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<br />' ,,. Borrower m�y cure such ■ defaull and relnatate, ta provlded In panyraph 1B, by cauilnp the �ctlon or proeeedinq to be
<br />�- , :;� dismisstd wfth a rulinq that, In Lender'e good tskh determination, precludee todelture ol the Bortower'e Interest In the F'roperry or �'f..
<br /> � � `�� other m�teriel Imp�kment of the Nen created by this Socurity Inatrument or Lende►'e aecudy intereat. Bonowa ah�N �Iso bn N►
<br /> defaufl if Bortower, durfng the loan eppllcallon procese, g�ve rttateri�l!y false or insccur�te Nlormwtlon or statemente to Londer(or ,
<br /> � � t�Hed to pravide Lender wfth any mateNal Intormatlon) In connectlon wllh the loan evidmced by the Note, Includinq, but not _
<br />- Ilmltsd to, represent�tlona conceming Borrower'a occupancy ol the Propaty �s a princlpAl residence. II thls Securiry `
<br /> ` ' � Inatrument Is on a le�sehold, Borrower alull compy wRh �H the provlilona 01 II1H IE�68. N BOROWlf �Cqlll(Q9 lee title to lhe � •'`
<br /> Property, the Ieeaehold and lhe lee title shaN not mergo uniese Lenda agrees to the merger In writing. �
<br /> �� 7. PrOt�ctlon of L�nd�r's Rlghts In th� Prop�rty�e Borrowa IaNe to perform thA cavennnte end egreementa � s
<br /> contslned I�thia 3ecu�ity Instrument, or there Is a IegN proceeding that may elg�lAc�nty�ftoct Landnr's riphts In the Property �.:
<br /> (such as a proccedinfl in bnnk►uptay, probate, tor cortdemnatlon or forfriture or to enlorce I�ws or reg�d�tions),then I.ender may,,,
<br />„ :�'��-�'�j�`� do and pey lor wt�atever Is necesssry to �rotect the velue o1 the Property and Lender's riphta h the Propetry. Lenda►a actlons� � ,:
<br /> may Includa paying any suma secured by a ilen whlch haa priodry over thla Secudty InetNment, �ppearinp in couA, p�ying� �-;�
<br /> * reasomble�ttomeys' faes and enterinp on the Property to meke repairs.Afthough Lmder may take ectlon under this pangnph ��__
<br />=" 7, Lende► doea not hnve to do ao. -
<br /> F My amaunte disbursed by Lender undar paragrnph 7 shnY become edditlonal det�t oi Borrower secured by thls Security _
<br /> ,� � Instrument. Unless Borrower end Lender agree to other torma ot payment, these emouNe shall bar interest ham tha dnte of� :�
<br /> . , ,; disburoomant at tho Nota rete and shaN be payable,wfth Interest, upon notice Irom lmder�o Borrower reque�tlnfl payment, �_
<br /> 8. MW'�g�� Insur�nc�. If Lendcr requirod martgRge Insurs�nr.e ea a condition ot m�kinp tha loAn aecurad by thla _
<br /> � Security InsWment, Bortqwer shaN pay the premWms required to m�fntaln►he mortg�pe ineuranee In eN�et. 11,for any�e�son,the ..-
<br /> ' martgaga Msu►ance coverage required by Lender lapees or ceases to be In eflect, Borrower shalf pey thQ premlums requlred lo --
<br /> obtein coverage eubstantiaNy equirafent to tha martgaga InsuranGe previously In eflxt, ai� cosi eubetnntleNy equNalent to lhe
<br /> cost to Borcower of tho martgepa insurance praviquny in eftect, lrom m artemate modgnge haurer �pproved by Lender. It �
<br /> z� ' substantialy equNalent maKgage hauranao coveraga Is not avaHable, Bortower sh�N pay lo Lender each month a sum equ�l to
<br />� ono-tweNth ot the yoerly martgage Fnaurance pram{um being pald by Borrower wher Ihe Insunnce covenge Npaed or ceased to
<br /> � be in ettect. Lender wNl accept,use and retain ihase paymEnts aa a loss resenie N ilau of mortgago Inaurencs. Lose reaerve �
<br /> - paymanta may no longer be required.at the option of Lender, it mortgage Insunnce covenge(h the emaunt nnd for the peiiod
<br /> , � that Lender requlres) providad by an Insurer approved by Lender agafn becomes awNable and Is obtalned. Bortower shaU pey
<br /> th4 prmnN.+mn required to malntaln mortgage (nsurance in eftect, or to provide e loss resdve,until the requkement tor mortgago
<br /> Inauranao ends In accordance wfth any written agreement between 8orrower and Lender a�ppYcabie Iew. _
<br /> ' 9. InapA�tlOtl.Lender or tts agent may mAke reasoneble entdes upon end Inspactlons o1 the Property. Lender shall give
<br />- • Bonower notice at the Ume ot or prior to an inspecllon speGlying reasonabte cause for the InspecUon.
