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<br /> � ' 17.7'runxfcr of Ihc f'ro�xrty or u Iicncficlai�ntert�+t In llnrraµcr.It �ill ur imy pnrt of thc Nri�pcn��ar ary in�crc,t in it
<br /> i.,uld ��r iran�frrrcd I��r if a lknclirud inlcr�,t in U��rrnwcr i+tiuld i►r ir.m�,larrcd und liurroa•cr i,nut a nuturul rnun)�vithuut
<br /> • Lrndcr'+priur ti��rittcn rum�nt, l.rndcr m;ry. u�ii� uption, rcyuir�: imrncJi��tc piiynwnt in full uf ull .unn ,ccural hy �hi. .
<br /> , . ;.,,� ticrurity In.trumrnt. Huwevrr.thi���puun,hull n�d l,e cx�r�itie.! hy I.enderr if rrer�•iu i�.pruhihitrd hy fcd�:rnl lu��•.+h��I'the dalc
<br /> uf tlii. Sccuriry Inytrumcnt.
<br /> �,,.,�++� It� lAndcr cxcrri.c:,►his��ptiun. l.cttdcr+hull Fivc Fiittrutiv�r nuticc ul'acccicratiun. Thr notirc�'ull proridc n rcri�xi uf ni�t
<br /> .•. �,,,,,,,,:►�1A� Ic,+th:m i0 day. 1'rum thr dutc thc n�uire i+�lclivcred ur nu�il��f wiihin which Burruwcr must i� nll .am, ,c�:urcd by this '
<br /> • Sccurity In.trument. If H��rruwer fuil,to pay thc+c tium+ pri��r tu thc cxpir.ui�►n uf thiy peri�xl. Lrndcr ivay im•okc:my remrdies � �,.,,
<br /> pennittcJ by thi�Sccuriry In�trumcnt withuut lunhcr muicc ur acmi►nd�m Burrowcr.
<br /> 1R. Barrow�cr's RI�{�t to Itcinstutc. It' &,rrnwcr mccty cenuin cunditian+. B�irruwcr shall havc thc riglit to hnvc 1J fN_
<br /> .l �nfurcement uf thi� S�curity Instrument diuo��linucd.it any �.ime prin� t��ytl�curlicr uf: (al 5 day� lur ,uch mhcr prriixl uti �
<br /> applicable luw muy s{krify fi�r rein�tutement) befure ,ulc uf thc Pn� �.n ur,uunt tu any Exiwer of ti:de contt�ineJ in this �:_
<br /> ' Srcurity Instrumcnt:or(h)entry nf a judgment cnfominF this Sccurity In�trument. Tliatic condiuons urc that Borm�ver: (ul puY� `.
<br />. ;:�•' l.cnder all sums whirh then wuuld be due undc:r ih is Security Inntrumcnt and thc Note a+ if itc�arcelerat inn had uccurred: (b) � _._
<br /> t: rures any default uf any other covenant� ur���rremenh: (cl pa}'� ull expen�:es incurrcd in cnfurcing Uii� Securily Imtrument. � _
<br />`, � including, but not limited to,reasonable auomeps' fees: and(JI tukes sucli uction xs I-e:nder may rcu+onaibly reqiure ta ussure �
<br /> that the lien of this Security lnstrumrnt. L.endc�r'�righth in thc PropertY and &�rrow�r's��hligation to pay iho �ums�ecured by
<br /> �' this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstmem�nt by Be�rruwer, this Secunty Instniment unJ the _
<br /> obliFatiom �crured hcrchy shall remain fulfy et'fativc us�f nu uc�eler.�tion had uccurccxi. Howevcr, thic right io reinstutc shnll y -
<br /> � not upply in the c:ise of acceleration undcr prirsgr�pll 17. �
<br /> 19. Sate �f Note; Chan�e of l.oan Senicer.Thc Nntc ur a purtial intcretit in thc Notc (tc►gcthcr with thiti Scruriry
<br /> • lnstrumcnt)muy be sold onc ar more time+withnut priur noticc io Burruwcr. A,alc muy result in u chan�c in the entity lknown �;_;
<br /> as the "l.oan Servicer")that collectti manthly puym�nts due under the Nute and ttuy Security Instrumem. There alt,o nu�y be one -
<br /> or more changes of thc I.oun Serviccr unrelated�a a sa�c��f thc Notu.If[herc is a diunge of the Laan Scrv icer. Aorro�ver will be -
<br /> given wntten notice of tt�e change in accorduncewith puragraph I-1 ab��ve and aPA�uab�c�a"'•The ni�tice will ti�me the nume and _
<br /> • �ddress of the new I-�an Servicer und the address ta which puymems tihould he nuid�. The notice �vill also contuin any other
<br /> • infomiation required by applicable I:�w.
