.:., ra„ . . , . . .
<br /> in.'
<br /> •r.i
<br /> :!'>�• � . - . . .'
<br /> `e,_ . .. � .. , ii. .:....r_S. .
<br /> � � ,. . .Y`.h;- -'�VNICl�'��
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<br /> ' � rr6v:�1�..fll�.l"r'�i�r,._—�`
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<br /> .... .....rM/ 4. . - .lil�i�lif�'L`icvtRa...�rr..,.=.............�..._'—'_'.
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<br /> _� ���.t .. � . . . .. . �'nYC� ..tl. . . .... . . . ii....�._�__'
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<br /> _� 4.
<br /> - �� �:� 9?'- �t�6645 F:
<br /> 6. M�Intenance Repel�� end Compll�nce wlth Lewr. Borrower sn�i� keep the Propsrty In pood CondRbn and rsp�tir; :
<br /> •+ � {h�ll prompty r�p�ir, or rpl�c��ny ImprovwrNnl whlah may b� Mmaq�d or d�stroy�d; thaN not nmow, dMnoli�h or subttant4ly aR�r any �
<br />,.• ' f ol th�Improwm�nls on tM Prop�rty; sh�A nol Commk, wH�r or p�rmfl my �Ct to b� dans h or upon Ih� Prop�rty In vblatbn of�ny 4w, p
<br /> • , ordknnce, or rpuMtbn; md �hdl p�y �nd promptly dkcharp� �1 Bo►row�r's cost �nd�xp�sa all Ibne,encumbrmc�s �nd charp�a kvhd, °
<br /> � knpotW Or��s��fld�p�h{t th�PropNly or�ny p�q th�r�pf.
<br /> e. Eminent Dom�111. Undu le hK�by �sdlpn�d �11 comp�m�lbn, �wuda,damiyes �nd olh�r paym�nta or r�lMf (henln�R�r �_
<br /> 'ProcNds') In conn�otbn wNh condwrx��tbn or othK t�khp pr lh� Propnty or part IIN►�of, or for conv�yanc� h uw of cand�mn�tbn. `
<br /> ��.,,�`r#--
<br /> . Uncfa�haN b� �ntkMd �t ks optbn to comrtNnc�, appwr h �nd proucut� In ks own nam� eny�ctbn or prxNdk►ps,�nd �hall alao b�
<br /> �ntklod to mak� my oompromk� or t�ttl�rt�nt In connsotbn wkh tuch taklnp or d�rtua. In th� �v�nt tny portbn ot th� Propwty ia eo
<br /> °:�,r ° hk�.a or d�rtwpW, Und�r 1ha!hew th�optbn, h Re aoM�nd �b�olut�dlsCntlon,to �pply tll such Procs�ds, aft�r d�duothp th�nkom tN
<br /> • � cost��nd �xp�ns�s fncurtod by R in cann�ctbn wRh cuch Procpds, upon any Ind�btadness sacurad hKOby �nd h auch ordM u L�nd�r
<br /> � t m�y d�t�rmh�, or to tppy til auch Procs�ds,aftsr such d�ductbns, to Ih�nstor�tbn ol th�Property upon cuch CondRbns as L�nd�r may _
<br /> d�tsrmh�. My appib�tian of Procoeds to IndWtednasa shall not exte��d or postpons th�due date of �ny paymonts und�r the Nots,or cun
<br /> ; � �ny ddault th�round�r o�Mreund�r.