<br />_ �� �' 10. Cond�mn�tion.The proceeds ot any award or claim for demages, dkect orconaequenttal, In cannection wRh my
<br /> -i :t'� �- condemnetlon or other teking oi sny patt of the Property, or for conveyance In lieu of condemn�tlon, ere hereby essigned end
<br /> shall be psid to Londer.
<br /> T;t'� � � In the event oi a totel teking of the Property, the proceeds shali be appYed to tt�e suma seeured by thls SecurHy
<br />�_>;:;;�k�.., instrument,whether or not then due,wRh eny excass peid to Bortower. In the event o!�partlel tsking of the Property In which
<br /> c�=� the felr rt►erket value o} the Property immedlatety before the taking is equal to or gater Ihnn the amount ot lhe sums eecured
<br />�•'s; -"�°� by thia Security Instrument Immedietelyr before the taking, unlesa Borrower �na lender otnerwise sgree in writinp, ine sums °
<br /> ,�:s`F���;� secured by this Security Inatrumer►t shaN be reduced 6y the smount of the proceeda mul6pUed by the toHowhp lnctlon: (a)the
<br />-=_�-`"��- total amount of tha sums secured immedlately before the taking, divided by @)the 1d► muket value o1 the RopeAy Immadlately
<br /> ..,��;..>`_:y.37��
<br /> ��*�� be(ore the tnking. My bslance ahall be paid to 8orrower. In the event of a p�dinl teking d the Properly fn whlch the hk market
<br /> .ix�� .�� value of the Property Immediate#y before the taking is less than the amount o1 the auma eecured Nnmedlately beloro the taking� .
<br /> ��.s...x��„ unless Bortower anci Lende► otfiervvise aaree in wriUng or unless nppYcable law ott�e+wise provides, the proceeds shsH be
<br />�;-��#`l;?:crR�� �
<br />�,;�.p��,;�� �pp.led to the sums secured by ihia 9ecurity lnstrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br />��� If the Properly is abandoned by Bortower, or Ii, after noUce by Lender to Bortower Uat ihe condemnor oNero to m�ke an
<br /> .�;�4�,� award or eettle s claim for damages, Borrower feUs to respond to Lender within 90 d�ys dter the date the noUce Is gNen,
<br /> i__,��,:,�� Lender Is authaized to coNect ind epply the proceeds, at Its opUon. Nther ro restoraUon or repak of the FropeRy or to the
<br /> -:,;;F_��� sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> =-=�^!i�� Untess Lender end Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appYcation of proceeda to prindpal ahaH not extend or
<br /> -- postpone the due date af the monthy payments reterrcd to In pereyrephs 1 end 2 a chnge the�mount ot such psymente.
