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<br /> •��+�'i°�'� 13.Notkes.Any noticc to Borrowcr provided for in this Sccuriry Instrumcnt shall bc given by dclivcring it or by ��--�
<br /> mailing it by Cirst class mail unlcss opplicstblc law rcquires usc o!anothcr mcthod. Thc nouce shall bc d'uccted to the '7-=-
<br /> Property Address or any othcr addresJ Horrower designatcs by notice to Lcnder.Any noticc to Lcndcr shall be givcn by ��'
<br /> ,�,
<br /> First class mail to L.cndcr's address statcd hcrcin or any address I.endcr designates by noticc to Borrower. My notice
<br /> provided for in Ihis Security Instrumcnt shall bc decmed to havc bocn given to Barrower or Lender when given as ��"'"
<br /> � ' provided in this paragraph. '*t-
<br /> 14.Governing Law; Sever�bility.'Iliis Securlty I�swment shall be govcrncd by Fcdcral Iaw and the Iaw of tho ;�__.
<br /> � judsdicuon in which the Property is located.In the event�het any provision or cktuse of this Security Instrument or tha ••- --
<br /> �;• Note contlicis with applicable law,such con[lict shall not affect other provisions of ihis Security Instrument or tha Note ,t
<br /> ; whir.h can be given effect wlthout the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumont and ---
<br /> � the Note are declarcd to bc severabl�. -��
<br /> 15.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall ba given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumon�
<br /> 16. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit ihe pmsence,use,disposal,storage,or relesise of .-
<br /> :,,� any Hazardous Substances on or in the Pro;�erty.Bonower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting
<br /> � the PropeRy thzt is in violation of eny Environmental Law.The preccding two sentences shall not apply[o the presence,
<br /> use, or storage on thc Property of small quanddes of Hazardous Substances that are gencrally recognu.ed to bc -
<br /> . appropriate w normal residential uscs end to maintenence of the Propeity. _--
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written noticc of any invesdgarion,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acpon by °—-
<br /> ' "��;; nny govemmcntal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and eny Ha�ardous Substance or
<br /> '��`,''�` Environmentel Law of which Borrowe�has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govcrnmental or
<br /> regulatory authorihj, that eny removal or other rcmediation of any Ha�ardous Substances affecting the Property is -
<br /> - - ' - � necessary,Borrower shall prompdy take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � , As used in this paragraph 16, "Ha�ardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous
<br /> substances by Environmental Law and the following substancas:gasotlne,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic peuoleum
<br /> • � producis, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvcnts, mat,erials containing asbescos or formaldehyde, and _
<br /> • radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph 16, 'Bnvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of tho
<br /> :;�':�•,,_�. : jurisdiction where the Properry is loceted that relate to health,safery or environmentel prou;c6on.
<br />��'���.;t�.;�
<br /><;;•�. ���� '.'' NON-UNIFORM COVfiNANT'S.Borrower and Lender funher wvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � � � 17.Assignment ot Rent4.Bonowcr uncondirionally nssigns and transfers to Lendcr all thc rents and revenues of
<br /> �+� `�" ° the Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to colle�t the rents end revenues and hereby directs each
<br />'�=`v='"}' •' tenant of ihe Pro
<br />�st�,,,�;,,.=.. perty to pay thc rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However,prior to Lender's nodce to Borrower of
<br />�K 4;�.°.; Borrower's breach of a��y wvenant or agreement in the Security Inst=ument,Borrower shall collect and receive all rents
<br /> � r ' and revenues of the Property as trustee for thc beneGt of Lcnder end Borrower.This assignment of rcnts constitutcs an
<br /> i-���'�� �� absolutc assi ment and not en assi mcnt for additional securi onl
<br />-r-,-:..�;._ Bt► 8� tY Y•
<br /> _:=•��.•�€; If Lender gives notce of breach to Borrowa: (a) all rents received by Borrower shaU be held by Borrower as
<br />'u'` '��•`'� trustcc for bene�t of Lender only, to be appGed to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (b)I.ender shall bc
<br /> ;F'tit'Yn:�;f?�,. -
<br />�_..:�,f._,• entided w coUect and reccive all of the rents of the Properry;and(c)each tenent of the Property shall pay all rents due -
<br />=;�►���;�,,',:�. and unpaid to Lender or Lendcr's agcnt on L.cnder's writcen demand to the tenan�
<br />-'°=--�::���� Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that would
<br />�""�"°"� prevent Lcridcr from excrcising its rights under this paragraph 17. ---
<br />;`s�n• Lender shall not be required to enter upon,take control of or maintain the Property bcfore or after giving nodce of � -
<br /> ����"`` breach to Sorcower.However,Lender or a udiciall mted receiver ma do so at an time there is a breach.An i:
<br />�-.s=„�,;,. J Y aPPo Y Y Y
<br />-;.��•••� .�.� application of rcnts shall not curc or waivc any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lcndcr. This i'�
<br /> � assignment of rents of thc Property shall tcrminatc when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full.
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