o1 eech eyrNmant and cownent of Truitor h�nin contax��d:and _
<br /> (t)The pnyment of eny eum or sums of mon�y wdh interesl tharwn wh�ch mey b�h�nalhr pn�d or advanc�d und�r th�t�rms of tha —"
<br /> ONd ot Trust �
<br /> _ �; Q
<br /> �` t. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Tru�tor shnll prompNy pay wh�n du� th�prnuipal of and int�ntt on th�
<br /> ,:��'µ f mdobt�dnes��v�d�nc�d by th�Nob,and ell oth�r chargs�end f�es as prowd�d m th�Not�,and th�prmNpal ot and u+ta�tt on any
<br /> � Fuluro Advances secund by fhis ONd of Trust
<br /> - =:
<br /> �� 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE.Trustor�s lawfulty a�¢ed end poss�ssed of good and�nd�f�atibl�tdl�nnd ostat�to th�Prop�tty
<br /> , heraby co�wyed end has th�t�ght to prnnt and co�vsy the Property,ths Prop�rty�s hN end cNar ot all I»ns and oncumbrufc�s
<br /> except hens now of retord,nnd Trustor wdl warcent end d�hnd th�tdN to the Prop�rty ayam�t all cln�mt and d�mands.
<br /> J 3. MAINTENANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.Trustor shall keep tha Prop�rty m puod r�Psir nnd conddron end shall not
<br /> . ' commR wasN or ptrmd impairm�nt or d�Nraretwn of th�Properly end thell comply wdh lh�prowsans ot any t�es��f thn�d of
<br /> T�ust n on�kasehok.No improvem�nt now or henaR�r�rrct�d upon th�Properry ahell b�eR�r�d,nmowd or d�motunod wdhout
<br /> , • �h� prror wrAt�n cons�nt of B�n�fiaary Trustor ahall comply wdh ell Inws. ord��enp�, r�pulet�on�, cownants. coi�dmanf nnd
<br />" �estnctans eHectmy th�Proptrty end not commd.suN�r or p�rmd any ecl to be don�m or upon th�Properry�n vatetwn ol anY iew.
<br /> _ ad��unc�,ngulatpn,rnwnenG condiUon or restncUOn.Trustor tha'I compht�or naton promptry end m yood workmnn6k� mennor
<br />' eny �mprovemant on lh� Property wh�ch may b�dmm�fled or d�stroy�d nnd pay,wh�n du�.nll cleims lor labar p�rbrm�d and
<br /> mat�ru�ls turmshed thu�ton and for any sR�rntrons th�r�of.
<br />- OqGIHAL(1)
<br /> � WT67t NE1/ +DS NtO��ita SORROWER COPY(1) ��U�
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