<br /> _.` .,
<br /> ,� 7. PeMorm�nce by Lender. In th�w�nt of Bortqwsr's t�NUn to perlorm�nY of th�cown�nte h�nln or rrwk�any paym�ntt
<br />�fi nquind h�eby,or M ony wt b tak�n or Npal procMdhp cortwn�nc�d whVch nutaialy alMcts L�ndws tnl�rsat h th�Propwty,Undw may h
<br /> �i�.".�• � ks own diacntbn, but wNhout oblip�tbn to do so,and wRhout notk� to or d�mand upon Borcow�r and without nMasinp Bortow�r kom my
<br /> �;��.:^�:-.��.•
<br /> - �•:�.,,: � obtip�tbn, do �ny �cf wh�h ih� Barow�r h�s �pre�d but lalls to do end may also do any othe act It dl�rns Mc�teuy to prot�ot th�
<br />- ,,. s�curity hsrwf. Bortowr shaN, MnrrNdyt�y upon dMnmd therslor� by Under, p�y to Lsnd�r aN coats and ��ens�s Incumd and sums `
<br />� � '� �d�d by L�ndK h aonn�ctbn wkh th��x�rcla�by Unde of th� torpolnp riphts,iooethe wkh IntK�st thKeon at th� rats pmvid�d b
<br /> ti�'.,,::r��.:
<br /> " �- ' the Nots, whfch sh�N be�dded to the Indsbtedness secured hereby. Lender 5ha11 not htu►eny peraonU IiabNity b�cause of anythinq k rtuy a,.
<br /> , :�„��,`� do or omk to do hxeundlr.
<br />- •.�. -
<br />�..,,:�`,';; • 8. Eve�b ot Dei�ulG Th�folbwhp shaA ConstRute an event ot dehuft under Ihis Deed of Trust:
<br /> "i";v..,.
<br /> rY� _
<br /> ' � (�)FaNuro to pay any hsqirwnt of rinc al or Interest or an other sum secured hwka wheri due,or hNure to pay wh�n dua an
<br />_�3y:=.`,��,; P �p Y Y Y
<br />-_ ,,. other hdsbtodn�ss of Bortower to Londer;
<br />-��''t'•_4r
<br /> (b) A brMCh o1 or dNauk undu any provisbn contafn�d fn the Not�, this De�d ol Truat, any document wh�h soCUws th� Not�,
<br />�._g,�.;:=�:�;.� �nd any other sncumbnnce upon th�Prop�rty;
<br /> ��r��''
<br />;;�5.��� (o) A writ of eaecution or ittaohment or�ny sfmiler process shall be entered apainat Borrower whfch shaN become � Iien on the
<br /> �;;,.��„o, Property or any portbn thereof or IntKSSt thsroh;
<br />___��. (d)Th�n shaM be fiMd by or aQ�hst Borrower an actbn under any present or future Ndertl, stata or othK statuts, kw or rpuWtlon
<br /> ��_=�?!� rolttlnp to bankruptcy, insolvency or othAr relfef for debtors; or there ahaU be appolnted eny tmst6e, reC�ivar or Ifquld�tor of
<br /> ��"_.,,� . Borrowrr or ot aN or�ny ptrt of tho Proptwty,or the ronts, issues or profRs thereof,or 8orcowa shtl nuk�any ponanl asslpnmmt
<br /> — fa tha baiNk ot credlors;
<br /> - -�•�� �
<br /> _�,;�� ' (�)Th�ub,tnnaier,�ssqnment, conwytnce or (urther encumbrence of all or any part of or any hterKt In th� PropKty, �Nlwr
<br />�--�-� voluntarNy or Involuntuly.wRhout th��xpross wrkton consant o}L�ndN.
