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<br /> �,�., of Banower's covenants and agieements und�r this Socurity Instrumont and the Note. For this pucpose, _ -
<br /> �,�,�,,;;,µ� irnvacably grants and conveys tu tho Trustce,in trust. witti powas of sale, the following descritsed properry located .
<br /> �n Hal l County,Nebraska: ,;�
<br /> . :w-..
<br /> Lo� Twa (2) in Block t7na (1) of Elm Place Addition to the City of _-
<br /> � Grand Island, Hall Caunty, Nebraska. .:,�..�.
<br /> :; .
<br /> �
<br /> ��
<br /> �G -
<br /> � . -
<br />- . ��
<br />- , � '� which hag che address of 1311 W. F i rst Street,Grand I Sl and tsaee�,ct�y�, .,-
<br /> Nebraska 68801 l�iP c«te) ("Property Address'); ,:__
<br /> 3' TO(3ETHER WITH all the improvaments now or hercafter erected on the property, aad a11 euemenu� '-
<br /> appurtenances az►d fix[ures now or hereafter a pan of the property AU replacements and additions shall also be R-
<br /> coveTM by this Security Instniment.All of che fongoing is refe�d to in chie Secu�ity Iusuument as the"Proper�y'
<br /> ,. . BORROWER COVENANTS that Bor.nwer ia lawfully seized of the estate htteby conveyod and has[he right to
<br /> � ___ �„at��.,RyPy rh� Pmnerty and that the Prope�ty is unencumbend, excepc for rncumbrances of record.Borrower
<br />_ . wu�rancs and wiA defead generally the dtle to the Propetty against all claimt and demands, subject to any
<br />`k'_. .�.•J, '�' encumbrances of record.
<br /> =.}.7: ::�,...
<br /> �;f����.;�5�, THIS SECURITY �IVSTRUM�3NT combines uniform cov�naats for nadonal �se and nan-uniform covenanta
<br />_="'' '' '' wlth limited variadons by jurisdicdon to coastitute a uniform sx�aiiry iastcument eovering real psoperty.
<br />��,�°�;�"�'
<br />_;�;���r}� Borrower and L.�ader covenaat and agra as follow�: _
<br />=_.����' UNIFORM COVfiNANTS.
<br />��'!"•�;
<br /> �"�'� 1. Pa eat of Prindpal. Inta�est �nd Late Charga Bortower shall pay when due the principal of, oad
<br />�;�i�:.' iRp n
<br />�,�° intenst oa,the debt evidonced by the Note and late charges d�e nnder t6e Note.
<br />—:,•,"�;°��� 2. Month{y Paynteat o[Taxe�� Iniurana nnd Otha Chorges. Bocrower ahtll �nclude fn eact► moatWy
<br /> _" .-��;
<br />_�_��� prymeat,together with the principal and interest u aet forth ia ttae Note and any l�[e chuges,a sum for(a)ta�ces�ad
<br /> �,:,�;��� spectal assessments levial or to be levied against the Pro�xccy, (b) leasehold payments or ground nau on the
<br /> - __,° proparty, and(e)Premium�for insurance roquired under par�raph 4. In any yeu in which the I.ender must pay a
<br />-�_�''�°` mortg�ge insurance pnmium to the Secretary of Housing and Ucb�n Devclopment("Secreury"),or in any yar in
<br /> �::;�`ss�.� each anonthly payment
<br />�.-.:,`�r. which such pnmium would bave been required if I.ender stlll held tbe Sexuticy Instrument,
<br /> -�`•`'�,",---� ehall elso include either. (i�a sum for the anmtal morsgage insurance pnmiiun to be paid by Lender to the Secretary.
<br /> :�wYy�
<br /> �s•__�•.,.� or(ii)a monthly charge instead of a mortgage insucance premium if this Secudty Instrument is held by the 5ecraary,
<br />� in a reuoaable amount to be det�rmic�ed by the Socretuy. Exeept for the monthly chirge by the Sxretary, these
<br /> '� ��:,� item�are called"Escrow Ite�'u►d the sums paid ro Lender ue caUed'Bsc�ow Funds.'
<br />�""'�''" Lender may,at auy time,collect and hold amounts for Pscmw Items in aa�ggnSate emount not to exaed the �_
<br />�.,�,.�+;v • _
<br /> ,_��.�.� maximum sunount that may be nquiced for Borrower s escror aaount under the Real Esuce Sett(cment Proceduns _
<br />_:;�::wsa�.�• Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 u seq. and implemee►ing regulaaans, 24 CFR Part 3500. as they may be �,_ __
<br />'-_ ��'�:?�� amended from time to time ("RESPA"), exapt tLat the cusEion or nservc permitted by RESPA for unanticipatal �,_
<br /> ` T.�:�[ � ::..
<br /> •- .':'"'�.� disbursements or disbursements before We Borrower's pay�nts are ava{lable in the account may not be Uaud on �„_
<br /> • • aaiounts due for the mortgage insurance premium• ��_
<br />--` . . � F,4=_�-
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