<br /> 20. Ha�ardous Substunces. Borcower shall nut ruuse or permit the presencc. usc, Jiypowl, storage, ar releu+c of�ny
<br /> Hatardaus Substances on or in the Properiy• &►�ro�ver shull not do, nor aU��w anyane else to do, .inything u((ecting the
<br />-� , Propeny that is in violarion of any Envinmmemal l.u�v. The preredin8 two sentences shull ncn�pply tc�iha presenee, use, or
<br />"� _ :..,r �iQ o,.�� �h� Pr�perty of small quantities of Haz_ardouh Subr:tunces thut are generally rerognizcd tu bc appropriutc to normal
<br />;, ,. . :: residential uses and to maintcnance of the Propeny_
<br /> .,`,. Borcower shall promptly give I.ender wrinen nutice of uny investiFation, cluim, demand, law�uit orother action by any
<br />�,11fi.','_,�`• governmental or regulatory agency or private party inviilving the Property•rnd uny Ha•rardous Substance or Envimnmcntal La�v
<br />���Ta�,�fY of which Bonower has actual knowlcdge. If Borcower Iearns, nr is notified by any gavernmental or re�ulatory authoriry, thut
<br /> - -;-•�,::-. any removal or ather remediation of any Hauardous Substunce affecting the Property is necess:�ry.Borrov��er shall pmmpdy take
<br /> ''��x�,.�r�� all necessary remediul actions in accordance with Environment�l Law.
<br />-=�-�`�'3. As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazurdous Substunccs" arc those �ubstunces defined ati toxic or har�rdous substances by
<br /> -.--��.,v
<br />;,r.t,s„ Envb!ronmentul Law and the following substances: gnsoline, keroune, other flammable or taxic petroleum products, toxic
<br />=rK T�r�.'� pesticides und herbicides, volatile solvents,muterials contuining asbestos or fonnaldehyde,and radioactive matcrials.As used in
<br /> =._— this para�raph 20, "Environmental Law" means feder:►I luws and hiws uf the jurisdiction where the Pm�wrty is locuted that
<br /> "-"��'' rclate to health,sufety or environmental protcction.
<br />=r•;,�u,�.��
<br />-�=v±��R�, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borro�eer and Lendcr further rovenunt anJ agrec as follows:
<br />_���;-;;;'�' 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender shall�ive notice ta Borrower prtor to ucceleration following Borro�hrl7bunless
<br />_=�t�:•�I of any covenunt or agreement in this Secudty Irtstrument (but not pr[or to acceleratio� under paragrap
<br /> -..- -�s,�,•w,�l applicAble law provides otherwise).The notlre shall sp�ify: (a)the default; (b) the nction requircd to cure the default:
<br /> -- M���� (c) a dute.not less than 30 days from the date the not[ce i5 given to Bor�ower,by which the detault must be cured;and
<br /> - (d) that faflure to cure the default on or betore the date speciticd In the natice moy result in acceleration of the sums
<br />-�,'�fi?4;��„ i secured by this Security Instrument und sale of thc Property. The notice shnll further infnrm Born►wer of the rl�ht to _
<br /> __ ,:„�I reinswM �fter acceleretion and the right to bring a court actton to assert the non-existence ot a default ar any ot�r
<br />;���;- defense of Borrower to accelerat[on and sale. If the default iy not cured on or before the datc speciticd in the nMite,
<br /> _� g„„,,''�,.�I Lender, at tts option, may require immediote payment in full of all sums Kecured by this Security Instrument withont
<br />�rl�.��i further demand and may Mvoke the power ot sale and uny other remedie� perrnUted by applicab�e la«�.Lender shall be
<br /> entitled to collect all expens�s incurred in pursuing the remedt�s provided�n this paragruph 21,Including,but not Ilmited
<br />"''�.r• _�= � to. reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of tltle evldence.
<br /> -��i�;•
<br /> - -�•�: . It the power of sale Is invoked, Trustm shall record a natfce of det'ault i��each county In x�h�ch any part of the
<br /> „A.;�;�°, Property Is loceted and shall mn8 cop(es of such natice in the manner pt�crlbed b��upplicable larv to Borrower and to
<br /> - - � the other per•wns prescribed by appllcuble lan- Aiter the time requirecl by applicable law.Trustee shall glve pubde notice
<br /> � of sale to the persons and in the manner prescr�bed bY aPP���blc lua. Trustee, without demand an Borrowcr. shall sell
<br /> the Property at publlc suction to the high�t bedder at the time end pluce and under the terms designated in tl�e notice of
<br /> . r,ale in onb�r ublic announce ent ut the tnuTand placeeof any�previnu ly�sclie�dule�d�sule.1 I.ender or Its de.s fi ee may
<br /> Properev Y P
<br /> purchase the Property ut anv ss�le. —
<br /> Form 3028 9190 —
<br />_ � —
<br /> _ �r'._� P�qo 5 018 —.
<br /> _ '*�' S
<br /> _ i —
<br /> .
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