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<br /> STATB OA N=p�� ��� Zv��a �-
<br /> COUNTY OP �L
<br /> On ttds 11TH day of �►��ar, 1997 ,�fore me,�he undarelQned,a Notuy Publlc. In and far e�id cc►unty, -
<br /> personally c�me TIM C PI.l1TE, 11 BINaLB P6RSON ANA RUD04F 6 PI,11TIt 71ND JB71liNICS A PLATE, NU9811Np AND NYlE
<br /> pc�son�lly to me known w be�he idendcal person(s)described in�nd whosa n�mep) +re affixed W dte above insaument aa
<br /> mortQi�or(a)and sever�lly acknowlalyed saW instrumont to be thei r volunury act and dad f'or the purposaa dier�tn
<br /> ezpressed.
<br /> IIV TPST1hi�NY WIiLRL'OP,1 hzvc hercunw sct my hand and��xed my oPfiaial�sal on the doy and y�ar list�bove
<br /> wrinen.
<br /> �f'ctlFJN�„ �J ' �—�
<br /> '�Of d ME61t�� Notary Public.
<br /> .M�,�...�Y ComM ExQ -
<br /> .,..._ -
<br /> My r.ommis.aion eupires: —
<br /> STATE OP
<br /> COUN1'Y OP
<br /> On d�N day of ,beforo me,the underai�ned,a Notary PuBlk. in ard for said councy,
<br /> Perwnalty canro
<br /> q me Icaowa b be tbo identic�l percon who eaavted the foreYoin4 u�d kicaowkd4ed t6e oxaudon thereof to be his volunury
<br /> �ct uiA deed u President of Home FedenlSavNaa uid Loan Association of Grand Ialand.�Co�pondon,u�d d�e volunnry
<br /> �u asd dad ot said CORPORAT[ON AND THAT THB Cotponte sc�l thereto atfixed waa it�'ued by its wthoriry.
<br /> Nottry Public.
<br /> , My wmm[ssioo enpires:
<br /> ,
<br />- 1Il91 B27•2
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