<br /> —__—. ,
<br /> 9. Remedie�; AcceleraUon Upon Dei�ult. in �ne .+ro�c of any Evmt o� o•rauK ��d.r m.y d.ci.n aa h��.dnKs
<br /> °°��� aecurod h�reby to be du��nd payabb and the same shaH thereupon become due nnd p�yeble wRhout Ny pns�ntm�r►t,d�nd, probat or
<br /> --- -- notice of iny khd. TherNRw Land�r may:
<br /> (�)Dwr�nd that Trusue ezerofse the POWER OF SALE pranted hereln,end Trustee shall therseRer Gus�Borrower'e Nt�r�st In the
<br /> -- Property to be aold �nd th�proceeds to be dlstributed,all h the manner provlded „the Nebreska Trust Desds Ach
<br /> —_.__— (b) Ekht� fn pwso� ar by�pant, wkh or wRhout brh�hy any actbn or proceedYq, or by o recoMe► �ppohtod by a Court �nd
<br /> wkhout rpud ta the�dequacy of k security, entsr upon and take posssasbn ot the Property,or eny put thanof, in Ns own name
<br /> � a h tM nams of Trusts�,�nd do any�ets whbh R deems necessary or deskeble to preservo the vnlue,mark�taDluty or ronbbllity
<br /> --��'� of th�Prop�rty,Or put thKeof of htenat theroh, inCrwso tho InCOrtw thaaRom or protect the Security hereo}�nd,wRh or wRhout
<br />�t��,� Wclny pots�asbn of Ihs Propsrty, sus (or or othsnvlse collsct the nnts,Issues an0 pratits thereof,holudlny thoss ptat du��nd
<br />__�.,��...,� unpakl,and�ppy tiie s�me, bss ensts and expenaes of operatbn end colfectbn heludnp attomeys'f�a, upon any hd�btedneaa
<br />--�'"'"'as"'�b� � NCUnd h�t�by, alt h such order as Lender may determine. The enterfny upon and taklnp posse�sbn of th� Proparty, th� =-.
<br /> � CoN�ctton of suoh ronls, lasues md profits and the eppltcatbn theroof as aloresflld,ahall not Cure or walwr any detnuk or notics ot
<br /> -r•�:��� defauR hMeunda or Nvalldite any aCt done In response to such delauR or pursuant to such nottca of defauk and, notwkhstandh� -
<br /> --�.�.�.
<br /> ___,�:�s,�, th�conthuanCS h possessbn Of the Property or the colleotton, receQt and applfcatbn of renls, Issues or profits,Trustee or Lenda -
<br /> - s�..-
<br /> �'�' � shall ba entRled to exMClse every rlpht provlded for in eny of the Loen Instrumenls or by law upon oCCUrrence ot any event oi -
<br /> .�:.�:,'�' _
<br /> �r�':.., dofauh,hcludhg the rqht to exerclse the power of sa�e; and
<br /> :C .ti + -
<br /> —�;.l'� h•;:!. =
<br /> __ _��,;`�+:.' (C) CortrnenCe an 8ctbn to (oreCbse thls Oeod o� Trust as e mortpape, appofnt a recehrer, or SpeCNfCally enforCe any of the -
<br /> - .•.i%3;'�_'' coven�nta hM1o};
<br /> 4�• �
<br />- y �r No ►anedy hareln Conlgrnd upOn or reserved to Trustee of Lender Is Intended to be exC4sNe of any other remedy hereh or by law provlded
<br /> ?,e• _
<br /> " or nrmltt�d.but�ah shal ho cumulntMo. shall ba h addlNnn eo ovorv nthor remadv aFron hereunder or now or here8fter exfsthn at Inw or -
<br /> -�_.�r - . . • • - - °_
<br /> , . In equRy or by st4tute,and may be exerclsed concurrenty, hdependenty or suCCessMety.
<br /> 10. TfUilEe. 'ihe Trustee may respn at eny tlme wlthout cause, end Lender may et any tkne and wHhout cause appolnt a
<br /> • succsssor or substttute Trustee. Trustee shall not be Ilable for eny bss or damaqe unless d�e to ectbnable neglfpence or wllNul
<br /> mfsoonduct, end she9 npt be requked to taka any actbn fn connectton with lhe enlorcement of thls Deed of Trust unless
<br /> • InderrniRied, In wrftlnp, for elI costs, compenaatlon or expenses whfch may be assoc�ated therew�h. In addklon, Trustee may
<br /> .� become a purchasef el any sale of the Property Qud�clal or undor the power of sule qranted heretn);postpone the sale of an or eny
<br /> portbn o}the Prop�Ay,as provided by Iaw; or sell the Property os a whole, or h separale parcels or lots.
<br /> .'�, F119EE.LMU (1/07) Piq• ?oi a
<br /> . ,:.
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