<br /> 11. eorrow�r Not Relsas�d; Forb�ar�nc� By L�ndsr Not• W�ive. Fx�ena�on ot tne t�n,e�or payment or
<br /> — modlflcatlon of�mortization o}the sums secured by thle Security Instrument g�nted by lender to any successor in interest of
<br /> � BoROwer shall not operste to release the Nebility o!the ortginal Bortower or 8orrowa's succesaoro In fnterest. Lender shall not
<br /> --- = be required to commence procexdings egalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend tMne for payment or othenviae
<br /> —= motNly amortizatbn of the sums secured by this 8ecurity Instrument by resson of any dandnd mede by tihe origfnal Bortower or
<br /> --��=•-=�� aORPWCf's successors in Interest. My forbearnnce by Lender In exercising any dgh�t a remedy shall not be e waNer ot or
<br /> _-_��� preclude the exerclse of any dght or remedy.
<br /> _ 12. Succ�ssors �nd Asalgne Bound; Jolnt �nd Sev�ral Ll�bllity; Co-slgn�ra.rhe covenmts snd
<br /> -- �greements of thls Security Instrummt shell bind and benefit the aucceasors end esslg�a of Lenda�nd Bortower,aubJect to the
<br />�. ..�.x.:_r.�a provislona of puegreph 17. Bortower's covenants and egreemente shaN be Joint end sereral. My Borrower who co•algns thls
<br /> -''"'� Securily Inatrument but does not execute tho Note: (a)Is coslgning this Security instrument onty to mortgepe, prent and convey
<br /> �-�`��
<br /> thet BoROwer's Interest in the Property under the tc�ma oi this Security InstNmenC (b)Is not personslry obpgated to pay the
<br /> -`__'-�r;;��—,� sums sscured by this Sccurity Instrument: and (c� agrees that Lender and any other Borcower may agree to extend, modity. �
<br /> — torbear or malte any accommodations wfth regnrd to the tertns ot this Security Insirurnent or the Note wRhout thnt Borrowt;•'s _
<br /> consent.
<br /> �--��''�t_= 1a. LOlIt Charges. if the loan secured by this Secudty Instrument Is subJect to a law whfch sets maximum loan __
<br /> �[�;';�^"�;'., charges, and that law is flnally Interpreted so that the Interest or other ban charges cdected dr to be caNected in connectlon
<br /> y'� ' wfth the ben exaeed the pertnitted limRs.then: (a) any such loan charge sheq be reduced by tha emount necessary to reduce �r
<br /> _ , x. the charge to the pertnttted IimR: and (b) any sums alr�dy collected trom Bo�TOwerwhich exceeded permitted Iimits wiA be �
<br />-"� "�' '- retunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by redudng the piNcipd owed under the Note or by making e =
<br /> '-'" ��w'�=.•;' . direct p�yment to Borrower. II a refund reduees pdnclpal, the reductlon wN be ireated as a partial prepayment wRhout any
<br /> _ _ prepayment eherge under the Noto.
<br />- � ( �s.M notice to Borrower rovided for In this Security Instmment shao be given by deliverki� It or by malNng it �V
<br /> _ � 14. Not c y a
<br />��� {.• , by fret cl�ss msil unless eppAable law requires use of another method. The nollce shaM be directed 4o the Roperty Address �
<br /> ��.i � or eny other address Bortower designates by notfce to Lender. Any notice to lender sh�N be given by flrst class nuY to
<br /> '"' Lender's �ddress steted hercln or any other nddress Lender designates by notiee to Barower. My notice provided for In thls �
<br /> Security Instrument shall bo deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when givm as provided I� this paregraph. �
<br /> =- 1b. Gov�►ning I..�w; Seve�ebllity. Thfs Secutity Instrument shaY be govemed by lederel law nnd the law oi the �
<br /> Jurisdictlon In which the Propetty Is located. In the event thet any provlsfon o� cleuse ot thls Security Instrument or lho Nute
<br /> - con111cts wfth epplicable law, such conllict shall not aflect other provislons ol this Seeuriry Instrument or the Note whlch can be `
<br /> - given eHect without the conflicting provislon. To thls end the provislana of thls Security InstNment and the Note ere declared to -
<br /> . . be severeble. -
<br /> 16.BOf�OWA�'8 COPy.Bortower shali be given one contormed copy ot the Nole and o1 thls Security Instrument. -
<br /> - ¢
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