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<br /> 97—�c�G�'�i �
<br /> 'I'OClI;'I'tll?R WI'l'!1 ell tho impmvoment� n��w ar horedter eroctod an the praPerty, nnd atl eeaomontn, �
<br /> appti�rtenence,.w,and ti�tures nc�w ar twresttor��rt ot the praporty.All replacomentx end add�tionaehall also be covoral _
<br /> by this Sa;urity In�;tcurnent.All�t the torc�oing in reterrecl to in thie Sr.curity Instrument es the"Property."
<br /> � � IiOKROWI?R COVI?NAN'I'S th�t 13orrowor ie lnwtully soised ot the esteto heroby aonveyed�nd hea tho right ta
<br /> grant end convoy the Property end thet tha Prnperty iA unencumbered,oxcept f�r oncumbrances of racord. aonower
<br /> werrante end will detend ganernlly the title to tho Property egainst all clnimo end demands,subjactto any ancumbnnces
<br /> .�"'°"" oi record. �-
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combine.s uniiorm covtlnnnt�for national►fse and non-unitarm covenanta with ;
<br /> limited vnriations by jurisdiction to constitute n unitorm security in�trument cavering real proporty,
<br /> � UNIFORMC(JVENANTS.liorrower md Lender covenant and agree ae follows: when due .
<br /> 1.P�yment of Principal�nd Iateroet;Prep�ymeat�ad Late Char;es.Bonower shall promptly pay
<br /> tha principal of end interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment and lato charges due un�demowe shnll
<br /> 2. Funds for Tizea aad Iasur�ace.Subject to applicable lnw or to a written waiver by Lender,
<br /> ny to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note ie paid in full,a sum ("Funde") for: .:f`_�
<br /> � (�e) yearly taxes end esses.�menta which mey atuin priority over thie Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b) �
<br /> yearly lcasehold psymenta or ground rents on the Property,it any; (c) yearly haznrd or property insurance premi�ble
<br /> (d) yearly flood insurnnce premiume,if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance promiums,it any;and(f)any euma pay __
<br /> by Borrower to I.ender,in sccordance with the provieions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment ot rnortgage insurance �_
<br /> premiums.Thesa items are called"Fscrow Itema."L.ender may,at any time,coltect and hold Puncie in an amount not �
<br /> to exceed the rnaximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require tor Borrower's escrow �-;.,,
<br /> 12 U.S.C.
<br /> � account urder tha federal Real F.state Settlernent Procedures Act of 1974 es amendcd irom time to timLe,ender mny -
<br /> Section 2601 e!seq.l"R�PA"),unless another law that applies to the Funda sets a lcsser amvuat.If so, �
<br /> ' at any time,collect and hold Funda in an emount not ta exce�d the lesser amount.L.ender may eatirnate the amount of ��,:.�
<br />'� '- ;��� �� . Funds due on the basis oi current data and reasonabl�estimates ot expenditurey of future Escrow Items or atharwise in �;��,
<br /> accordance with applicable law. '
<br /> Tlie Funds ehall be held in an iiistitution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity �.•
<br /> (including Lender.it Lendor ie such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Londer shall apply the k�unda to .,,
<br />- ..___��: pay the Escrow Items. Lender mey not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,enaually enalyzing the
<br /> °�`��:,- escrow aecount,ar veriiying the Escruw Ita«�b,un1�Lcnder gs;s BQnQwPr intP*�on the Punds end applieable law
<br /> '>'�'-, permits Lender to make suoh a charge.However, Lender may rcquire Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an
<br /> :�„::'� � independent reel estete tax reporting servico used by Lender in connxtion with this losn,unless epplicable law provides
<br /> i ' • • otherwise.Unless an agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender ehnll not be required to
<br />-�ti�, ; ;; h that interest
<br />�,;,,;;.;:, , pay Borrower eny interest or earnings on the Funda.Borrower and I.ettdor may agree in writing, owevor,
<br /> T.,:_�,.i,i. shali be paid on tho Funda.Lender ehall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of tho Funds,ehowing
<br /> w credita and debits to tho Fun d s nn d t ho purpose for ahich each debit to tho Funda was made.The Funds are pledged as
<br />-ry.��?'•�`'`=�` additionel oecurity tor all sums secured bythie Security Inetrumant.
<br />" -•'`'' If tho Funda held by Lender exceed the amounte permitud w be held by applicable law.Lender ehall nccount to
<br />��'""'`'=�' Bonower far the excesa Funda in eccordance with the requiroments�f applicablo law.If the amoui�t ot the Funda hetd _
<br />-i�,�����'����' by Lender nt eny time is not sufficient t�pay the Escrow Iteme when due,L,end�r msy so notity Borrower in ariting,
<br />-�L�,s;:4,�
<br /> - ..,._.�.,,.- and,in such case &rrower shall pay to Lendor the amount necessary to make up the deficioacy.Botrower shall mc e
<br /> �°^"""— up the deticiency in no more thnn twelve monthly pnymonts,st Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> _°'"�'"��="r� Upo:i payment in full of ell suma secured by thie Security Instrument,Lander ehell promptly refund w Borcowar
<br /> v �`"�� any Funde held by L.ender. If, under pategraph 21, I,ender ehall ncquire or sell the Property, I,cnd�r, prior to the
<br /> T-==��'�� acquisition ar eiile oi the Ptoperty,shall epply any Funde held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate es a credit
<br /> ��;-��; against tho sums�ecured by thie Security Instrument.
<br />.'�°����;•• 3.Appliatioa oi P�ymeats. Unless epplicablt law provides otherwise,all payments recoived by I..eader under
<br /> —';°� paragrapha 1 end 2 shell be applied: firat,to eny prcpayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts paynble
<br />��`����"� . under p nrn gra ph 2;third,to inter�st due;tourth,to principal due;and lest,w any late charg�a due und�r the Note.
<br /> --''��"''.y�; 4. Char�es; Liene. Borrower s hn l l pay a l l t e xes, e s s e s s m e n t a,c h a r g e a, f i n e s a n d i m p o a i t i o n e attributable to the
<br />-�;:.,;,�,'�'„�� Property which rn�y attain priority over this Security Inatrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents, if iny.
<br /> �:;srw��•��-- Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or ii not paid in that manncr,Borrower
<br /> y:�..��1u.-'.
<br /> ,:1.z.=..�. . st►nll pay them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower ehall promptly furnish to I.ender all notices o
<br /> -' �``"`'""" amounts to bo paid undet thie paragraph,If Bonower mnkes these payments directly,Bonower shaU promptly furnish
<br />�-:.�.._�,K.
<br />"'�-''``• � to Lender receiptsevidencing the pnyments. _
<br /> LT:
<br /> 3:;'' -: ';, Bonowa ehall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thie Security Instrument unless Borrower. (a
<br />_ ' agrexs in writing to tho payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ncceptable to L.ender; (b)contesta in
<br />_ � " good faith the lien by,or defends against entorcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in th�Lender's opinion E__
<br /> ` . operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an egreement satisfactory to _
<br /> � Lender subordineting the lien to this Security Inetrument.If L.ender determines that any part ot the Property is subject
<br /> - .� to a li�n which rndy attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may giva Borrower n notice identifying the
<br />�. �� tien. Borrower shaU satisfy the lien or tekc one or more of the actions set forth above within!O days of the giving of ..
<br />` ." � 1 notice.
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