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:� " .� . ..... _:.�_-i`:.=--=-_-�_ <br /> . . :i r.:��.._ - . <br /> � . . .. -.r_ ' — <br /> - .' .'�`�. f ����)�{�• . . :. _ — _ --- <br /> .. �- •. ��!—�asMr".�R-x-.��-:.':l�'`��t��"�"_-'.- .-. .,r._.-------'-- <br />. '..�{� _ . . . ._. . . . . .. <br /> ,�T.�'S�1WI. <br /> y�������-- � ` . <br /> __�� <br /> � i��.�� � <br />- '���+A <br /> �� <br /> ,4�'' , � <br />�,,�, � `: FILE:47-3928 �7'� 1��8 <br /> , � �;, _ <br />'%�415°ri,,;.�;�� ERHIBIT'A" <br /> .� <br />_ui��bTi�_�' A tr�ct ot I�nd compriaing a p�rt of the No�thwat Quarter ot the Northeaat Qu�rter (NVY 1/4 NE 1/4) �- <br />'_^:�'t ��' � ond � p�rt of!he Northea�t (�uarter ot the No�lheust Qu�rter (NE 1/1 NE 1/4) of SecUon Twelve(12), <br />'�,�� Tormshlp Bleven pl) NortM, Range Nine (9) West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nebraakw, wnd more <br /> _ -.-_. F.�.�, p�rUcul�rly deacribed p�tollows: — <br /> = , ri,�. <br /> �• �, Neelnnlns�t • p�►int on tbe North Iine ot sAld North�reat Qusrter ot the Northeaet (juairte� (NW 1/1 <br /> ; . NB 14), sald polni being'il�ree hundred Sixty (3tA.0) ket F.aat ot the Northwest corner of the Northwe�t <br /> ' _• � QuArter at the Northe�st Qu�rter(NW 1/�1 NE 1�4) and alao being the Northeast corner ot Mettenbr!nk <br /> "''`�� s Subdivl�ion, Hall C�unty, Ncbra�fc�; thence 90'OU' 00" E (aasume bearin� �long pnd upon the North <br /> , .,,; '� <br /> �.� � �. Ilne ot ss�id Northwest Quarter of the Northwst Qu�rter (NW 1/d NE 1/4) ■ distance af Nine Hundnd <br />. �„ �; :. FiRy-71�ree Rnd Nlnety-7M�o Hundrcdths (453.92)feet to• tempornry point which was establishcd by the <br /> -.'� `•�• � prolongadon ot■ line trom property cornecs esl�bllehed�nd recorded�s being on the West Iine oi snid <br />=�'�w�•'� �" Northesst Qwrter of the Northe��t Qwrter(NE 1/4 NE 1/4) on ■ eurvey by E.W. Kelaa,d�ted Mxreh <br />�-y.�.�1,�"ay, I{ <br /> ,,;����;'��° �: 20, 1957, �nd recorded 1n Surveyor•s Recard Boak No. 3 at Page 1A7, astd temporAry potnt being the __ <br /> ��•' ,a`�1' `' Northweat corne� of the Northeast Qusrter o[ the Northeaat Querter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) a� indicated on <br /> -���4�`"i'ti� aaid E. W. Keis� Survey; thena conti�u(ng N 9D° 00' 00" E �loc�g �nd upon the Norih line ot ewid <br /> ::•�•,-. '.• Northe�st Querter o[ the NortheAAt Qu�rter (NE 1/4 NE 1/1) a distwaa of NinetyOne rnd <br /> - Ninety-.Seven Hundredths (9i.9'1) feet; thena S 31°39' 13" W a dlat�na of 7M�o Hundred Eishty(Me <br />: ;.�ti�.,��+t;��� � �nd Ei�htyFour Hundrcdtha (281.84) 1'at to a polnt that la 5fxty (b0.0) tat West o[ (meanured <br /> Y����%'�.":;, perpendicul�rly to the West Iine of a�id Northaet Qu�rter o[the Northast Qo�rie� (NE 1/4 NG 1/4); <br />;,,,., ,, thence S OD° 58' 47" E along • Nne Sixty (60.0) tat West of �nd parallel writh the Weet Iine ot eald <br />,;���.� Northast t2uwrter ot the Northeaat Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) • distana of 7Mo Hun�ired Seven and <br /> -_� �z <br /> Seventy-Nine Hundrcdlhs (207.79) [eet;thena S 65°10'23"W a dist�nce of'7Mro Hundred Sixty1Wvo�nd <br />�`'���; Sixteen Hnndredths (I6Z.16) feet; thence N 00'S8' 1Z" W � dlet�na o[One Hundnd �ishty-1`wo snd <br /> =` <br />-;���,� Sixty-Seven Hundredths (1d2.67) [eet; thence S 62° 01' S9" W � distance o(One HundredSeventy- ree <br /> ;��:.`1��,:j �ed'lLiriySeven Hundredtha (173.37) [eet;thean ;7�"Sa'�o"':�� uisia�R�ot tia� .:a:.ds:�'Nlzxl;-S!z <br /> _.._,� �nd N{nety-S#a Hundredths (1%.%) ket; the�a S 64• 20' S9" ■ distance ot Five Huadred NiaetyFive <br /> •nd Sevepte+ee Hundredth� (S9S.S7) feet; thena S 62• i?' ZO" W a dletwna ot One Hundred Slx�nd <br /> —= Slaty-F�ur Hnndrcdtha (106.64) [at to • pol�t on t6e West Ilne ot eald NorthwYSt Quartn' of the <br /> --= ` 1Vorthesat Qu�rter (NW 1/� NE 1/4); thence N Ol• 06• 30" W do� �nd apon tlk West 8�e o[eatd <br /> � Nort6�rest Qn�rter ot tl�e Northast Qu�rter (NW 1/4 NE 1/�)� � dlat�na ot 'ibree Hundred <br /> NfaetySa�e�+ and SevtntyFive Nundredths (397.7� fat tn the Sout6wt�t coraer of epid Mettenbriak <br /> Subdivisia; U�na N 90'° 00' 00" E aloe; �nd upon tLe South 8ae ot said Mettenbrink Snbdirislan, ■ <br /> dist�ace of 7Uree Hnndred Sixty (360.0) fat to tLe Southast coroer of eaid MetterBrink Subdiviaton; <br /> thence N Ol•06'30"W a1onB and upon the E:ast Iine of e�id Mettenbrink Subdtviston,�diabna o[7Uree <br /> — Hundred�ad FIlty'IMo Hundredths(300.52)feet to the point of be6lnnina. <br /> -���ia <br /> --= =��� <br />�"::v�t!�+i�i� <br /> _-�.ic���� <br /> �-,ati��;:F�°J� <br /> o,-t`l�?'.' <br /> _�Yi��-, <br /> d.!• <br /> :,°� ;a <br /> _;'�"'- <br /> --- r���� <br /> __' T <br /> ' <br /> •����" <br /> .. J•� <br /> b . <br /> :i <br /> _ ,� � - <br /> . �' _ <br /> - �. I <br /> �wa. .. <br /> ��� qrn�MIlMt�hr AWMnMM AW f�uM�pM��.t•N!�!fl�tlf! �7•1fl�/ <br />