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<br />-4--'_''� TOGETHER WITH ull the improvements nc�w or herc�lfter eruted on thc pr��p�;rty,aiid all c►scmcnls,appurtenanccs,u��d
<br />-=?,;'g�, fixtures now or hercaftc:r a pan of thu praperty. AU replacements and ndditions shall also tk covcrcd by tliis Sccurity �
<br />=�M`;?�'� Instrument. All of the foregoing is referrcd to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt as thc"Prc�perty."
<br /> _���;i• BORROWER COVCNANTS thnt Burmwer is luwfully ticisrd ot the estate hrrcby rnnvcyed:inJ lia.th�riEht.to grant arM
<br /> :"':� convey the Property und thut the Property i�; uncncwnbered. exeept f'�u encumbrance� of rca�r11. Hurre�wrr wurrants anJ will
<br /> defend generalty Qic titic tu Utc Properry againat ttll clitim�und Jemand�. +ubjc�:�tu�ny cnrumbrancc,.�f recunl.
<br /> -� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cnmbines uniform cuvcnant� fi�r national usc und non-unilorm�v�vcnunts with limitcci
<br /> _ __ variati�ms by jurisdiction w constitutis u unifc�rm xcurity instrument r��vcrin;�tu�l pra�krty.
<br />° -'-�� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bcirrcnver imd l..cndcr covcnimt und agrcc i�+fc�llow+;
<br /> t. Puvment�!Princlpal and Interest: Prepxyment und I.�te CharRes. Borruwcr ,hull prumptly p:ry whrn duc thc
<br /> ,.:..:•'r principal of und intcrest�m the dcbt evidon�xd by thr Notc nnd uny prep:rynunt miJ lutr rhar�;es duc un�lcr Ihr Nute.
<br /> .' ...�ti, - 2. h�mdx tor Tax�w and Inr;urancc. SubJcct to iipplir,�blc luw nr tu a wriltrn waivcr hy L�ndrr. 13uru►wer tihull �ury tu
<br />�.'�.�...G
<br /> �`•',�;�- 1.�nJcr�m the diry munthly p:►ymcntti are duc undcr tl►e Nuta wnil thc Nutc i+paid in li�ll,n ,wn 1"I'wid►"1 li�r: uU ycnrly tuxev
<br /> • ��•��•
<br />=''�,-d{. und usscssmcntti which m,iy iuteiin priority uvcr Ihis Sccuri�y In+tru�ncnt �i�n Il�rn�m ihc 1'ru{wny; Ih►yrarly Icurchnld paynxnt�
<br />';:.;.:.%:. ��r bro�md rents on thc pr�i�xity,if nny:(cl ycurly havnrd ar pru�krty in+urnnrc prcmiumti,I�I I ycarly tliNxl insurunrc prcmiuros,
<br />"._,4....���
<br /> �.t:= if uny: lc►ycurly mi�ngugc insuruncc pr�miumti. il'nriy: und (Il uny�u�nti puyiihlc hy I�urrin��er tu Lrndcr, in :ucurduncc with
<br /> ����i.
<br />_'.- �hc pn►visiuns oF pariigruph H, in licu uf'thc puym�nt��f murtgngc in+urunrr pr�miums. 'fhc�c ftcros urc cullal "t'ssrri�w Itcmr,"
<br /> =��;..�, • I.cndcr muy, nt uuy timc, collccl and hold l�ui�Jy in iiu unwum nut t�� c•r.�ced the tnuximum an�nunt u Icixlcr G�r u f��lcrally
<br /> •�.-�.;>� relutni mortguge I��un muy require for Bormwer's escruw nrr�nuu undcr thc 1'cderul Rcal 6stauc Setdement Pr�xedures Act of
<br />, �; � 1974 as umended from timo to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scrtion �6U1 er srq. ("RESPA'), «nless anothcr luw thut upplirh to�he Funds
<br />=''.�"�' sets u Iesser umuunt. If�u, l.ender mi►y, al uny time, ri�llcrt und holJ Fwids in un:tmount not w excecd the Icsscr wmount.
<br />?�;•`:i.� ' ' Lcndcr may estimate thc umuunt uf Funds due on the basis of'current duta und rei�sonable cstimatcs of cxpcndiwres of future
<br />_;F-,-. Escrow Items or othcrwisc in uccoi�ianrc with applicablc law.
<br />�•'�<.�='�'-•i Tlu Funds shull be held in an ii�stiwtion whose dc tiitti arc insurcd b u fcdcral a�enc instrumenu►lit or cntit
<br />--=a;�1 P�•��� ' Y b Y• Y� Y
<br /> _ (including L.ender,if I.ender is such an institution)or in uny Fedcr.il Home la�un Bunk. I..ender shull apply the Funds to puy thc
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not char�e Bortower for hulding and upplying the Funds,unnually analyzing thc escrow uccount,ar
<br /> '� verifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Punds and upplicuble law permiGti Lender to make such
<br /> _=:==''=`= a charge. However, L.ender m�y require Borrower to puy a one-time churge for an inde:pcndent real estate tux reponing service
<br /> _____ useci by Lender in comiection with this loan, unless upplicable luw provides othenvise. Unless un ugreement is made or
<br /> _____ appiicublc ia�v requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc rcquircd to puy tiorrawer nny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br />,,.�.;;�-J°_ Bonowcr and L.cnder mtey ngrce in writing, howevcr, th�t interest shull be puid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrowcr,
<br /> •���� without churge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds und the purpose for which each
<br /> __= debit ro the Funds was made.'Q'he Funds are pledged as additianal security for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. �
<br /> � If tha Funds held by Lender exceerl the amounts permitted to be hcld by applicuble law. I,ende�shull account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> __ time is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due,L.cnder may so notify Bonower in writing,nnd,in such case Borrawer
<br /> � shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary to make up the de�cicncy. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> • twelve monthly payments.at Lendcr's sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt, Lendcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr.If. under paragraph 21, I.cndcr sh111 ucyuire or sell the Property, I.ender,prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> _ of the Praperty, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit Aguinst the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrwnent.
<br /> = 3.Applicatlon of Payments. Unless applicnble law provides otl�erwise,nll payments received by I.ender under paragraphs
<br /> -- 1 und 2 shull bc applied: first, to any prcpuyment charges due under the Note; second, to amountv payable under pxragrnph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due: faurth,to principal due: and last, to any latc chorges duc under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges;Ltens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, nssessments, churges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> _ whirh may attain priority over this Security instrumcnt, and Ieasehold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> — these obligations :n the manner provided in puragrnph 2,or if not paid in thut manncr, Bonower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> — to the person owed payment.Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lendcr all noticcs of amounts to bc paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> ��_ If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> =��_ Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry ovcr this Security lnstrument unless Borrawer:(n)agrees in
<br /> -_ ;W writing to thc payment of the obligatian secured by the licn in a manner acceptable to Lendcr: (b)contests in ga�d faith the lien
<br /> --.�%f! • by, or defends agninst enforcement of the lien in, Iegal procecciings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ��_`�,:;� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of the lien an agreement sutisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> '-�i;:�;q this Security Instrument. if Lender determincs that any purt of thc Property is subject ro u licn which may s�ttnin priority over
<br />'"""''''�'" this Securiry Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a n��tice identifying the lien. Borrower shall tiatisfy thc lien or take one or —
<br /> _;:�+Far°:+: —
<br />��=;���Y� . more of thc actions set forth abovc within 10 duys of thc giving i�f noticc.
<br /> '-=:�;,:�,_'
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